Pc grow case using soil

electronic orgasm

Active Member
Sup Chief? Keep those fingers crossed for females, must be patient though it will usually take about 7-10 days (Even longer) to see any preflowers after the flip.


Well-Known Member
Thanks EO for stopping by, I will keep my fingers cross both are girls. I can't wait for the topped area to grow! Then I will begin to flower Baby, she is 34 days into vegging but I will wait on Sassy since she is only 11 days vegging.

Day 34: June 8, 2010

Here are pics of Baby and Sassy. I watered them with nutes.


pic 1: Sassy
pic 2: Baby (back of Baby)
pic 3: Baby (front of Baby)

electronic orgasm

Active Member
Wow you did top those did'nt you? Did you LST them also? It kind of looks like it based off the first picture. No less, still looking good.


Well-Known Member
What's up EO? It's good to have you back. I did TOP and LST both plants but Baby was so bushy its hard to see the LST. I need to put some holes in the edge of the pot. Feel free to leave any comment to help me grow better:)


Well-Known Member
Day 36: June 10, 2010

I decided to re-pot Baby and put Sassy in my homemade pc box. I drilled holes in the back of the homemade pc box then tied wires around the lights to hold them more sucure. Both plants looks ok. I'm concern about the yellowing of the lower leaf on Baby, her soil ph is 7.5, and temp is 82F. The soil ph is 7 and temp is also 82F for Sassy. Check out the pics.

These are pics of Baby in her new pot and her home
pic 5: look at the yellowing of the bottom leaf! What is wrong?

Here are pics of Sassy and her new home.



Well-Known Member
Day 40: June 14, 2010

I decided to start flowering Baby, 26 hours NO LIGHTS (5:00pm Sunday to 7:00pm Monday), she will begin the 12/12 cycle today (7:00pm to 7:00am lights on). Baby won't need any nutes for the rest of the month or until I see signs that she is ready for nutes.


Sassy is day 16 vegging. I had to flush her because I use Ocean Forest soil and I forgot and gave her nutes. She has nute burn on some of her leaves. I won't need to give her nutes for the rest of this month.



Well-Known Member
Day 4 Flowering: June 18, 2010 (Baby)

I discovered that I should use the feed, water, water cycle with the nutes, which would explain the nute burn on Baby and Sassy. Here are some pics of Baby


Day 21 Vegging: (Sassy)



Well-Known Member
Day 9(Flowering): June 22, 2010 BABY

I've learned more about the nutes I'm using and have started using the cycle: feed nutes, water, water. I gave Baby and Sassy both nutes today. Baby will get veg nutes once more, then she will get flowering nutes. Baby is looking healthy! Here are pics of Baby:(6-23-10) Baby is a BOY---Threw him out!!!!

june 22, 2010 021.jpgjune 22, 2010 018.jpgjune 22, 2010 019.jpgjune 22, 2010 016.jpgIMAG0102.jpgIMAG0101.jpg

Day 25 vegging: June 22, 2010

Here are some pics of Sassy:

june 22, 2010 013.jpgjune 22, 2010 012.jpgjune 22, 2010 015.jpg

What do you all think? Sassy is looking much better!!!


Well-Known Member
Day 27 vegging: June 24, 2010 Sassy

I put the clone I had of Sassy into 24 hours NO LIGHTS. I will start flowering the clone 12/12 to see it's sex. Will update!


Well-Known Member
Day 30 Vegging
Day 1 Flowering: June 29, 2010

My lights in my pc case dropped on the clone I took off Sassy. Sassy have been in darkness for 30 hours. She was feed and started 12/12 today. Here are some pics of Sassy:

Sassy June 29, 2010 004.jpgSassy June 29, 2010 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good i have a pc style grow im starting i went 12 12 from seed...happy growing


Well-Known Member
What's up Napa23? Thanks for stopping by! Sassy is on the feed, water, water cycle. I feed my baby today. I placed Sassy in 30 hours of darkness, she was pretty dry when I watered her. My baby has perked up since watering!


Well-Known Member
Hey DSB65, thanks for checking out my grow. I ordered some feminized auto-flower Blue Mystic seeds. I will do the 12/12 from seed as well. Are you going to do a journal? I would love to see your grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey chief, I JUST planted my auto Blue Mystic seed. I'm so excited about it :mrgreen:. I'll create a journal and send you a link so we can compare techniques. What do you think? How many days between each watering?


Well-Known Member
Hey Napa23, I'm using Foxfarm ocean forest soil and I water every 2 or 3 days. I'm growing in a pc grow case so I need to keep my plant just under 18 inches tall. I'm waiting for my Blue Mystic order to arrive!!!! Check out your nutrients info it will give you the cycle you should use. My cycle is Feed, water, water. With Ocean Forest soil, I don't give my baby any nutes until the 3rd week and even then very little (1/4 of recommended dosage). Now if you want your baby growing really big, water it really good (like flushing it), when the soil gets almost dry, feed it, when the soil is almost dry again, water it (you DON'T want your soil to dry out)! Uncle Ben can help you big time with watering information! Can't wait to get my grow going on so we can compare notes!


Well-Known Member
I've got the sunshine mix soil so it doesn't have any nutes in it. Did you get your BM seeds from nirvana? I got their soiltabs too so I think I'm gonna give that a try. It says it should last the plant for 6 weeks. I got some regular fox farm nutes just in case the soiltabs don't go as planned. I'm still waiting for the girl to pop her head out, I know it's pretty early but I want it to happen already!


Well-Known Member
I ordered from Nirvana, and I saw those soiltabs and think that should help you with the nutes for awhile. I heard those FoxFarm nutes are good. Hope your girl pops and my order arrives soon!