First grow/CFL stealth cab/Short Rider


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean dude, cannabis is an amazing plant. I'll be happy with whatever, just as long as I don't lose everything. Like I think I mentioned before, I'm not even that big of a smoker anymore, haha, especially now that I'm in the process of looking for a permanent job. Need to keep my pee clean. But even before that an 1/8th of nugs would easily last me a month.

Never grew Low Girl before. In fact I've only seen one other guy on here grow it. Forget how much he got, but it was his first time going with hydro and had some problems dialing in. When it's all said and done, I'll be lucky to get an 1/8th dry, which will barely cover soil and seed. It's my fault though, I didn't really put it in that great of a spot. Not much sun. Under ideal conditions I could see it pulling 1/2-3/4 ounce. If the smoke is good I'd consider growing it again though. I was just out today and it smells really piney. Only reason I got it was because it was the only single auto seed that I had enough money left on my card for after buying my other seeds.

Looks like you made a good choice to me! I bet a lot of those people who gave it bad reviews probably never did any research, over nuted, over watered and made every other mistake possible, then blamed the breeder...


Well-Known Member
Its definitely a lot harder controlling pest and everything outside, I've found that out the hard way already when I threw the two short riders I first started out and didn't spray them down. I'll be happy to get an 1/8th off one of those aswell but the more I think about it, I might just pollinate it and get some more seeds, if I get a male... Its to bad you didn't have a male low girl, you could do the same..

I'm sure you will get some good bud out of your grow, you have some healthy looking plants. I have faith lol!!

So far just from what I've learned I consider the money I put into the seeds and everything else, "worth it." If I do get bud out of it that will just be a plus. This has just been a huge learning experience and I'm enjoying every minute of it!! :)

Still no sex yet btw day 31.


Well-Known Member
As for the preflower, The long thin shape makes me want to say female.:cool:
+ rep smelly good lookin grow hope they are stinky bitches & + rep sonar for the preflower info.

Sonar if you are right about that I am going to have a lot of nyc diesel because that is exactly how all my preflowers look on a couple of my largest plants.


Well-Known Member
+ rep smelly good lookin grow hope they are stinky bitches & + rep sonar for the preflower info.

Sonar if you are right about that I am going to have a lot of nyc diesel because that is exactly how all my preflowers look on a couple of my largest plants.
Thanks man, I'll drop in and check out your girls!

Nice pics Sonar, I'm hoping to see something soon:)


Well-Known Member
:joint:I still can't tell sex but this IS my first grow, I'll have pics up tomorrow. Everything looks good, I picked up some emergency blanket and aluminum tape and did the inside of the box. That tape is way better than duct tape for the inside of the box!!


Well-Known Member
Don't worry bro I've been second guessing my setup since I started this grow lol!! I really appreciate the suggestions.

I was looking into buying the ballast kit off ebay and just making a cool tube but that seems like it might be more of a headache then its worth. Plus if it gets that hot, I'm not sure if I would want to screw with the wiring etc.. Shit those kits you showed me are cheap enough to get started and I would think I have a lot better chance of not burning shit down lol.. Did you order yours online? Thats the only thing I would be kind of sketchy about at this point.

Did you ever think about making your own DIY hps?
I'm sure there are plenty of us that would just love to be able to make our own HPS system. However, some of us aren't electricians. Just thought I would throw that in.


Well-Known Member
Cool how does it look now. Pic?
There looking really good, you can tell they've got a nice root system now. Drinking up a lot of water, I just up the dose of Big bloom to 1/2 strength and fed thirsty. I've been watering every 2-3 days using straight tap water every other time. One thing I'm going to do this week is get a ph tester and check the tap water and runoff. I'm also going to pick up some Tiger Bloom when I see that one of these are females!!

I'll have pics up in a few hours, I'll try to get a couple of the preflowers.

I'm sure there are plenty of us that would just love to be able to make our own HPS system. However, some of us aren't electricians. Just thought I would throw that in.
You don't have to be an electrician to make an hps, with the amount of posts you have I'm sure you've seen the DIY threads on here... There's so much info just on this forum that if you really wanted to make your own it wouldn't be that hard.


Well-Known Member
Here they are, 35 days tomorrow.

I added in a few of the cab so you can see the changes I've made this far along. Seems to be holding within 4-5 degrees. Right at about 82-83average.

As you can see thirsty looks a little sad but she was just watered so I have no doubt she will perk right back up! I was also looking at the preflower with the microscope and it seems to me it should be opening pretty soon. Droopy is a few days behind, it seems but she is showing preflowers aswell.

