• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Club 600


Well-Known Member
im one of those 1.8 million aressted and gettin charged every year fuckin bullshit, and im even legal
I got arrested for pot too... but I wasn't legal at the time. Lol.... I got caught smoking a joint while I was driving. It was funny too... the cop swore I was high on meth. He kept telling me, "Now look here son. Pot isn't that bad for you... but you really have to quit the Meth. That stuff is going to ruin your life. You don't have to admit you have a problem to me... but you have to admit it to yourself." Haha, I've never done meth in my life.

And to Heads Up.... I've grown herb from my clones that ranks in the top ten of weeds I've smoked in my 15+ years of smoking. I don't think I'm that good at growing, but has something to do with the genetics I get from my colective.

The bummer is I have around 5-6 strain selections at a time... instead of the 1000's online with seeds. But it is nice not having to mess with males or waiting for stuff to sprout. A shame you don't have pot shops in FLA... or anywhere else for that matter.

Soon my friend. :joint:


Well-Known Member
ha thats funnt he thought you were high on meth. and i got caught for somthin more major but i think all charges are gonna be dropped do to the detectives bein shady and shit, i feel like they set me up and mother fuckers are still watchin me for the last 4 months for some reason i think they want me to fuck up again so they can lock me up for good. just caught a detective takin pics of my house and cars and the licens plates and their was nothin i could do. i walked out asked him what he was doin and he said he was takin pics of the house for a abuse case that took place over 10 years ago. i told him no. then he said well if im on the sidewalk its legal. so i asked if he had proof of what he was doin then he lifted his jacket and said thiers my badge and my gun you want to do somthin, then he said to go cal the cops and see what happens. so i turned around in anger before i did somthin stupid and walked into the house i felt helpless wasnt shit i could do so i had to watch him take pics of my house and cars from the side walk fuckin bullshit i aint even doin nothin wrong

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Nice music guys, I too love wind instruments brass, woodwind or otherwise. Nothing like a good harp player, a little Whammer Jammer from J. Geils or how about Little Stevie Wonder at twelve years old in the Apollo Theater in Harlem playing Fingertips. I also really enjoy good singing. Just finished listening to Manhattan Transfer singing Birdland and another of my favorites, Seven Bridges Road by the Eagles, live. In my very humble opinion, Freddie Mercury had the best rock voice...ever.

Speaking of brass instruments DST, by far the best concert with brass I've ever seen was Van Morrison back in either sixty nine or seventy. I was in a drug program at the time for heroin addiction, cut off from the rest of the world, literally. No phones, no television, no radio, no newspapers. Had no clue as to what was happening in the outside world. Anyway I got a chance to go see Van, had no clue who he was but to get out I didn't care if it was Tiny Tim. He had about a fifteen piece band with him, lots of brass, violins and a great sound system. I've been a fan ever since, like going into the mystic.

Jigfresh, I agree it's genetics and of course one does need some growing skills. FOX, who would have ever thunk we would hear someone from the conservative wing of television saying legalize pot? Mcpurple, if I were you, I would follow those bastards around every step they took around my place. I would let them know, do your damnest, I'm legal. I would bust their balls...and lay off the meth jig, chemicals are bad for you, believe me I know.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Let me make this statement first, cops have a job to do, that I understand and I respect them for trying to do their no thanks job. I'll be the first one to call a cop, if I need one, other than that, please stay out of my life and off my property. I deal with cops the way they deal with me. If one approaches me with an attitude, that's what he gets in return from me, a very hard fucking time. I was stopped by a cop at three in the morning for no reason other than he had nothing to do, I blasted the prick, told him loudly he was acting like a fucking asshole. I was ranting like crazy and would not cooperate with him at all. He says to me, who's that in the car with you? I say it's my girlfriend, he says, what's her name? I say, ask her. We went round and round for about ten minutes like lunatics yelling at each other, he gave me a warning for my tint being too dark on the windows of my car, no ticket, and then off on my merry way I went. Approach me civilly and you'll get a civil response, approach me like an asshole full of yourself, and you are in for the same in return. I figure what's the worse they can do, throw me in the can for a night until I bail out?
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Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention why I have an aversion to cops. When I was living the junkie life, well, I was a low life, the only thing lower than me was the two cops who robbed me at gunpoint. I was out trying to buy some heroin when these two cops appear out of this garage, one pulls his gun and sticks it in my ribs while the other goes through my pockets and proceeds to rob me. They then tell me to get out of dodge and if they see me again that day I was getting busted. Crooked cops, the lowest of the low...next to politicians.


