name that drug...


Well-Known Member
a few weeks ago i was given a few grams of something from the M-- family. i was pretty drunk and didnt want to take it then but i cannot remember what it was how much im supposed to take or any of it

now it looks kinda like a bit of hash maybe a bit of rocky. its dark brown it stains your hand if you hold it for a little bit. but if you cut into it its white in the center. it has a slight mdma taste but i'd have to say it's not as strong and kinda a bit saltier (if that make sense lol)P5030039.jpgP5030030.jpg

anyone got any ideas?

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
lol is that the best you got to offer? it aint crack lol

another thing when heated with lighter it melts and stinks a bit like plastic
I know. I didn't think that just messin. If it smells like plastic I bet it isn't even a drug. I don't have a clue. Smoke it, if it makes you calm and relaxed its heroin, if it makes you hyper Its crack or something. My advice though throw it out.


Well-Known Member
I know. I didn't think that just messin. If it smells like plastic I bet it isn't even a drug. I don't have a clue. Smoke it, if it makes you calm and relaxed its heroin, if it makes you hyper Its crack or something. My advice though throw it out.
i trust the person who gave it to me if he say's its a drug its a drug its just i dont see him often and i cant get hold of him to find out what it was. its definatly not crack or heroin tho its from the mdma family ( i can only remember the "M" part tho) i just did a tiny line of it and immediately remember why i stopped snorting anything from the mdma family... lol its funny how quick you can lose the aversion of snorting water ;)


Well-Known Member
Probably shottily extracted opiates, or some heroin.

Can't really see any defining characteristics.



Well-Known Member
i'm 99.9% sure its not an opiate or derivative. its one of the rc chemicals he gave me a line of meow then gave me this lump of stuff and said it was m.. something lol im not too sure but i think he said i needed an maoi if i was to take orally


Active Member
I wouldn't have anything to do with that thing lol.
Its not no crack or anything Ive seen or heard of, go to a drug database and scroll through the drugs you never heard of and pictures :-P


Well-Known Member
What were the effects after you snorted it?

lol burning nasal cavity followed by a strong desire not to snort anymore ;) (mdma does same to me)

it was a small line so i didnt feel anything else on it. i know what he gave me would be a few hits worth rather than hundreds so i figured sticking alittle bit up me hooter wouldnt hurt aside from the obvious m family burn lol

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
How much does it weight ?

On the first pic, on the left side there's that small part that's pure white, though in the center it looks like a color transition, as if it was cooked (makes any sense ?)

I'll go with crack, a huge amount, that didn't cook evenly .. tho why the black outer skin ?

Sorry about the confusion .. just thinking out loud ..

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member

Reagent to black indicating MDMA.
It's MDMA, from reagent testing and personal qualitative experience. Go for it if you still like pills, stay away if MDMA has lost its magic for you.
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