Lets all come together and request special RC's to our vendors.....ITS A MOVEMENT


Active Member

It's QUITE new. I know multiple vendors that are about to start carrying it. Also goes by the name "benzo fury". Apparently (also hopefully) it is going to be the closest RC to MDA out there.
Yea this one has my head spinning. Between the shady vendors posting fake trip reports on BL, to the dumb-ass brand name Benzo Fury,all the typo errors pertaining to the chemical name on vendors pages, and vendors also calling 5-APDB Benzo fury, Im just at a loss of words. I guess time will solve all the confusion. But if its good as all the hype says...then FUCKING SWEEEEET! cuz this shit is dirt cheap lol

Tho, I have a feeling( I'm gonna sound a bit hyporitical here considering how I wanted 5-methyl-mda to be mainstream) that 6-APDB is going to bring alot of heat to the Rc game considering its so close to mda.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see 5-IAI become available, that would really be a novel compound... i hear only good things


Active Member
be weary of any trip reports out right now for 5-iai, i hear alot of them are fake, posted by the soon-to-be vendors to create hype. same goes for 6-apdb. Buy yea, I cant wait for the end of may.


Active Member
Todays the big day for 6-apdb...no one has it as of right now tho I'll be checking in all day.. and for those of you who are following the situation, it has just been made clear on BL that Benzo Fury ( which is what all the experience reports you can find on the web are based on) is NOT 6-apdb, it is 6-apb. So simply put, Benzo Fury and 6-apdb are two totaly different chems. Vendors are very confused as to what they have and stole that brand name and applied it wrongfully to the 6-apdb.

if anyone who has experience/input with either of these please share


Active Member
That's assuming the vendors wrote the chemical name correctly (which they have been fucking up hardcore lately).
Very true, im so pissed at this whole situation,...whatever it is I'll still buy some, I'll just start small like shulgin and work up to a reccomended dose...If this stuff is as cool as the TR's ay it is then its the best thing that ever happened to RC's imo


Well-Known Member
IMO it's all hype, like n1. Research chemical vendors, only trust the super legit ones and I've been fucked on amount by even them..


Oracle of Hallucinogens
The current release of "5-iai" (in quotes because many do not think it is 5-iai) is not sounding good. I think when the stock of actual 5-iai comes in we'll here some better reviews.


Active Member
The current release of "5-iai" (in quotes because many do not think it is 5-iai) is not sounding good. I think when the stock of actual 5-iai comes in we'll here some better reviews.

We can only hope.

ahhh if there is a few RC's that make you roll availble in the next few weeks it would be sooo sweet. Ya know how all the phens and tryptamines all make you "trip" but in different ways unique to themselves? I cant wait till its the same way with rolling.
Hey shepj, if benzo fury is indeed 6-APB and not 6-APDB would it still be considered an MDA analog?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
ahhh if there is a few RC's that make you roll availble in the next few weeks it would be sooo sweet.
Here is what I have seen (for substances on the RC market that make you "roll"):

  • Ecstasy (MDMA)
  • 4-Desoxy-MDA (6-APDB)
  • 6-APB (whatever the hell that is)
  • Butylone (bk-MBDB)
  • Methylone (bk-MDMA)
  • Pentylone (bk-MBDP)
  • Mephedrone (4-MMC)
  • 4-BMC
  • 4-EMC
  • Methedrone (bk-PMMA)
  • Flephedrone
  • Buphedrone
  • Ethcathinone
  • 3-Fluoromethcathinone (3-FMC)
  • 4-Fluoroamphetamine (4-FA)
  • 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA)
  • 4-Ethylmethcathinone (4-EMC)
  • MDPPP (3,4-Methylenedioxy-a-pyrrolidinopropiophenone)
  • MMAI
  • MDAT
  • MDAI
  • 2-Aminoindane (2-AI)
  • 5-Iodo-2-Aminoindane (5-IAI)
  • Naphyrone (Naphthylpyrovalerone)

Hey shepj, if benzo fury is indeed 6-APB and not 6-APDB would it still be considered an MDA analog?
I am not sure. I see conflicting "information"; when I look up 6-APB I get the same chemical name as 6-APDB (1-(2,3-dihydro-1-benzofuran-6-yl)propan-2-amine).


Well-Known Member
Im kinda hoping the "5-iai" were seeing is something else the vendors may be trying get off their hands under the radar