100% odor control?


Well-Known Member
I plan to grow 2 lowrider #2 plants in a couple months and am looking for the best odor control solution. I will be growing in my closet in a sealed container(with vents) and using most likely CFLs to do it. I need to have 100% odor control so my roommates are unaware of the plants, and so my closet doesn't make my shirts smell or my room smell. What methods should I use? It needs to be cheap because 2 plants isn't worth spending too much on.


Active Member
small ozone generator would be 100 % but then 150$ aint cheap. maybe get some 4:20 friendly roomates


Well-Known Member

Tanman if odor is a primary concern you should consider another strain, Lowrider #2 is reported to "stink a fair bit!", you should consider a low odor strain.


"the house fuckin stinks and its only day 30 they do smell a lot"



The best thing to do for odor control is to grow in an enclosed area, use a carbon filter and/or ozone and vent to the outdoors. Odor control is important even when venting outdoors because the smell can carry. You'll want to keep a low pressure system inside your enclosed grow area and vent outdoors if possible, that way virtually no odor can escape your low pressure area - like a Hot Zone biological containment lab where each layer of rooms towards the center is a lower pressure than the previous zone so no contaminants make it out.




Active Member
The thing about a crabon filter is they are 100% effective when used properly. I've been in a house where i had to have 100% odor control. The trick with a Carbon Filter is you have to have a strong ass exhaust fan, and no leaks from the room! Everything that goes out of that room needs to leave through that filter. That means you need an almost air tight seal on everything else. You also have to expell a lot more air than you bring in, so you have some negative airpressure. Again forcing things to always leave through the filter.

When people said they didnt work 100% for them they either: had bad ducting, had too many leaks, had too weak of an exhaust, or had too small a filter for the job...period. These things work great.


Well-Known Member
Ive got 2 northern lights mid flower, 4 blueberry autos justs howing pistils, and 3 more sprouts. I have zero smell but I have a carbon filter 2.5 times bigger then reccomended. I have a 1 litre tub of ona and il be buying a small 1 room ozone generator for smokers (plug into the wall) soon. Smell is not an option for me. Your looking at 250-300 or so dollars for all aspects of smell protection. My 8in 280cfm fan and a 8 by 24in carbon filter off ebay was 160, the ozone generator is 85 off of HTGsupply and the ona one litre is like 30 dollars.


Active Member
I wouldnt fuck with an Ozone generator until you've tried a fan and carbon filter that are properly matched, and a proper exit strategy for your air. Most of those ozone things are unneeded, and they just smell...weird and unnatural. i don't care for them at all.

For costs, I spent about 800 dollars on fans, ducting, and filters. I had a flower room with 2x1000k and it worked phenomenally well. Good fans are more than a lot of good lights. Spend the cash though, it's worth it. Fuck the Ozone makers, you can do it in anatural way, and adding more circulation is almost never a bad thing, so while you dial in your zero odor solution, you'll also be making the room even better for your girls!

monty Python

Active Member
Yeah man, these guys have pretty much summed it up tanman. 100% odour controll comes along with a price unforutnately.
Carbon filter is the way to go. And some good info from dankshasta there, i fell for the 'too small a filter for the job one'. If you can go with a carbon filter, get a rhino !!!
Like nickyp, i also have a carbon filter that is more than adequte for my space and has larger cfm than my extraction fan. I get zero smell.
But the thing is the fan, you need a fan for a filter and the fan is noisy, so whereas your dealing with the smell issue your also bringing in another noise issue.

So i think that just leaves you with trying to make some sort of diy scrubber or sumthin with a few pc fans depending on how big yor closet is.

I stupidly bought a can filter 1500 which was only rated at 75cfm. {i didnt realise there was a big difference in filter cfms etc} Anyway, its rated at 75cfm and then just use a pc fan rated around that mark and extract with that? Maybe sucking from and blowing out into the filter rather than sucking through it as they are most commonly used.
Im def no expert btw and not sure if it would work, and im still on my first grow, but i was thinking of maybe trying it out for a drybox.

Have you looked into a pc case grow of some sort and a small diy scrubber ?
Not get much bud, but its a start.

Ona aint too bad too to an extent, but i think its ok for backup if your setup isnt 100% but i dont think it can be used in place of another odour control device. You would need a shitload of it and questions would still be being asked as to wtf that smell is.

Im sure it can be done mate. But i wouldnt like to try grow without a carbon filter. And i wouldnt underestimate the smell of even just two 'low odour strain' plants in flower.

Just my 2p. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of the great replies. The LR2 strain is less smelly than the LR2 x AK47 strain. So my origional idea was to grow in an old guitar amp, and seal the inside using trash bags. Then use homemade carbon filters on the exhaust and passive intake. Would this work? Also my 3 roommates will be selected at random by the appartment complex, this is a college appartment complex near my campus. Also smell is important because parents could come visit.


Well-Known Member
Carbon filters do not scrub 100% of the scent. Any experienced grower will tell you the best results come from multiple odor-eliminators. If smell is a serious issue, a carbon filter is an excellent start. ONA works great at masking/neutralizing odors, and an ozone generator is great too. Use all 3 and you'll have zero odor.


Well-Known Member
Dont do it at college man. The 3/4 ounce you grow in 2-3 months (tops btw with one small plant in a quitar amp) isnt worth getting kicked out.

Hold off on it for now. Especially with 3 roomates you dont know. Bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Dont do it at college man. The 3/4 ounce you grow in 2-3 months (tops btw with one small plant in a quitar amp) isnt worth getting kicked out.

Hold off on it for now. Especially with 3 roomates you dont know. Bad idea.
Eh, I dont know how strict his apt complex is, but I grew in college. Just a small amount; did it more for fun than quantity :D


Well-Known Member
Dont do it at college man. The 3/4 ounce you grow in 2-3 months (tops btw with one small plant in a quitar amp) isnt worth getting kicked out.

Hold off on it for now. Especially with 3 roomates you dont know. Bad idea.
Well the appt isn't related to my school, and I won't grow if my roommates are completely anti 420, but if they dnt trip bout me smoking then I will lol. Its more for fun, plus 3/4 an ounce will last me months. Its just convenient because I don't like taking my ganj across state border. I'm only medical in cali, not nevada


Active Member
For stealth grow ops, you need to also consider the light doesn't leak, the noise your fan(s) or carbon filter makes (carbon filters are usually noisy). and where to hide your nutrient bottles and soils without people seeing them and so forth.

I know because my friend found mine because of a small light seep she noticed at night.
Lets hope for my sake they can stay quite ^^

I hope your grow is successful. Be mindful if u get caught, you will probably get kicked out and maybe worse. (lets hope not)


Active Member
I used to work in the apartment bizz, we had people grow and smoke all the time, we didnt really care about the smoking but the upper management didnt like the growing... but they didnt get the police involved they just said it was a breach of the lease and gave you 30 days to move out...

Living off campus you should be fine for a grow, but on the same note I would as a habit just keep the roommates out of your room, thats understandable you've never met them... so I would lock my door for the first month or so while I wasent there... but odor control is gonna be important. If this was me.... Ide go to a local store and buy those cheap build by numbers cabinets and make a grow cabinet... have like one of the cabinets the grow area, then above that rig up a small fan but powerful enough fan to push/pull the air through some carbon. and then just throw a lock on the cabinet. everyone deserves privacy...

my buddy is in the army and was in a similar situation but he was locking up guns. He locked his room... Put the guns in their cases and locked those and put those in a locked trunk...