Well-Known Member
Let me make this statement first, cops have a job to do, that I understand and I respect them for trying to do their no thanks job. I'll be the first one to call a cop, if I need one, other than that, please stay out of my life and off my property. I deal with cops the way they deal with me. If one approaches me with an attitude, that's what he gets in return from me, a very hard fucking time. I was stopped by a cop at three in the morning for no reason other than he had nothing to do, I blasted the prick, told him loudly he was acting like a fucking asshole. I was ranting like crazy and would not cooperate with him at all. He says to me, who's that in the car with you? I say it's my girlfriend, he says, what's her name? I say, ask her. We went round and round for about ten minutes like lunatics yelling at each other, he gave me a warning for my tint being too dark on the windows of my car, no ticket, and then off on my merry way I went. Approach me civilly and you'll get a civil response, approach me like an asshole full of yourself, and you are in for the same in return. I figure what's the worse they can do, throw me in the can for a night until I bail out?
I agree, cops have a job to do, but when their job involves doing things that go beyond the line, then you have got to wonder what their motivation is. I still remember getting pissed at them getting into my girls underwear when they busted my flat! And who that deals in hash or smokes hash (and I exclude being in prison with this statement) ever carries it up their ass!:shock: So why do they always want to look up my bottom. WRONG:hump:
And I believe in trying (there is a limit) to treat everyone with a civil manner. I try not lowering myself, but the demon drink can often remove that gateway.

Glad you all like the tunes.

Bedtime over here.

Peace, DST

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
That is exactly the problem, officers of the law exceeding their legal boundaries and the boundaries of civility. I'm speaking of here in the states but I suspect it's worldwide. Let's face it, cops see the worst of society day after day. Who calls the police station and requests two officers be sent over because the cookies are warm and the coffee is hot? I know I don't. I had a close cousin who was a cop in philly...jigfresh you'll appreciate this and get a good laugh, he was a meth head. I remember a story he told me of chasing somebody and trying to hop over a fence with some barbed wire on it, well, as he was hanging upside down helpless on the fence he was thinking it was maybe a bad idea doing lines in his patrol car and then chasing 'bad' guys. Other cops would rob the dealers and then sell the meth to fellow cops, he didn't buy street crap.

It seems to me there is a general loss of civility and courtesy. One good thing I can say about living in florida and I can only attribute it to the sun and water, people are generally much friendlier here. True southerners with all of their quirks are quite polite people, very friendly and helpful if they can help, a true pleasure and southern women will always hold a warm spot in my heart with their accents.

I feel like it's story telling day today. I must be more stoned than I think, my fingers have diarrhea of the mouth and a life of their own and I'm claiming insanity.


Well-Known Member
I would dare to say it's those same conservative politics that keeps it illegal here. For the life of me I will never understand a society that will take somebody like me and put me in jail because I have a garden in my house. I work five days a week, I don't cause anyone any problems, except my boss at work, lead a rather quiet life and in general follow the laws of the land. Alcohol and guns are legal here, weed, no. So I can get all fueled up with booze and then get my gun and go shoot people and claim I was out of my mind drunk. I'll do a few years but I'll get out. Let me get caught growing over twenty five plants and it's an automatic fifteen years in florida, there is no getting out of it. What sense does that make?

