can u water with bong water?

t dub c

Well-Known Member
your crazy mang, I just dont see why you would even ask to put buds in the compost??? just grow your dope normally. if it aint in the grow faq dont do it, might be a good plan to stick to.


Well-Known Member
i was trying to do anything, i do have 6 beautiful plants though, im not stupid i was just curious, i would never test out something like bong water just to see what happened....thats why i asked!!!!!!!!! i was just looking at it as, when a plant dies it grows a new plant in pretty much the same spot it died, so with that theory in mind, i would assume anything that comes from the plant, would also be good for it to grow in......ok so onto something else....what about thc...or buds would be a terrible waste but couldnt you put buds into compost and yea know use that soil....does thc do anything for a plant? i mean anyhting i just blew my fuse wiring up the new lights for flowering....and the stupid repair man has a lock on my fuse box......great!!!!!
wow...what an idiot.

thas like saying... put your newborn baby's shit into a food processor and feed it to him....because its a byproduct of it, it would help.

please dont talk/post anymore.


Well-Known Member
wow...what an idiot.

thas like saying... put your newborn baby's shit into a food processor and feed it to him....because its a byproduct of it, it would help.

please dont talk/post anymore.

ROFL a little harsh but you summed up my thoughts exactly. also, why on earth would you use bud as compost for growing bud? seems like your 'means' would actually become your 'ends'.


Well-Known Member
Most of you have crossed that fine line between playful sarcasm and outright malicious insults. Must I remind EVERYONE on this site, that as your intelligence increases, so does the number of people that can learn from you. For Fux sake, he asked a question hoping for legitimate answers, not another reason to kill himself. Jerks.


Well-Known Member
Most of you have crossed that fine line between playful sarcasm and outright malicious insults. Must I remind EVERYONE on this site, that as your intelligence increases, so does the number of people that can learn from you. For Fux sake, he asked a question hoping for legitimate answers, not another reason to kill himself. Jerks.
the guy asks if its a good idea to use actual BUD as compost, and you call US the jerks? :roll:


Well-Known Member
okay i apologize maybe i was a bit harsh....

seems as tho this wasnt a serious question tho....some sort of hahaha look at my stoner question.

and if it was.....stupid questions get stupid remarks....sorry. its sad that one couldnt come to that conclusion by themselves.....


Well-Known Member
i thought your remark was hilarious and appropriate :mrgreen::mrgreen: feeding a newborn baby his own shit is the perfect metaphor


Active Member
bong water does not have thc..bong water is take a sip and tell me how u like it..bong water is all the ashes from the weed that falls in the bong water...
bongwater has alot of thc in it the water works like a filter chug a half gallon of it and u will feel amazing...i know from experiance and if you can drink whiskey then you can drink bongwater


Well-Known Member
you could use the lowere buds that you wouldnt necisarly smoke anyways and the leafs and stems as compost, dont let these otehre fools scare you away there is a lote to be learned from this site and there are many knowledgeble people here, many of whome make dumb/mean post every once in awhile, me being one of them but thats ok its just in good fun, at some point you will be at htat level


Well-Known Member
bongwater has alot of thc in it the water works like a filter chug a half gallon of it and u will feel amazing...i know from experiance and if you can drink whiskey then you can drink bongwater
Just on the basic that that was your first post ever you are stupid. thc is not water soliable therfore there is no thc in bong water.


Active Member
wow, and i thought u all were mellow stoners, seems to me some people in here cant just let it be a question, idk if its that someone touched u when u were younger and ur just a mean person or if its just a bad day....
ok so now that ive had a post from every idiot who thinks there funny, let me clear things up real quick, it was just a high i wonder question, not a "hey im gonna do this but after i do it tell me its bad" kinda question, so quit being douche bags and chill out, lmao man yall are bigger dickheads than i am, and whats the deal with 10 people saying the same thing?


Active Member
this whole post ive been baked, and well im sick now, im so glad i have pot! getting ready to clone in the next few days, and start flowering! ive had hell with set backs, finally got my cfls set up the way i want em, im too cheap 4 a hps at least till this first crop comes in, they are looking great!


Well-Known Member
Well, maybe I was quick to accuse as well, and let's face it, we ALL know it was a stupid question. But a little decency would be nice. This is supposed to be a COMMUNITY, we are all here for 1 reason, to learn and share. Am I alone?