Growin' chillies by the scotland


Active Member
Yup shes a beauty, FMK you said you never got blooms when you did peppers inside? wonder why that is. I'm seeing a ton of chem trails being laid down this week my dad says they are unmarked.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Aye , but i didnt have it under lights PN , just in a pot in the rec room as an ornamental plant.I kept it indoors for a year or so and it was spindly , curious thing was when i planted it outdoors it produced a few dozen chillis , but instead of green turning to red they came out red from the start.


Active Member
That is strange. read an article about your buddies town, Pasco has grown 83% in the last ten years. Last time I went there I thought I was in mexico so many non english speaking people.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Ya know , thats what my buddy says too , both about the immigrants and the population explosion.A lot of it is down to the Hanford project i suspect,i was invited out there last year to work and its good money but i dont fancy cleaning up nuke material , thats why its good money.


Active Member
Its all conected but from the free way its in sections. With Those wages hes prolly in a nice home, plenty of them out there.


Well-Known Member
ah i love this thread. lover hearing you scots talk.. its fun just dont have enough time to read through the whole thread. maybe when i can smoke ill get real baked and read through it ;-)


Active Member
Nice , really nice.Are you growing it to completion indoors ?
I moved it outdoors yesterday. The heat from the lamp was drying it out I think.

Nice healthy looking plant man:) what strain is the seedling next to it?
Just some bag seed. It's growing weird though. Not like any weed I've seen. I'll keep you updated on both plants.

ah i love this thread.
And I agree, I like this thread too. :-)


Active Member
ah i love this thread. lover hearing you scots talk.. its fun just dont have enough time to read through the whole thread. maybe when i can smoke ill get real baked and read through it ;-)
Haha cheers man :) just had a look at yer thread, your plants look perfect . How much do you think you'll get off that kaya?


Well-Known Member
man im thinking around 4 zips. maybe a lil less, maybe a lil more. haha you know how that is. ill give a wet and dry weight. i think when i move ill be starting an outdoor garden. how are your chillies doing?


Active Member
man im thinking around 4 zips. maybe a lil less, maybe a lil more. haha you know how that is. ill give a wet and dry weight. i think when i move ill be starting an outdoor garden. how are your chillies doing?
Nice one man:) my chillies are going good :) I'm gonna update soon . Once I get my cab finnished I'm gonna pop one of my seeds I bought , mabey the rocklock or sour cream and a few chillie plants aswell . :)


Active Member
FMK do yous get Glastonbury live coverage over there? Watching I on BBC3 , FAithless are playing:)

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
FMK do yous get Glastonbury live coverage over there? Watching I on BBC3 , FAithless are playing:)
Unhappily , No , we dont.We get 200 channels of horseshit (nascar and cooking programmes and god channels) the only time the telly is worth a crap here is the wee hours of the morning , total stoner ive seen.Robot chicken , Moral Orel , stuff.


Active Member
Unhappily , No , we dont.We get 200 channels of horseshit (nascar and cooking programmes and god channels) the only time the telly is worth a crap here is the wee hours of the morning , total stoner ive seen.Robot chicken , Moral Orel , stuff.
Get netflix ;)

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Get netflix ;)
I would but the ol'lady is so tight she makes Scrooge look charitable , seriously , she wouldnt pay a nickel to see an earthquake.My family in Scotland sympathise and send me DVD's of the best tv shows there so..cant complain.


Active Member
I would but the ol'lady is so tight she makes Scrooge look charitable , seriously , she wouldnt pay a nickel to see an earthquake.My family in Scotland sympathise and send me DVD's of the best tv shows there so..cant complain.
Bummer. Good thing you have nice family.