Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...


Well-Known Member
The only wrong piece of info is the on the spot Cannabis fine... My hubby used to work for the Govt at the place you pay those types of fines and yeah its $ the ACT anyway....:-)


Well-Known Member
I'm a couple days late, but your girls are looking lovely, Laceygirl! I like the SLH porn - frosty! Those are gonna be some nice nugs for sure!


Well-Known Member
Um its $300 my hubby only finished working there last week... Friday to be exact and he's been there for 4 years.... I can also tell you how much it costs to transfer licences, rego your vehicle, renew your licence, but I will also mention the fines only went up again 2 months ago...:-)


Well-Known Member
i got one 2 years ago and i got stung $100
Haha i got mine 2 months ago.. Well Kinda - mine didnt cost me Zip :lol: & I got my gear back.. Not "mate put that away", but took it, weighed it, chatted to me & asked y i smoked.. then gave it back 2 me & told me to leave it at home.. No official warning, no recorded data ;-)


Well-Known Member
I was bored the other day, and I had a spare cube lying around, so I decided to throw 4 of my new papaya seeds in... Well three of them have shed their shells are starting to open up.. The last one has cracked, but she's taking her time...:sleep:

The top 44 seedlings have all been transplanted into little seedling tubs... I am only watering them sparingly with half strength nutes are they are going nuts.. The light comes back on in 30 mins for the mother tent and the veg tent, so I can't wait to get in there... Will take photos of the little ones today...My bred seeds are doing well too.. On the quest to find another Laced Rhino...

The Laced Rhino cutting in the rockwool cube is still hanging in there,:-( she definately has roots as I've given her a little tug and she wont move, so hopefully I can nurse her back to health... I really like her genes... :-):eyesmoke:

Will also take more photos of the blue cheese cuttings in the humidity crib. They are going well and I have rigged up an automatic mister, so I don't have to keep lifting the dome.. Its just my humidifyer (cold steam) on the lowest possible setting, with a black hose attached going straight into the humidity crib...Will post pics.. I am going to leave Pamela the Blue Cheese mother, alone for a few months and let her fully recover from my butcherings...;-) She's actually doing alright considering...

Some of the parts for the mister for my aerocloner showed up today... I am now only waiting on the EZ Clone misters (20 of them) and I can get it back together again.

More in a tic...:-)


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmmmm sticky papaya i dont know if im hungry or hankering for a doob ahaha

ive heard of a few of your strains lacey i got a friend (jester88) that was working with the ortega and something called 17

i really like the look of ducks foot i think its called and the ABC of course


Well-Known Member
Hi Don, yes you are correct... :-) There's only a few but there are some notables like the Ducks Foot...

G'day all Laceygirl again with another update...

The Super Lemon Haze is really starting to come on now.. I've got two more days of PK13-14 for her and then its a week and a half of nutes then flush till the end...

The Laced Rhino is really a beautiful plant... Everything about her is just so healthy and robust, considering how close I am to cutting her down... I've finised with her nutes now, so she will get nothing but pH'd water till the end...

Here is the top 44 seedling... I'm really impressed with how fast this thing is coming along...

This is a pic of my humidifyer in my lil cloning tent... Its set on the lowest setting and it comes on for 20 mins every two hours, which is equivalent to me spraying the dome heavily over the same amount of time... Now I don't have to do it...

This is what it looks like just before it clicks on...

The plants in the humidifyer seem really happy this time... The temps are constant as I don't have to keep lifting the dome...

Finally my bred seeds... They are coming along nicely...

More in a few days as not much is happening...



Well-Known Member
Hi Don, the SLH has about four to five weeks to go, and the Laced Rhino has about 16 days... :-) And thank you for the compliment Rob...:-)


Well-Known Member
.. Lol, u say not much is happening, yet im sure ur tent city is a hive of activity.. :lol:
The Screen has really helped ur Yield for the SLH. It has the ability to waste room given it's lankiness, but u bondaged that lil bitch up & ur taking her to town ;) :hump:
Wow, thats so much effort on ur cloner. I've got roots on some BC cuttings i took last week. I think they are 6 or 7 days old now, and that was just using a heat pad.. I used a humidity dome and sprayed em for the first 36hrs, and then i neglect em.. Dunked em in water once in the middle of the week, and again tonight.. Didnt lose a single 1 :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hi Ninja, what do you reckon I'll yield off the Haze?

I am going to stop the humidity in about 24 hours and just leave them.. I figure they will do the rest, now they are all standing up...:-) These cuttings are only 2 days old now, but I know this will work, it always does... :-)