someone else
Active Member
Thanks for checking out my grow log. Hopefully I'm ok posting here; not sure if there is a grow log forum I should be at, but here goes!
I haven't grown for over 11 years, so this is my first foray back into it.
Started with 55 seeds in all, 27 Sour Diesel - 28 G-13/Haze from BC Seed King.
Lost over half due to flooding, deer, and random bugs.
Had to pickup more Sour Diesel to help make up the difference.
As I stand now, I have 23 plants all together (9 G-13/Haze, 14 Sour Diesel) that are strong and viable.
Started all my plants in the ground initially, but due to poor drainage (crappy clay soil here) and deer loss, I moved all surviving plants in 5-gallon buckets, with a 50/50 mix of peat moss and top soil.
Using Fox Farm nutes Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom. They're already making a big difference in the speed of growth and greenness of the plants. I only use it once a week due to fear of burning the plants, but it seems to be enough at this point. Also using full-strength. I'll probably skip a week every month from now on, just to flush it out occasionally.
I've installed deer netting around the perimeter of my guerrilla grow space, which I can't believe I didn't use to begin with. It's made all the difference and prevented random deer/animals of making a snack of my plants.
It's been hot as hell here the last few weeks (mid 90s), so I've been watering every 2-3 days. They're in buckets, and they get hot and evaporate quickly.
I have unfettered access to a lake about 2 football field-lengths away, but I've been humping in 5 gallon containers of water (usually two, 5-gallon containers of water per watering). It's hard to explain and for security I won't, but let's just say it's easier to bring in water.
Well I'll post some recent picks now.
I'll be taking more later on today which will show how I've camouflaged the buckets (they're those obvious orange home-depot homer buckets unfortunately).
All comments and questions welcomed!

PS (I'll do a better job of labeling which plants are which in the future.
Thanks for checking out my grow log. Hopefully I'm ok posting here; not sure if there is a grow log forum I should be at, but here goes!
I haven't grown for over 11 years, so this is my first foray back into it.
Started with 55 seeds in all, 27 Sour Diesel - 28 G-13/Haze from BC Seed King.
Lost over half due to flooding, deer, and random bugs.
Had to pickup more Sour Diesel to help make up the difference.
As I stand now, I have 23 plants all together (9 G-13/Haze, 14 Sour Diesel) that are strong and viable.
Started all my plants in the ground initially, but due to poor drainage (crappy clay soil here) and deer loss, I moved all surviving plants in 5-gallon buckets, with a 50/50 mix of peat moss and top soil.
Using Fox Farm nutes Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom. They're already making a big difference in the speed of growth and greenness of the plants. I only use it once a week due to fear of burning the plants, but it seems to be enough at this point. Also using full-strength. I'll probably skip a week every month from now on, just to flush it out occasionally.
I've installed deer netting around the perimeter of my guerrilla grow space, which I can't believe I didn't use to begin with. It's made all the difference and prevented random deer/animals of making a snack of my plants.
It's been hot as hell here the last few weeks (mid 90s), so I've been watering every 2-3 days. They're in buckets, and they get hot and evaporate quickly.
I have unfettered access to a lake about 2 football field-lengths away, but I've been humping in 5 gallon containers of water (usually two, 5-gallon containers of water per watering). It's hard to explain and for security I won't, but let's just say it's easier to bring in water.
Well I'll post some recent picks now.
I'll be taking more later on today which will show how I've camouflaged the buckets (they're those obvious orange home-depot homer buckets unfortunately).
All comments and questions welcomed!

PS (I'll do a better job of labeling which plants are which in the future.

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