What do you guys think, the last pic is of thirsty's preflower. You can actually see it better in the pic then you can in person..

Looking forward to some comments, chain as you see I took your advice:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
LOL very nice, it's cool to because you can just lift them out to check the roots. Man the plants are looking very pretty. It looks like they are kinda light green are they getting any nitrogen? Well they will probably turn a darker shade of green when you get the tiger bloom so I wouldn't worry about it. Good job smelly glad it's going well for you. Remember to keep an eye on your soil ph it just bit me pretty hard. LOL I tried to kill that bug crawling on the screen like 3 times.


Well-Known Member
LoL that damn bug wont die!

Yea It worked out well with the clear cups and darker cups. Not only am I learning about topping and lst but I can watch the root growth:)
I'm gonna grab one of those digital ph tester here in a little bit.

About the light green, I was giving them 1/4 strength fish emulsion (5-1-1) but I stopped because I was told it would be to much with the FFoF in the early weeks. It is week 5 now though so maybe I should give them one or two more waterings on the opposite day of water with big bloom? What do you think? Thirsty is definitely lighter green but she's been like that since sprout. I'll probably just try the fish emulsion 1 more week and see if it helps.

Thanks for the warning on the ph tester, I was thinking about that a lot and I've finally made my mind up lol..


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Heeeeeeeeeyyyy... call me CRAZY but I have never ever checked my PH in soil. Never had an issue with it up to this point and been at it for around 7 years or so.

Not saying its wrong to check it or anything, but just seems like more worry to me. Peace and Be Easy


Well-Known Member
on your post where you show the preflower... my guess is male, the female preflower, even before the actual white flower comes out, is more narrow and pointed at the top. i could be wrong... i hope i'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
Heeeeeeeeeyyyy... call me CRAZY but I have never ever checked my PH in soil. Never had an issue with it up to this point and been at it for around 7 years or so.

Not saying its wrong to check it or anything, but just seems like more worry to me. Peace and Be Easy
Yea I hear you, I probably could have went without one but I just want to be sure.. Thats pretty impressive though 7 years without checking the ph. Must know how to read your plants!

I ordered that digital ph tester that you guys suggested earlier in this thread..

on your post where you show the preflower... my guess is male, the female preflower, even before the actual white flower comes out, is more narrow and pointed at the top. i could be wrong... i hope i'm wrong.
I hope you are too lol but thanks for the guess and thanks for stopping in! +Rep for trying:) I was actually thinking the same thing yesterday, I am new to this but from what I've seen today it looks like it could be female. I tried getting a few more pics but I'm not sure if you will be able to see what I'm seeing, "I think I'm seeing two little hairs coming out and pointing in different directions..." Or I could just be seeing things lol.. Anyways here's the pics, lmk what you guys think.

I also picked up 9 bagseed from some good bud from a friend and 2 are germing right now.:twisted:



Well-Known Member
Heeeeeeeeeyyyy... call me CRAZY but I have never ever checked my PH in soil. Never had an issue with it up to this point and been at it for around 7 years or so.

Not saying its wrong to check it or anything, but just seems like more worry to me. Peace and Be Easy
Hey husalife I'm about to start some shrooms in a day or two. Just need a pressure cooker.

Man I used ph 7.2 water and in the 7th week of flowering my soil ph dropped to 5 I nearly lost all of em.


Well-Known Member
I'm bored so I took some more pics of the cab, Now you can get a good idea of the space I'm working with and the whole setup. Lmk what you think and if you feel I can make any improvements please post!

You can see the difference in thirsty from having water, perking right up. Droopy is getting fed tonight with 1/2 strength b/b and 1/4 strength fish emulsion. I also trimmed a couple lower leaves on thirsty.

I was able to get a few pics of droopy's preflowers, I know its still early but I'm HOPEING I might have one boy and one girl lol... I really wont know until I see distinct balls or hairs so bare with me:) Of course 2 girls would be great but I'm not sure I'm that lucky.:roll:



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Like the Cab, lookin good bro. Lets hope for girls!!!!!

Good Luck on the Shrooms Chainseeker. Best of luck to ya and happy trips ahead ...

"Man I used ph 7.2 water and in the 7th week of flowering my soil ph dropped to 5 I nearly lost all of em. "
WOW I guess I go light enough on the Nutes and feed enough water on the next feeding to keep things strait. Ive just never had a problem with it. !!!!!!KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!!!