Eventually so many people will smoke or consume weed that it will no longer be a viable option for it to even be kept illegal but until that day all of us that expose ourselves here are taking a risk for freedom and for the love of sharing our grow pics and info with people who may have none or are new to growing.
Until that day the truth is that any one of us may get into trouble with the police at any time and never forget that one of the biggest problems you will face if people find out you have a big grow is that rotten gits will try to steal or coerce your weed out of you to sell.
Suddenly your garage is worth 100,000k in pot and equipment and you cannot ring the police unless you are licensed anyway if someone steals it all and its no good saying if anyone touched my shit i would kill them etc. as burglars rarely leave a calling card
If any of you are ever caught claim civil disobedience and do not fight the police,not much point really is there seeing as they have dogs and guns,and claim that you have committed no crime and that the marijuana laws are unfair and inhumane and a breach of your human and civil rights.
Even drug dealers can say this as why should it be illegal to trade a bit of herb to your friends if they want it and ask for it?
You wouldn't be arrested for selling your mate some homegrown tomatoes, would you?
Yeah you would be arrested for selling homegrown tomatoes if you sold to many because you weren't paying tax on those tomatoes another very real issue,tax.
So this is also a breach of your human rights as you have not stolen or harmed any individual,the individual has made a choice that the government disagrees with that is all and for that they want to hurt someone because that what they do,hurt people that don't do what they want,this is what they are the best at,the real war here is between us and our useless forced governmental parents,we want our freedom to make our mistakes and choices and they don't want us to have it.
They claim Gods law and Gods rules yet they break his first law and that is God gave us our free will that no man can take away.
So on a side note to any law enforcers in any country that may or may not read this thread,did you even realize that you are breaking Gods first law and if you do realize this how can you claim to be a Christian?
This is the end of my freedom speech