How to Grow the BIGGEST buds EVER!!!


Well-Known Member
This forum is designed to hopefully be a quick simple read, for additional tips and tricks on how to produce the largest most dense buds, with of course quality being first and foremost!

Personally, I've incorporated the use of humboldt countys own Gravity, Bushmaster, and Snowstorm, which have drastically increased my yields!

I can go into detail if anyones interested, hopfully I can learn something too!
My yields have also increased drastically once i started doing the SCROG method and fimming my girls once they get about six inches tall, and using a small dose of Bushmaster about a week before inducing flower.
i am very intrested in the "humboldt countys own" additives. including the Purple MAXX which is supposed to be like the snow storm, but also increases the chance that it might turn purple.
which if it dosnt impress me, i'll switch to the snowstorm. or maybe both, and use the snowstorm for foliar feed.

was also interested in the "cutting edge solutions" nutes. but haven't tried them yet.

thanks for the thread man, ill be lurking to see what ppl post up.
Here's a good read on using their stuff, this covers everything, however they just came out with a new feeding scheule that I've been following...I'll try to find it. I got it from the hydro store. The snowstorm works awesome, I noticed way more tricombs, on a side by side test. the purple maxx...I've used it but haven't had to much luck with the color change, mostly cuz I haven't tried any purple strains yet...but it's on my list to try next! Master Instructions.pdf
dam that is a massive bush poto..... and my way to increase bud size is add molasses during last half of flower
Big buds are your reward for doing everything correctly. There is no magic bullet that makes your yields go from zero to hero. With that being said, I personally think the most important things in regards to yield are proper pH, canopy management, and a reputable line of nutes.
i totally agree i used to use alot of different nutes additives and tried all kinds of shit but just a good nute the right ph and plenty air at good temps is all ya need
in my experience, i found that after turning to 12/12 for 3-4 weeks to put it up to 13/11 increases yeilds and makes the plant flower slightly longer which adds more growth time and overall increases yeild.
molasses also seems to work well, instead of the usual 1 tablespoon per gallon i use only a fifth of a tea spoon for every litre and use it with every watering, i find that using a small amount allows the plant to stabilise uptake of sugars and starches more evenly and the smaller amount of molasses (the starches and the calcium and other secondary micronutrients) means it is less likely to conflict with absorption of other nutrients
thats my two cents
It the blackstrap molasses what you are supposed to use, cuz it seem that it doesn't dissolve in hydro resivoirs very well...
Increased levels of CO2 in grow rooms.
This can definitely work but it can also up the leaf to calx ratio by a lot in some strains. You really have to work with your fert-mix to keep N to a minimum when using CO2 from what I can tell. But yeah, you will grow more weight with the CO2 than without.
there is no nute that will turn your ladies purple, unless it is a dye....
its either genetics, or you drop the temps during nighttime to lower than 68f during the last month or so of flower.