Ok, lets get to work.
...new shop vac to suck out the water from under each bucket during res dumps.
...ventilation upgrades. Now insulated ducting. The regular stuff didnt hold, kept breaking at the plastic seams where the metal coil rounds around.
What is what......
...most likely a throwaway mutant. Never really was doing well.
... this plant totally missed half of its leaves on one side. Curious what happens to it, might have two topped itself.
...the new foliar spray mentioned a few posts ago.
Meter finally working without rf interference from the digital ballasts.
...two translucent buckets --- trying them out to see if they'll work on two plants since they are translucent. There was a lot of debate if you can use translucent pots to whether the roots would be exposed to light and thus turn green and make the plant explode. We'll see what happens soon! I've always been the type of person if there's controversy surrounding "to do it" or "not to do it", I'll try both to see what works for me.
...these are the risers I use under the buckets. Plastic clear for the plants, and the orange-ish one for the filler tank. I only use the filler tank riser for the first week to ensure it gets the plants a little more water up top at first. After that back on the shelf.
Calendar, yay!
Happy Saturday. =)
Thank you northeastern lights for showing me how to post photos like this as well.