Roor Bongs Vs Vaporizers


Active Member
What would you prefer to take a hit out of? I've saved up a bit of money now and I'm unsure what to buy out of these two babys
vaporizers for sure . . . . but mainly bag vapes like the volcano. I use my herbalaire as my main medicating device, fuckin love it. blazed off my ass right now.

roors are nice and all, I just hate smoking now. they make glass attatchments and shit that allows you to vape through a nice bong so I could try that, but really it's just not really worth it to me.
Have you vaped before? Some people prefer the sensation of one over the other.

I'll always go vape over bong, use less weed, keep your body healthy; I also much prefer a clean and clear vape high over a fuzzy-headache bong stone.
yeah for sure about that . . . . . I find that some buds still get me fuzzy(minus the headache of course .... ;) ), but it feels MUCH cleaner, like this is the high I should have been having this whole time.

it's nice too, don't crash out like you do with smoking, you can just get higher and higher till you crash out (go to sleep ahahaha, not just not get high lol . . . )

plus I love the fact that I use 4-5x less weed now than I did before I got this thing . . .

edit: plus, my herbalaire has a 3 year warranty . . . . . . made out of glass filled nylon on the outside and heat resistant metals and teflon on the inside . . . you're very unlikely to break it because the part you're actually moving around is the plastic bag that is filled full of vapor . . . . not really much you can break there. and the unit doesn't have to be moved at all when you're using the bag function so its unlikely you'll ever break this thing unlike glass . . .

btw I wouldn't recommend the extreme-q, it uses glass parts that can be broken. plus the herbalaire is the same price with much better durability and stability and probably better vapor quality as well. you don't have to grind your nugs in the herbalaire unlike most other vaporizers.
I prefer the taste of smoked weed over vaped. However if health is a concern the Vape is the way to go. I reccomend trying out a vaporizer before buying. It's not for everyone.
i've got a volcano but i still find myself using my bong more... I guess it's just my personal preference, you can get a bong with some percs and an ash catcher to help filter the smoke more if you are concerned about the tar. You could always get the vape and a cheaper bong... roor is nice but i'm not sure i could justify spending the extra money over a weedstar or a pure. I rarely buy pieces but i like to have one of everything.. i only own a glass hitter, one chillum, one bowl, one bong, a steam roller, and a volcano. Haven't broken a piece in over 5 years! (knock on wood)... it's fun always having the choice and switching up pieces once you start to get use to one of them.
I find that you can't really experience the true range of effects from a vaporizer unless you stop smoking.

if you think about it, vapor is something entirely different from smoke, and you have to get used to it, just like as if you were smoking for the first time, but it's vape . . . you know?

edit: grats on the herbalaire jfgordon!
true true... the vape took getting use to for me. It seemed to just make me tired like i skipped the high and went straight to the coming down buzz. I usually only break out the volcano when there are more than a few people over because it's a lot more efficient than smoking pipes with a bunch of people. Especially when there's always that guy puffin on your piece like it's a blunt...
Roor and vapes are pretty much a rip off price wise anyways. But like one poster said above.... a bong is a bong. Go for the vape.....even though you will be spending big bucks for a simple heating element hooked up to a thermostat, with a kewl name.
A lot of it is personal preference like someone said above. I have a buddy that doesn't like to "vape" he prefers the high of a flame. too each their own. i just enjoy the clean high :shrug:
I prefer not to make my lungs a breeding ground for cannabinoid resistent cancer . . . .

but yeah, each to his own . . .
lol I'd rather cancer be cured from something other than the equivalent of chemical warfare on a rogue biological system. while trying to sustain the existing biological system . .

but yeah if you're up for the 'challenge' of chemo, I guess more power to you eh? ahahahahah
You have a few options. Get the RooR and a soldering iron. You will have a bong and a vaporizor.


If I were in the market I would be getting an Iolite. I cant tell you how many times I wished that I had one of these. This week I wish I had it when my mother-in-law stopped by for a 5 hour visit. I would have done anything to be able to grab the Iolite and take the dog for a walk and take a few rips and walk back in without her knowing. It would have made the night mo betta. It is so portable / incognito (it looks like a cell phone in your hand) that you can take a few hits on the way to the movie theater, sneak a toke anywhere.
I have a Roor Lil Sista with the vriptech bowl. It's nice, vapes just like a volcano without a bag. Although it's a PAIN IN THE ASS to pass around a roor, big vriptech bowl, and a plugged in heat gun lol.
for sure about the iolite!

I"m getting one of those for this summer hiking all over, I'm sure it'll be useful in-between classes too ;)
Cheap vaporizers suck! I ask that anyone knocking vaporization also mention WHICH VAPORIZER you were using. Don't slander an entire method of administration just because you used a vapor daddy or some other junk.

I have had a volcano for about 2 years now, and I can't say enough good about it. I have, however, encountered many useless vapes that give vaporization a bad name. Many of them, you can't even get a single dense toke from.

The Volcano is multiple times more efficient than any smoking device. The flavour is, literally, 1 000 000 times better. You really can't fully appreciate the taste of your weed if you are burning it. Vaporization gently heats the plant matter, releasing the volatile aromatic oils (the flavour) without destroying them. Nothing that I know of compares to the flavour from a clean volcano with a fresh bag (As long as you aren't using schwag).

I save my vaporized weed and, once I have accumulated enough, make extremely potent cannabis butter. The efficiency is insane!

Health wise, it is also far superior. No carcinogens, no tar, no dirty headache after a long sesh, no black lung. I kept getting brochitis until I switched to vaporization.

The only vaporizer I can personally vouch for is the Volcano. Don't let the sticker shock scare you off, you get what you pay for.