Hillary Clinton


Well-Known Member
You are a great writer.. and this post wreaks of rumor mongering...

Maybe, just maybe something in here is based on fact.. like the LAW LICENSE being revoked.. :)

BUT if you are accusing them of killing police officers and others... then some evidence.. or a link without FOX news in it would be nice..

I went to Arkansas for an armwrestling tournament and stopped at the Clinton Library... those people love him.. personal experience..

YOU SOUND like the written version of FOX

haha arm wrestling? sorry...

back to the issue at hand;

Of course they love him at the Clinton Library. If they didn't it would be called the Reagan Library, where everyone loves Reagan. What a silly point. As if you conducted a poll among Arkansas law enforcement or public employees.

My point that I keep reiterating is that I think it is unwise to vote for someone who you know nothing about. Since you still have failed to find anything she has done as a Senator (don't tell me you haven't been looking), I guess hat means you are just looking for a reason NOT to vote for her. I suppose you agree with her views, but this just isn't enough. Her policies are not only far leftist BIG governement (thats kool if you like that), but she has no clear definition in terms of her policies. She says what people want to hear. Some of this may be laced with bias from myself, but the facts that I brought forth are certainly more relevant than your fecal matter speech.

If you don't respond to my post about her lack of partisan AND bipartisan effectiveness, I will have to assume that you must have disregarded it as Fox News rhetoric. After all, CNN would NEVER mention her failed attempts at EVERY bill she has brought forth.


Well-Known Member
I am someone who wishes bill clinton was still president, and i really dunno what it is but i cannot bring myself to want hillary to be president. i just dont get good vibes from her for some reason, and as weird as it sounds, i dont see muc of a difference between her and giuliani. (who is my last place choice for president)

I like Obama, edwards, even kucinich.. and im a pro gun democrat, i just think these guys are pretty damn geniune.. i admit that im a ron paul supporter as well

people dont understand how i can support so many differnet candidates who have such different political ideals. In my eyes the game has changed, we need someone who isn't pandering to corporate interests. someone who cares about the people and personal liberty. right now we are choosing between which rights we are going to lose. both sides seem to be in love with censorship, and while hte democrats want to take away our gun rights for some reason, the republicans want to take away all our rights and liberties BESIDES our gun rights.

Republicans tend to use the word liberal as an insult, i dont see it that way. they also like to throw words like "tax and spend" around, well tax and spend is better than the "spend and spend" we have been doing for the past 7 years.

Kucinich for 2nd Amendment rights, huh?

Ron Paul sounds like your man. He is the only genuine supporter of all the amendments, including the 2nd. He isn't your spend n' spend guy either.


New Member
haha arm wrestling? sorry...

back to the issue at hand;

Of course they love him at the Clinton Library. If they didn't it would be called the Reagan Library, where everyone loves Reagan. What a silly point. As if you conducted a poll among Arkansas law enforcement or public employees.

My point that I keep reiterating is that I think it is unwise to vote for someone who you know nothing about. Since you still have failed to find anything she has done as a Senator (don't tell me you haven't been looking), I guess hat means you are just looking for a reason NOT to vote for her. I suppose you agree with her views, but this just isn't enough. Her policies are not only far leftist BIG governement (thats kool if you like that), but she has no clear definition in terms of her policies. She says what people want to hear. Some of this may be laced with bias from myself, but the facts that I brought forth are certainly more relevant than your fecal matter speech.

If you don't respond to my post about her lack of partisan AND bipartisan effectiveness, I will have to assume that you must have disregarded it as Fox News rhetoric. After all, CNN would NEVER mention her failed attempts at EVERY bill she has brought forth.

Hillary Clinton, Smack, smack, smack, Pow, whack, thump, thump, thump. Have we killed her yet?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Just a quicky

Class - hmmm stand by your husband after he's proven to have been given a blowjob by his secretary, why? Political power. Classy I think not.

Integrity - She changes her policies based on the poll of the day. Integrity I think not.

Professionalism - This could be a winner on your part but the first two points would be enough for me not to have any respect or faith in her.

