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Well-Known Member
new guy here, i have 7 plants from 24in tall to 16in, just moved them to 12/12 6 days ago still can't tell yet if they are male or female.
my question is this, 1) what should i do with the hermaphrodites if any?
2) could the seed i got be hermaphrodites if so will all my plants be hermaphrodites?
3) if all plants are herm. could i still smoke them?
It usually takes 10 to 14 days to tell sex, depending on the strain so be patient and they will show.

As for the hermie question? If it was me, I would keep it ang grow it out. You can still smoke it and it will give you a good buzz if everything else is dialed in. I say this because I just finished smoking what was left of both of my girls/hermies and it was some great stuff. As for the seeds, we shal see because I have 2 of them going now at 12/12 from seed to see the results.

The seeds from a hermie should be female because there is no male genetics present. If I am not mistaken, that is basicaly how fem seeds ar created?

Getting rid of it or keeping it, thats totaly your decision.

Hope it helped?



Active Member
i bought some ortho 3-in-1 rose and flower care. says its supposed to protect against all types of bugs and fungal diseases, n i sprayed the hell outta my babies to get rid o some really annoying gnats... anyways my littlest darlin got some fukd up lookn new growth, n someone told me it may be sulfur poisoning... what should i do to fix this?? they are covered in white spots from the dried up formula btw.



Do you experience high fluctuations in reservoir temp as well? A pH fluctuation of that much
is pretty serious if you ask me. Whats happening to fluctuate this so much? Sorry maybe I didn't
read back far enough, what nutes are you using? What style hydro? How big is your Res, how many
yeah i think its alittle futher back using mother earth bloom with nirvana
dwc system and its a 20 gallon and the temp in here is at like 68 its always fresh in the res
two plant its lemon haze
btw it takes like a week for the ph to raise up to that point here some piks of the freshly cut leaves that are dying maybe some one can point out wat it is the weird thing is that its only the lower parts of the plant and mostly fan leaves dying is this normal???btw this is my very very first grow so i don speak plant lingo that good maybe by the second grow it will alot better avoid all my mistakes but i don want to loose this crop fuck


Active Member
well i flushed the hell outta the soil n poured water on them to wash off all the residue... think i should top the lil one or see if it will grow despite the horrible look of those things stickn out the top??


Well-Known Member
i bought some ortho 3-in-1 rose and flower care. says its supposed to protect against all types of bugs and fungal diseases, n i sprayed the hell outta my babies to get rid o some really annoying gnats... anyways my littlest darlin got some fukd up lookn new growth, n someone told me it may be sulfur poisoning... what should i do to fix this?? they are covered in white spots from the dried up formula btw.

doubt if it is a sulfur toxicity, because it is very rare and shows like this,,,,,

Sulfur Toxicity
Sulfate/sulfur toxicity symptoms begin as an interveinal chlorosis and scorching of the leaf margins, which gradually proceeds inward.
since your new growth is the opposite of that description, actually looks like a sulfur def, the fix for that would be epsom salt, but it is possible the sray you used has caused a lock out?


Well-Known Member
well i flushed the hell outta the soil n poured water on them to wash off all the residue... think i should top the lil one or see if it will grow despite the horrible look of those things stickn out the top??
I would not top untill it gets better, you would be double stressing could end up with a hermie


Active Member
I would not top untill it gets better, you would be double stressing could end up with a hermie
o ok, dont want any of tat situation... ive been thinkin i might need some epsom salt, the big ones gt a couple leaves tat are cupping under, im gonna try tat, thanks man, you are TOO MANY reliables!!!! tis bastard still wont let me give you any more rep....
just started my 1st grow with 4 blue dream clones. any advice or suggestioins would be much appreciated. i have them under a 1000 watt MH light right now. i was thinking about TOPPING OR FIMING them i been reading up alot on these methods and i was wondering how long to wait to do this. if you have any questions about my setup take a look at the journal or thread i started it should take care of any nute / other questions you might have before you try n help me.


ive been flowering for around 2-3 weeks but its really pissing me off cuz im traveling on the 10th and theyre not gonna be redy by then i dont think
I am an old newbie. Got AK48, Full moon, bubulicious, and jack horror and early bud stage. I am using a 250watt HPS, A 4x4 T5badboy horzontal, and a UFO 90 watt LED. Got some hermies and took them out , getting some good resin buds, watering alot because they seem hungry. Using nutes every other watering. What can I expect next?


