Looks promising man, I miss my CFL'S but hey... I was going to mention you can buy dual hoods for your CFLs I actually have one stored away, this allows you to have both your CFLs side by side parralell to one another, apparently though these light emmit more light out put if hung on the vert. however this info originates from those who use them purely as side lighting, so I'll stick with looking for a dual hood...

I'll run a search n see if I can find a pic of one, oh yeah PS/ did you know that the ENVIROGROW LIGHTS (cfls your using) do go up to a 300w version in both blue and red specs, I personally think that for blue spec (vegging) you have what you need but try n get one of the 300's in red spec (flowering phase) if you can they ll make your buds bigger and stronger

also try adding advanced nuitrients HAMMERHEAD PK 9/18 and CANNAs BOOST I am sure your aware that CANNA have a web site that allows you to see when to feed your ladies and with how much etc etc. anyhow look forward to reading your updates and viewing your latest pics. PEACE DUDE - STELTHY