I'll have to look into that ny47, sounds great, thanks dst.
DUDE im totally with ya Heads UP. Such a fucking hipocracy right from its initial ban. Back in those days they where afraid the black man would get all wacked and rape white women or so ive read and heard & seen with all prohibition. LOOK if people wanna get high its there fkn buisness. No earthly being should have the right to restrict what one chooses to ingest smoke bang whatever. Dont get me wrong im not to into heavy drugs, But ive done just about all of um. I used to be into raw powder cocaine and got hella weird on the shit and decided to st8n my life up.

On that note, It makes/fuels the drug market keeping it illegal. And the MAN is reaping $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from employing dooch bag Probation officers and not to mention privately owned and operated state and federally funded prisons. DST YOUR IDEALS ARE SPOT ON.... I Agree 100%. This subject always gets me fired up. If you dont smoke pot fuck you lol. And if you dont,m fine more for me pussy hahaaa. Later peeps. & FUCK PROHIBITION & THE DRUG WAR.........

Im for the legalizing all drugs, even that boy boy heroin. If a mofo want to get on the junk its his or her personal decision. GOD WILL SEE WHERE YOUR HEARTS AT SOMEDAY...... Got to get stoned now :evil: :joint::joint::joint: Fuck yeah late... 1BMM

haha, too right HeadsUp....IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE....but then it's all politics isn't it. Until the existing rich have run out of oil to make money from, why would they let or give access to another product that is equally diverse that the poorer people could take advantage of and reduce the power and market share of the oil wealthy rich.
Not to forget the sustainability of Hemp and MJ!!! And not to forget the effect it would have on land, water levels, flooding, greenhouse gases....oh I could go on and on....but I better get back to trying to cut a slice out of the worlds wealth pie!!

Take it easy HeadsUp.


BTW, anyone seen site or sound of COF?

Nope i was wondering too. NICE post D im with ya on the politics pukes. Bunch a bitch ass con artists.


Well-Known Member
I feel like it's story telling day today. I must be more stoned than I think, my fingers have diarrhea of the mouth and a life of their own and I'm claiming insanity.
I'll take it bud. It's fun hearing stories from around the country and world. And even better that a low percentage involve cavity searches. :o

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Well, two more stories, or more like a little background about me and a story. First off, I'm old enough I don't care much what others think. Secondly, I'm old enough to own up to the crap I've done and third, I'm proud as all get out that I've been not addicted to heroin and haven't done it in well over fifteen years, I'm almost a respectable citizen. I was a junkie at fifteen and in a live in drug program at sixteen for fourteen months. I stayed straight for almost two years and then proceeded to be a real junkie for the next twenty or so. So goes life, I've lived and I've learned and now I pay it forward at every opportunity.

On to the lighter side. I'm thinking I was around seventeen, my buddy nineteen. His girlfriends parents were out of town and she was having a party. She lived in the suburbs of philly, nice single home, pool and a huge dining room with a huge dining room table, she was from a big family. So the party is going real good, we all smoked sativa and hash back then it was all that was available, that and a lot of acid, it was after all the sixties. Her family had just returned from a visit to europe, remember now it's the sixties and the drug laws and enforcement were't what they are now. At this point I'm tripping my brains out having a great time. Weed was only fifteen bucks an ounce so there was always plenty just laying around waiting to be rolled. I don't remember exactly how but next thing I know about a dozen of us are sitting around this huge dining room table and there is the biggest hookah I have ever seen sitting there. The thing must have been four foot high with a bowl that could hold an ounce of weed easily. It seemed like there were a couple of octupuses??? attached to this thing there were so many arms coming off it. Next thing I know my buddy and his girlfriend come downstairs and she's carrying a briefcase, one of those old big hard cases. She puts it on the table, pops it open and there must have been twenty pounds of hash inside. We had chunks of hash in this bowl the size of cigarette packs. This hash was so good, the next thing I remember is running down her back lawn fully clothed. The lawn had two hills, the pool sat at the bottom of the second hill so you could run and jump into the pool. I'm laughing out of my mind running down the hill, completely forgot I was tripping I was so high from the hash and thinking what am I doing as I'm looking between my outstretched legs just before I hit the water...end of memory of that evening.

