Glass that doesn't block UV Light


Well-Known Member
So most glass blocks precious UV light, regular glass blocks some UVA and most UVB light. What kinds of glass can be used that doesn't block UV? I know quartz glass dosn't block UV, but I can't seem to find any, larger glass plates.


Well-Known Member
I think it is very hard to find one that block 100% of UV but there are some at 95% I dont know what its called. Look for greenhouse windows perhaps


Well-Known Member
I think it is very hard to find one that block 100% of UV but there are some at 95% I dont know what its called. Look for greenhouse windows perhaps
I think hes trying to find glass that doesn't block UV, but yeas greenhouse glass would probably be his best bet.

what are you using it for though? a HID hood? or are you building a greenhouse, because maybe there are some plastics that don't block uv


Active Member
You want a glass that is not "tinned" Tinned glass will block 180-320nm wavelenths. Also glass doped with sodium carbonate will not block the same wavelenths. If you want to feel good and spend allot you can get greenhouse glass it is not floated on tin and they do not dope it.
all oil based plastics will block shortwave they flourece blue with short wavelenth light.

If glass blocked 180-320nm you would not be able to grow plants through windows.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to do a greenhouse, just want a piece of glass that does not block UV for my reflectors. Glass does block UV light and UV light is good for plants especially trichome development. Like I said before, most glass doesn't block much UVA, however, it does block most UVB light. I want more UVB to get to the plants. I don't want to debate whether or not UV is beneficial for plants, because I know it is, if you don't think UV has any effects on plants then don't worry about it. Hopefully someone can help me find what I'm looking for. I looked at silica and quartz glass, but I cant find large pieces. I wonder if starphire glass would work???


Well-Known Member
well you can get UVB CFL's and florotubes here is a link
but your wrong about it being good for the plant its actually destructive, but it does cause the plant to produce more trichomes
I would recommend you put them on a separate timer to run 2 3 hour periods per lights on during flowering
set them to come on 2hr after lights on and the last time they are on they should go out and hour before lights off.;jsessionid=0a0104471f437be41e841bcc4dafb3dbf11d519b34b2.e3eSbNqNc38Le34Pa38Ta38Schz0?sc=2&category=19

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
or you could just not use the glass. There are other options for heat reduction and being able to get the light closer like light movers and or upgrading your bulb to get more light.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see your info on uv light. everything I've read says nothing about trich production. Only reisin. In my uv grows I can't say that it made it any stronger. but the plants with uv had a much stronger taste/smell. I stoped with the uv lights. but would like to see how you come out. I'll bet the glass in the uv bulbs where blocking to much. lol J/k


Well-Known Member
I've thought about using supplemental UV lights. I didn't know UV was destructive to plants, because there is plenty of UV outdoors, and the closer to the equator you are the higher the UV levels are. I think plants grown outdoors closer to the equator outdoors have better quality, idk. I just want glass that doesn't block UV, I dont care if it costs a bit.

Big P

Well-Known Member
i think its pointless cuz the glass around the bulb is what blocks the uv light,

i dont even use a glass cover on my light but the glass of the bulb blocks the uv light anyway

cuz ive used UVB flourecents on timers before and got a noticable tric increase



Well-Known Member
I would like to see your info on uv light. everything I've read says nothing about trich production. Only reisin. In my uv grows I can't say that it made it any stronger. but the plants with uv had a much stronger taste/smell. I stoped with the uv lights. but would like to see how you come out. I'll bet the glass in the uv bulbs where blocking to much. lol J/k
What do trichomes produce? I already know the answer. I'm just asking you so you understand what I was trying to say a little better. I could have worded it a little better though I will admit that.


Well-Known Member
The glass on the bulbs don't block the UV light unless you buy bulbs that are UV coated so that they don't emit UV. That is why there are UV warnings on non coated halide and mercury vapor lamps.


Well-Known Member
What do trichomes produce? I already know the answer. I'm just asking you so you understand what I was trying to say a little better. I could have worded it a little better though I will admit that.
Yeah if he had increased resin production, that means that there was an increase in trichome production and trichs are what contain all the good old THC, turpinoids, cannabinoids, and other wonderful stuff.


Well-Known Member
Anyways, when i find a company that sells larger pieces of quartz/silica glass, that doesn't block UV, I will post a link. Unless someone beats me to it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
i dont know but i heard the HPS bulbs block uv light

ill try to dig it up for you guys

How can you get more UVB light to your plants? Certainly it's true that MH lamps emit more UVB light than HPS lamps. Still the amount that MH lamps emit is small. In fact, many manufacturers use UVB shielding glass to filter out most of the UVB that's produced. The UVB light the plant receives from an MH lamp does increase the plant's potency slightly at the cost of yield, but there are better ways to introduce UVB light into the grow room. They include reptile lights, which emit about 10% UVB, and tanning lamps.
The problem with using these lamps is that they are associated with increased number of cancers and many other problems. They should not be on when you are in the grow room. Not much research has been conducted on using them to produce higher THC values. I will do a full report in a future issue.