First time grow: go buddha go!


Active Member
so this is my first attempt at growing. i've grown loads of other stuff before (chillies, tomatoes, basil etc etc) but this should be the most fun, for obvious reasons!

this forum is awesome and i've learnt so much already, thought i'd share my first grow experience with you guys.

this grow seems to me to be pretty low tech compared to some others - one CFL, no grow tent/cupboard, no fancy nutes. i'm not sure if this will mean that it's a boring one, hopefully not. let's see what i can get with green fingers alone.

i planted one seed a few days before the second, just to see how it would germinate. the second seed came about 3 days after the first and the third seed a couple of days after that, since i though it was a dud. turned out not to be though and so i have three babies coming along.

go buddha go!



Active Member
okay, so day one out of the soil for buddha 1. i put her in a peat tab thingy and it seemed to come up quite quickly even though i read here not to use these. i used a propagator, too.



Active Member
day 4: these are pics of the same plant, coming on okay i think. not growing quite as fast as i had been told it might but still quick by my standards.



Active Member
it looks like i got my days wrong, sorry to anyone watching this! THIS is apparently day 3, according to the dates on my camera/phone.

i guess it felt like later at the time, i'm impatient!

(two pics of the same plant)



Active Member
day 5: buddha 1 is doing well, buddha is quite retarded looking, buddha 3 is coming up quick.

buddha 1

buddha 2

buddha 3


Active Member
day 6:
not sure why i only took pics of this plant, maybe because it's the most impressive. anyway, enjoy. my updates will probably be less frequent in my updates from now on. i guess you guys don't wanna see day by day progress!



Active Member
day 11: everything is cool apart from one minor problem (it might not even be a problem). the older leaves on buddha 1 are curling a bit. i'm pretty sure i'm not overwatering. any ideas what it might be? i've taken pics from several angles so you can see. none of the younger leaves are affected.



Active Member
day 11: everything is cool apart from one minor problem (it might not even be a problem). the older leaves on buddha 1 are curling a bit. i'm pretty sure i'm not overwatering. any ideas what it might be? i've taken pics from several angles so you can see. none of the younger leaves are affected.

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it cud b bkos of d ph..stil man i hv to say 11 days ur lucky man...mines dint show up :'(


Active Member
it cud b bkos of d ph..stil man i hv to say 11 days ur lucky man...mines dint show up :'(
ah you got no weed babies at all? that sucks. where did you get your seeds from?

do you know the best way to test soil pH?


Active Member
ah you got no weed babies at all? that sucks. where did you get your seeds from?
do you know the best way to test soil pH?
i frgot man frm wer did i bot those its 1 of a gud site...believe me al 10/10 germinated wel...i think its bkos of my clumsiness i lost dem... :( d heat ws a big issue...frankly i m ti8 on budget dts y cudnt get d remainder i did get a kooler tho...anywz lets c btw i germed my 5 free seeds as wel its thai stick or smth :P...bro i use a general ph meter fr testin both water n soil...i live in london...n d tap water is like 7.8 here so i use few drops of vinegar to reduce it to 6.5 or careful mate wit dt...

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
django keep it up i'll scribe to it.....never had buddha so curious
i am also in the growing stages......luckily mine 2 out of five showed....

vairocks - good luck with the next one


Active Member
do you have a link to the kind of meter you're using? there are quite a few out there :)

here are some more pics of the leaf curling



Active Member
django keep it up i'll scribe to it.....never had buddha so curious
i am also in the growing stages......luckily mine 2 out of five showed....

vairocks - good luck with the next one
yo satia :)

how far along are you? and what do you mean when you say 'two out of five showed'?
