Cali outdoor SLHaze, Bubba Kush, AK-47, and Red Dragon.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Well another Bubba has what looks like balls. I've seperated the two from the rest of the crop. They are growing outside for right now until I figure out what to do with them. It feels like such a shame to kill them but I don't have anywhere to finish them without risk to the rest of the crop.

Here's the balls. Sorry pic's not close enough my iPhone was fuzzy.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
My friend told me he topped the bottom six branches on the SLH seedling after I confronted him about taking cuttings. Fucker just couldn't keep his hands off it.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Just a little side note. I've been sick for about three weeks now flu and cold like symptoms. When I went to the doctors she said I smoke way to much cannabis. She wouldn't stop giving me a guilt trip about smoking bud. She says I have Bronchitis. I've been vaping for the past week with no real noticeable change. Except I always feel alot better when I get high. Makes me almost forget I'm sick. Do you guys think vaping is ok when your sick?

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Damn I watered yesterday with another 1/2 tb without thinking about giving them the same three days ago. I fed because they are still yellowing and droping their bottom leafs but now it looks like the tips of the leafs have nute burn (only on a few plants). I don't know what's up been hella sick lately and my minds not straight. I'll try to post pics later today.
Just a little side note. I've been sick for about three weeks now flu and cold like symptoms. When I went to the doctors she said I smoke way to much cannabis. She wouldn't stop giving me a guilt trip about smoking bud. She says I have Bronchitis. I've been vaping for the past week with no real noticeable change. Except I always feel alot better when I get high. Makes me almost forget I'm sick. Do you guys think vaping is ok when your sick?
Put some basil in your system (pasta, italian foods, or just mix it in with some tea)...its good for the lungs especially if you smoke as much bud. It helps and you will notice it too.
I've been reading up and your ladies are doing great. Your friend on the other hand, isn't too smart lol. Im subscribed and hope all the best to your grow man!

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Put some basil in your system (pasta, italian foods, or just mix it in with some tea)...its good for the lungs especially if you smoke as much bud. It helps and you will notice it too.
I've been reading up and your ladies are doing great. Your friend on the other hand, isn't too smart lol. Im subscribed and hope all the best to your grow man!
Thanks for the love and info bro mad respect! +REP. I think I'll try some Italian food. The fucking doctor made me take the rest of the week off work so I've been doing a bunch of stuff to the grow plot. Just getting things ready for the ladies. Here's some pics I took yesterday.

left side of closet then the right


Well-Known Member
Damn I watered yesterday with another 1/2 tb without thinking about giving them the same three days ago. I fed because they are still yellowing and droping their bottom leafs but now it looks like the tips of the leafs have nute burn (only on a few plants). I don't know what's up been hella sick lately and my minds not straight. I'll try to post pics later today.
Don't assume they are under-fed because the bottom leaves are yellowing and falling off. This may be normal for your strain. Not all strains will stay a deep green the entire grow. I've been pulling off dead leaves from my girls under the canopy. I think it's normal, besides those leaves aren't getting a lot of light so maybe your girl is taking energy from it and directing it to where she needs it. The tips of the upper leaves are barely yellowing on mine too. Again not a big problem as long as the spots don't get bigger. I like to feed less than the recommended amount too. I have killed, maimed, and mutilated plants in the past from slight miscalculations in mixing nutes. Now I just make compost tea for food, and I use it every once in a while. I will usually feed them the tea two days in a row and then I like to go a minimum of one week before making a new batch. The girls are doing great and I don't need to mess with pH meters or anything. I have far, far fewer problems now. You can always add your nutes to the tea so they don't get wasted. Like I said before though, use less than the recommended amount, and don't foliar feed them. You can easily burn them even with the tea.

Also, you mentioned that your doctor said you smoke too much. Do you smoke cigarettes? Also is there any chance you smoked moldy weed? Unfortunately I have been the victim of moldy weed a lot over the past year. Now I have come to recognize it. It is not always obvious when you are looking at it. Every time I smoked weed that was moldy I'd get a bad ear ache, usually the right ear, and soar throat. One time I got really sick like I had Bronchitis. Now that I can usually recognize it I inspect a bag thoroughly before buying it. Especially if I'm being charged $100 for a quarter. I wonder if that might be a problem with cigarettes too. People are always getting sick because of cigarettes. So how do we know there isn't a tiny bit of mold inside any of them?

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Thanks for the tips jebus. I watered today with plain tap water. I just don't like the way the nute burn looks. I'm sure the bottom of the plants aren't gettting enough light and that could very well be the problem.

No I don smoke cigarettes thank god. I probably wouldn't be able to smoke as much ganja lol. I'm also good at spoting mold and I make sure I buy nothing but pure dank. Just quality. I'm sorry I also should of mentioned I have asthma and that was part of the guilt trip I got from the doctor. Anyways thanks for the tip about the yellowing. I think your right about the plants killing them off.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4134071]Holy shit ganja you got some beasts going :shock: :weed:[/QUOTE]

Sweet thanks man I love hearing that shit. Let's me know I'm on the right path. My landlord saw tha ones outside today and freaked lol. He's all like " holy shit man thouse are going to be way to big" lol. I'm love it!

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Yes! I fucking love that shit! If it all works out acording to plan I should be floating in ganja heaven come Nov/Dec. I just hope these seeds I orderd live up to the hype. Better be straight fire!

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Shit I noticed my thermometer was a couple inches under the canopy of the plants so I moved it up. Now the damn thing read 89. Gonna have to take them out of the close sooner then I thought. They still have baby buds all over and there's only 15 and a half hours of light in a day here. Probably just take them longer to revert to veg. Which wouldn't be a very big problem. Except I'm worried they might start flowering again outside. I think I'm going to start walking them outside today just for an hour or so.

Here's a pic of yesterday when I moved the thermometer.