Possible way to beat security at school?


Well-Known Member

So a while ago I made this crazy idea, I sewed a sock onto my boxers (The outside of it xD) and put my weed in the sock and also made a button so it would close up, there wasn't a noticeable bulge and to make it perfect, I made the sock so it is right in front of my wiener.

NOW! cause it is UNDER my pants as in....I would have to pull my pants down in order for it to be seen is there any like legal route security could do in order to make me do something crazy like a strip search other than like overhearing something? I mean I was told if a drug dog sniffs you in your genital area, they can't hold it against you.

Is this true?


Well-Known Member
If you are in HS you are too young to post here. Colleges do not employ security for weed otherwise they'd have no students.


Well-Known Member
I was going to make a post saying, dub of weed says someone comes in with, how old are you?

Seriously, I've been a member on here since 2008, haven't broken a rule either, been a contributing member to the forum.


Well-Known Member
I was going to make a post saying, dub of weed says someone comes in with, how old are you?

Seriously, I've been a member on here since 2008, haven't broken a rule either, been a contributing member to the forum.
Don't ask questions that would lead one to believe that you are underage. I'm not the forum police...but there are a surprisingly large number of posters who feel that they are. Fair enough?


Well-Known Member
Ask questions that would lead one, asking a question about my current educational status and how to beat security would not hint off I may be underage, ever heard of kids in HS who are 18, or the ones who are super seniors that are like 19.


Well-Known Member
Ask questions that would lead one, asking a question about my current educational status and how to beat security would not hint off I may be underage, ever heard of kids in HS who are 18, or the ones who are super seniors that are like 19.
there is nothing super about a 19 year old in HS.


Well-Known Member
.....do you actually have an intellect comment to say about my original question?

Also a super senior is when a senior fails his senior year and has to do it again.


Well-Known Member
why does everyone even freak out about the whole age thing.. not like there is a age limit on weed so why does there have to be a age limit on a public forum website for all to enjoy that has to do with marijuana? As long as you are being mature and not acting like a idiot asking stupid questions or starting shit on forums I dont see the problem. less your like 12 or something.. at that age I dont think someone should be smoking so I dont think they should be on this website.


Well-Known Member
sorry I didnt answer the question I just always hear stuff about age on here and people getting bashed for it so I felt like saying something lol, I will try to answer your question. Now as far as I know security guards dont have the power to do anything like a strip search cause if your ever doing something and security guard is there and catches you for w.e reason they cant touch you the most they can do is call the cops and wait for them. So I would believe that they cant strip search you I dont even think they can look threw your bag let alone pull down your pants lol.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
.....do you actually have an intellect comment to say about my original question?

Also a super senior is when a senior fails his senior year and has to do it again.
why does everyone even freak out about the whole age thing.. not like there is a age limit on weed so why does there have to be a age limit on a public forum website for all to enjoy that has to do with marijuana? As long as you are being mature and not acting like a idiot asking stupid questions or starting shit on forums I dont see the problem. less your like 12 or something.. at that age I dont think someone should be smoking so I dont think they should be on this website.
its the rule
they dont have to make sence but they do have to be followed

so how old are you guys ???


Well-Known Member
sorry I didnt answer the question I just always hear stuff about age on here and people getting bashed for it so I felt like saying something lol, I will try to answer your question. Now as far as I know security guards dont have the power to do anything like a strip search cause if your ever doing something and security guard is there and catches you for w.e reason they cant touch you the most they can do is call the cops and wait for them. So I would believe that they cant strip search you I dont even think they can look threw your bag let alone pull down your pants lol.
Security guards at highschools are police officers...all they need to search you is probable cause, like any other police officer. The school administration, however, can search you at any time, for any reason, while you are on school property.