Sounds like a journey i shall embark on! :)
those should be some good plants. lots of sun = healthy plants.
Completely brotha.... good... actually GREAT areas for sun exposure! you'll see pictures soon enough tho;) Its just that the climat get really dry and I was talking to the owner of the biggest nursery in town and they say average humidity throughout summer here is around 10 - 20% at the highest depending on rain if any!:( But they will deffinately be good plants;)
will address your posts later...

Twisted up a couple ounces of fat stinky nugs into joints..... Purple Kush Colas lined up for smokin, got the bong and a couple pipes ready to go. The brews are chillin in the cooler.... Hash is ready to be puffed on too..... 3 BBQ's lit up and starting to coal..... pork and beef Steaks, chicken, ribs, hot dogs, hambrugers, lasagna, pasta, cheesy potatoes, baked potatoes, chicken salad, potato salad, chex mix, chips, dip, and fresh home made salsa and veggies to snack on, fresh hand tossed salad, fresh fruit, home made pizza, tons of soda, home made sun tea, sprinklers on, plants are reaching for the sky.....

And no ones shown up. BBQ was set to start two hours ago..... guess Im just going to have to start puffing nuggets and running through the sprinklers..... if no one shows up we will smoke ourselves into a coma! Its upsetting to me though..... its not about me, its about this BEAUTIFUL, wonderful, smart, funny, sweet little girl..... she deserves the world..... she deserves to have fun with other kids on this day..... she seems content to play with daddy though, to stare into my eyes, and creep into my soul..... my precious baby girl..... today is your day, fuck everyone else :).

Brotha, I feel you really I do! Your daughter is lucky to have you My Friend:) If I knew you in person I would have been the first to show up with a present TLD....wish her a be-lated birthday for me would ya! I love childeren, they are the light of the world they really are, and to see the love a father and/or mother has for their child is incomparable and most precious:) have a great day Friend I wish you the best of luck! Oh and I LOVE Pescadero, beautiful, Im headingh to Portola to take a journey with a good friend of mine who is moving to Hawaii on the 10th.....cid-aliscious;)
twisting up a couple more ounces, and off to the beach with the left over food, for camping and a good time..... Pescadero, here we come, Big sur after that :)...... post pics in a little bit, before I walk out the door.... then I won't be around for a few days.... thanks for the love, my friends :)
I love big sur, haven't been there in like 5 years though, I need to get my license back and make a trip!
Big Sur.... Was there last spring... A beautiful place, beautiful drive from SF. Next time I see the beach will be on the other coast next month. Looking forward to it, but nothing compares to California...............
people did end up showing up for the BBQ.... small group of close friends and family. It was really a great time, though I was tired and blazed from the get on. The BBQ was started by me spending 2 hrs feeding and watering the plants outside while smoking a handful of joints.... people showing up, and me having a running commentary for them as I fed and watered, and that was after setting up for the BBQ.... then we started smoking and playing in the sprinklers and with the bubble machine and water balloons :)..... lots of smoking, baked out of my mind, good times, amazing children playing and having fun. The night ended in a blurry baked haze, :D.
Then off to the beach for a few days, camping, beaching, roaming, with my precious daughters, :). Nothing but playing with them until I came home, :), playing in the sand and in the waves, and jumping on the beds at the hotel.... helping set up the tents, and play with squirt guns ;). Was like nothing in the world existed for a few days, but those little ladies, and whatever was right in front of us, :). Those two sure can rock this world! Especially when they work together, :).
Coming home, and looking around, I see very noticeable growth on most all of the plants, :). Wish I could snap some pictures for yah, but somehow my camera has come up missing over the last couple days...... sigh..... go through cameras like lollipops it seems..... will get pics up as soon as I can...
Thanks for the love everyone, have had some seriously amazingly good times over the last week or so.... the dragon sure did soar high and proud! Now its time to hunker down and get back to work...... got tons of shit to take care of still...... stacking higher and higher ;)..... but not quite 12 ft yet..... the tallest PK is about 11 ft base to top. The raised beds makes them look a little taller than they really are..... The Ugly Indian Landrace is over 6 ft now (pure sativa) and the CCxHJ is not far behind.... :) maybe I can borrow a camera sometime soon and snap some pics......
will edit in captions later....