Well-Known Member
I am an old newbie. Got AK48, Full moon, bubulicious, and jack horror and early bud stage. I am using a 250watt HPS, A 4x4 T5badboy horzontal, and a UFO 90 watt LED. Got some hermies and took them out , getting some good resin buds, watering alot because they seem hungry. Using nutes every other watering. What can I expect next?
In my experience, including my own growes. It seems that alot of plants run short on N2 because of lack of it in most bloom nutrients sold specific for MJ. Let em run their course and keep an eye on em and they will tell ya what they need. Good luck with the grow!



Well-Known Member
just started my 1st grow with 4 blue dream clones. any advice or suggestioins would be much appreciated. i have them under a 1000 watt MH light right now. i was thinking about TOPPING OR FIMING them i been reading up alot on these methods and i was wondering how long to wait to do this. if you have any questions about my setup take a look at the journal or thread i started it should take care of any nute / other questions you might have before you try n help me.
IMO topping is better (more accurate) and you just need to wait til you have at least 5 internodes

ive been flowering for around 2-3 weeks but its really pissing me off cuz im traveling on the 10th and theyre not gonna be redy by then i dont think
prolly not gona be ready would be a good guess

I am an old newbie. Got AK48, Full moon, bubulicious, and jack horror and early bud stage. I am using a 250watt HPS, A 4x4 T5badboy horzontal, and a UFO 90 watt LED. Got some hermies and took them out , getting some good resin buds, watering alot because they seem hungry. Using nutes every other watering. What can I expect next?
a good harvest???

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
yeah i think its alittle futher back using mother earth bloom with nirvana
dwc system and its a 20 gallon and the temp in here is at like 68 its always fresh in the res
two plant its lemon haze
btw it takes like a week for the ph to raise up to that point here some piks of the freshly cut leaves that are dying maybe some one can point out wat it is the weird thing is that its only the lower parts of the plant and mostly fan leaves dying is this normal???btw this is my very very first grow so i don speak plant lingo that good maybe by the second grow it will alot better avoid all my mistakes but i don want to loose this crop fuck
So your pH starts at 5.1? I would keep it around 5.8 constantly.

Your pics are showing a calcium defielciency. That's what that twisting
and contorting is. This is due to the low pH. Which causes certain micro
elements to become so soluble that you experience lockouts. When magnesium
is too available, calcium is locked out automaticaly. Lock in you pH around 5.8,
top it off with pH'd water and don't let it slip too far, citric acid for pH down is great.
But hard to use in hydro, nitric acid or phospuric acid will provide a longer balance.
I would do nitric acid due to the fact that there is plethora of phosporus in your ferts.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
hi im trying to transplant my plants from hydro to soil and was hoping someone could give me some advice
What style if hydro, how large is the root system? Why are you ditching
hydro? Your plant is going to be heavily stressed, possibly not worth it
if your plant is more that 3-4 weeks through veggie cycle. And even worse
if it's flowering... Good thing is transfering from hydro into soil is much
easier than from soil to hydro. You know your roots are clean.

What kind of soil you plan on using? Youre gonna have to do a ton of innoculation
eith mycorrhizae, trichoderma, and a ton of bacteria. Your plants won't be able to break
down the WIS ( water insoluble) fertilizers, which requires a herd of microorgsnisms to pre
digest it. Not to mention your plants immune system will be effectively erradicated. Be careful.


Active Member
today i checked my grow i had one plant on the top node of the plant where the next set of leaves should of been coming up there where little balls instead of more leaf growth? what does this mean didnt know if its a male or what my plants have been growing for about a month and have been in veg with 24 light could it be an auto flower?