Basically nothing works as it did/should, a few examples:
1. Can't quote with the "Reply with Quote" option, only the "Multi-quote"
2. Can't load a thumbnail, get a black page then a return to the thread,
3. At my "My Rolliup", I get a 1/4 page of garbage off to the right of the screen. What is that?
4. Still can't edit my original post, would like to add a FAQ to it so I can stop some of the same old "where is the 2nd node?" questions. IOW, I would do a question/answer ditty. What should be basically a 4 page thread has turned into a 100, much being the same lazy types who are asking the same questions because they don't want to spend a day reading thru all the posts. What are you afraid of, that one out of 100 thread starters might delete something? So what if they do? The same material can be found with little effort in the 100 other MJ forums.
There are other issues many have mentioned besides these. If I had to guess, there is a GrowFaq ownership issue here, one based on copyrights...... a purchasing agreement, something. I doubt if it is a coding issue. You either put it up or you don't.
The feel and look overall is unfriendly.....not very inviting COMPARED TO the old software. I think you guys made a huge mistake - you don't fix what isn't broken.
What I speculate has happened here is a change of ownership, perhaps a security issue, being that the server is in LA (or so I've been told), and this is the beginning of the end of what used to be a great place to exchange info. You just don't take a polished gem and replace it with a turd. Sorry, but that's how frustrated I am.
Good luck,