Humidity is too Low


Active Member
Ok so i have my grow going but its open and the light are hot. I live in the desert so my plants and grow are in very low humidity. what can i do to raise it. i have a humidifier and paper towl and container of water already but i dont think this is working. how can i raise the humidity


Well-Known Member
What is your humidity? All winter long during my grow it was steady at 20% humidity and I couldnt tell any difference from my summer grows that have higher humidity. It was only taking 3 days for my buds to dry and again I couldnt tell any difference


Well-Known Member
Oh wow thats really low. You gonna need like a industrial strength humidifier or something. Maybe you need a grow tent and duct your Ac into it. That might raise your humidity


Well-Known Member
hmmm, that is a problem. you could try moving somewhere else, but if your air is dry as fuck cuz you live in a desert like you said i dont see much being able to fix it other than moving or getting a bigger and more expensive humidifier, you could also try adding a ton more plates of water into the grow area, but i dont think that would help too much.


Active Member
is a rubbermade bin with cfls suspended above with three plants, a humidifier inside, and a 10in fan that sits in a square cut out of the side that pushes air into the grow