I agree jigfresh, it breaks the constant talk of weed and throws some personality into the club.


Well-Known Member
Let me make this statement first, cops have a job to do, that I understand and I respect them for trying to do their no thanks job. I'll be the first one to call a cop, if I need one, other than that, please stay out of my life and off my property. I deal with cops the way they deal with me. If one approaches me with an attitude, that's what he gets in return from me, a very hard fucking time. I was stopped by a cop at three in the morning for no reason other than he had nothing to do, I blasted the prick, told him loudly he was acting like a fucking asshole. I was ranting like crazy and would not cooperate with him at all. He says to me, who's that in the car with you? I say it's my girlfriend, he says, what's her name? I say, ask her. We went round and round for about ten minutes like lunatics yelling at each other, he gave me a warning for my tint being too dark on the windows of my car, no ticket, and then off on my merry way I went. Approach me civilly and you'll get a civil response, approach me like an asshole full of yourself, and you are in for the same in return. I figure what's the worse they can do, throw me in the can for a night until I bail out?

couldnt agrre more with whats you said:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics, gonna be harvesting another one this weekend I think. Autoflowers are fun, but I don't think I'd do an all auto grow again, but a couple in my vegging area would be cool.



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I am finally back on after taking care of some buisness after my trip. DST thanks Had a blast. If you ever make it over here I will return the favor. Well my friend took care of my babies while i was gone. I just started the 12 on and 12 off. I just want to get this bag seed done so I can start the real stuff. I think most of my problem has been bad soil. I seem to have an issue with mushrooms growing along with my plants. (not the good ones)Plus noticed that I have some little friends in my room too. Oh well if it aint one thing it is another. I will be glad when this one is finished.
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Heads Up

Well-Known Member
My first grow was bagseed and it was darn good. You might get that one in a thousand plant from some bagseed. Welcome home glad you had a good trip across the pond.


Well-Known Member
Sharing for sharings sake....from my journal. Will update you all on the progress. was evening discussing starting a web page about this.

My wife and I have been discussing a guerrilla seed bomb project for quite some time, I mentioned it before in the 600 and I think finally the weather is improving so this is the start of it.

So heres a pictorial of the process to date.

I am going for 21 seeds, god knows why, I started with 20, then added another as 21 seems to be one of those numbers in life! I was just going to plant the seed bombs, but I am thinking I might actually let them germ first before putting them out to graze on the plains on Amsterdam. We shall see.

So this is what we done:
I mixed some seeding/cutting soil with some coco and some slow release nutes. Also added some micro organism slow release nutes to keep ph balanced. Then I got my tools together:

Rhizotonic mix
Seeds (of course)
Stapler (or Nietmachine as it is called in Dutch)

Cut the square:

Fold and staple at the bottom

Staple top together:

Fool around for a minute or two with your new finger puppet...

Then fill it with you mix:

Water the little bombs

Add your seeds and leave to get warm in the sun:

Next step will be to get the old pedal power into action and drop these off at suitably sneaky locations.:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
hey guys here is a link to some really good photos of the volcano explosion in iceland very cool pics. also any one from around the way see any ash from the volcano im in the us so no way for me just wondering. heres th link http://www.flickr.com/photos/yahooeditorspicks/galleries/72157623855495574/

also a meteor was caught on tape in iowa late last night. heres a link to the video also really cool but i howver do not believ it is a meteor i think it looks more like a missile of some sort and if it was a meteor that close then how did know one find it hit the earth. im a conspiritest to though


Active Member
Looky Looky i gots some cookies not really , but hows some white widow ladys ?

i am working on the journal now as we speak... so will post a link to it in a min .. that pic was just taken they are like 4 days in flower now .... they would all be around 15 inchs tall if they wernt tied down ...

those are toped , and tied down