Pic 1- Chemo Cindy X Hi Jack, about 5 ft tall, showing excellent growth, HUGE fan leaves, Im stoked, :)
Pic 2- Purple Kush, almost 7 1/2 ft tall, this PK is revegging.
Pic 3- Tallest PK in the Garden, it swallows Lavenderstars in its girth, 11 ft tall, 5 ft diameter.
Pic 4- PK on left, revegging Sensi Star in center, Maui Skunk on right, and Blueberry Maui Skunk on Far right.
Pic 5- Im not sure at the moment of the order of the plants, but there is two NGGH, Widow Cindy, Jacks Surprise X Hi Jack, and CCxHJ in the pic (I think), PK in background on right.
Pic 6- Ugly Indian Landrace (Pure Sativa from India, Goa) 6 1/2 ft tall now, and just as wide, I knew this plant would grow fast, just not this fast!
Pic 7- Widest PK, at 6 1/2 ft diameter, it is also going on 8 ft tall :)
Pic 8- This PK was furthest into flower when I transplanted it, compared to the other PKs, and was slowest to reveg, but it sure is coming back, :).
Pic 9- The Tallest PK, I can't express, this plant is fucking HUGE..... 4 1/2 inches diameter at the Base! Two months to Grow before flower, hehe Uh oh, :)
Pic 10- Same as Pic 5, I am very pleased at these plants response to getting into the ground, another week and they will start feeding, :), Feasting! ;)
Pic 11- Original Maui Skunk on the left, Blueberry X Maui Skunk on the right, that Original Maui Skunk is growing just as fast, if not faster, than the Ugly Indian Landrace, and I am glad I put it in one of the bigger beds, its one of my favorite kinds of weed, :).
Pic 12- This Purple Kush is split right at the base, I am fascinated by this plant, indeed!
Pic 13- Ugly Indian Landrace.... I have been thinking about tying this whole plant over.... still undecided....
Pic 14- Two largest PK plants, picture taken from up the hill ;)
Pic 15- CCxHJ, if I tie over the UIL, this plant will have a lot more room to fill in, and fill it in Im sure it would ;)
Pic 16- Widest PK plant, this plant is a solid 3 3/4 inches in diameter at the base!
Pic 17- The split in two PK, this is one of the most vigorous PK's in the garden, this one and the one next to the Sensi Star, these two may surpass what is now the two largest PK plants in the garden, so keep your eyes peeled for that, :).
Pic 18- I love this picture.... it really is hard to get the whole garden in a picture, while still holding the perspective of the size of the plants and area they are occupying.
Pic 19- The plant directly in front of Lavenderstars, is Jacks Surprise X Hi Jack, and I am expecting some super dank nuggets off this plant.
Pic 20- "Labour of Love"- Quickly becoming an aesthetically pleasing place for me to spy, and to lay in the shade, :). One day you will see what I see when I look there.
will edit in captions later

Pic 1- California Poppies
Pic 2- Scene shot.
Pic 3- Plants recently came outside, just a few days ago, Grapefruit Desiel and Red Buddha in the small pots to the left.
Pic 4- Figured I should get a picture of the CCxHJ and the UIL side by side before I can't fit them in the same picture!
Pic 5- Mostly Nutes Green Goblins Haze (NGGH), Lavenderstars plants I snuck outside. Jack Herer Mother is mixed in there, can't forget that either ;).
Pic 6- Just inspecting I suppose.
Pic 7- Two on the left in boxes are NGGH, one on the right I think is CCxHJ, or JSxHJ, not sure.....
Pic 8- Got to inspect real close! ;)
Pic 9- Original Maui Skunk! :D Stoked, :)
Pic 10- Partial Garden shot looking North West :)
Pic 11- This PK sure does have Character and Beauty!
Pic 12- Blueberry X Maui Skunk, stems are purpling in middle of June/July, plenty of food, proper ph.....
Pic 13- I think its Jacks Surprise X Hi Jack (JSxHJ), looking good regardless.... Im going to have to label these more appropriately so the labels are in the pics ;)
Pic 14- All from seed, :)
Pic 15- Have to check and see out there what is what.... sigh....
Pic 16- I didn't take this picture, a talented photographer did, :)
Pic 17- California Poppy :)
Pic 18- Grapefruit Deseil, and Red Buddha.... meeting and greeting the sun.
Pic 19- Widest PK, this plant wat Pinch FIM'ed three times, :)
Pic 20- Tallest PK..... sigh...... I would just like to site my "Ode to PK", and referrence its material in this picture, :).