YOU ARE fooking amazing.,. In a thread fool of verbosity and adjectives and just play STUPIDITY.. you have actually PUT yourself on the line and GIVEN something substantive..

You didn't just say

"she is lame"
or "she stumbes"
or "she is stupid"
or "her words are empty"

You actually gave examples... UN FOOKING believable... I am glad that somebody is not afraid to hang there KAK out... everybody else wants to hide behind rhetoric and empty words

I am not sure if class anything to do with blow jays... and i actually appreciate a woman who loves her man so much that she accepts him for who he is.. LOVE is amazing.. then again, maybe it is not love.. BUT I sure as hell don't see it as a class issue...

I think changing your policy is FINE.. it shows flexibility and understanding..

There are people in this country that say we must finish what we started in IRAQ or OUR dead soldiers died in VAIN...

NOW that is some crazy shit... everybody dies in vain... and more people dying doesn't change that..

so i like flexibility and the ability to change..

and sure, you might come back with... "she changed to get votes and to get money and to get laid"

well, we'll have to look at those issues on a case to case basis..

thanks again for the substance


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Jezamacrow. Are you trying to blind yourself to the facts I so clearly handed you, or do you really not make sense of it when I say she as done NOTHING. Experience in the white house? With what? she couldn't even keep her husband on a leash. You want her to run the country when the only vote that she gave that ever even mattered was one that she won't even own up to?

The fact that she has experience with absolutely NO success is like saying that no matter how many gallons of water she drinks..her shit is still light brown, but you'll hold it out for her to pull through with whatever the NONdehydrated color is. (can't believe you have to use shit as an analogy in order to make common groung in this thread.)

Case in point: If you are so left wing that you felt communism is the way...you STILL won't vote for her because she can't get shit done. If you felt any other way, say conservatively, you still wouldn't vote for her for the same reason plus the fact that she is a communist. Do ya get the drift or do I need to take a shit and send it express to ya?

can you turn this into one sentence for me.. what are you saying?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If you don't respond to my post about her lack of partisan AND bipartisan effectiveness, I will have to assume that you must have disregarded it as Fox News rhetoric. After all, CNN would NEVER mention her failed attempts at EVERY bill she has brought forth.

didn't you all ready use this angle?


Well-Known Member
Screw politics. I have half a mind not to vote at all, let this country run itself to the ground, and join the armed revolt/revolution that will finally take place. Cause that's what's gonna happen, it's been forever since anyone in this country got pissed and took action about it.

"Every generation needs a revolution" (or was it rebellion? same kinda thing anyway, just a different word) ~Thomas Jefferson.


Well-Known Member
You didn't just say

"she is lame"
or "she stumbes"
or "she is stupid"
or "her words are empty"
Nobody did. you have been handed reason not to vote for her on a platter by a plethora of facts and you continue to disregard every one of them to keep this thread going. I suppose I'm just posting because maby if I make neough noise you will fess up to it.


Well-Known Member
Screw politics. I have half a mind not to vote at all, let this country run itself to the ground, and join the armed revolt/revolution that will finally take place. Cause that's what's gonna happen, it's been forever since anyone in this country got pissed and took action about it.

"Every generation needs a revolution" (or was it rebellion? same kinda thing anyway, just a different word) ~Thomas Jefferson.
If its the same thing, then just use the original quote. So you believe in an armed revolution, but you think its ok for government to confiscate guns, money and lives???? Screw that revolution. If I want to overthrow shit its not gonna be with a super soaker.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
we all know anyone who would vote for Hilary is riding the short bus and cant have sharp objects since they are retarded and shes a man baby


Well-Known Member
I think changing your policy is FINE.. it shows flexibility and understanding..

Why don't you respond to my post with the same argument? I said the same thing. When I say she flip flops, you start talking about the color of your shit. When plastic trees says it, you have a counter argument.

Look, if your going to ignore my posts thats fine. Just have the courtesy of leaving the SHIT TALK between you and your physician. LOL