Munch Box says all rollitup hates me...

Should I go

  • Yarp

    Votes: 100 144.9%
  • Narp

    Votes: 35 50.7%

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Mr I Can Do That For Half
So I made a comment on mucnh box gallery asking why he did so much in a mini stealth grow wanting to know why he added so much led money in a box that is well suited to grow just 1-2 comfortable plants and not a large amount.Well he got angry and told me he can grow 8 large plants in there in a sog which right there is not right as we know sog is not large plants and not to be made cuz he gets 12 oz every 3 months.Then he also let me know that everyone is sick of fletch and hates me here on rollitup so I figured well since he said it he must know so I started this thread for everyone to let me know how much they hate me and my posts and if its so I'll stop posting and pack it in.Just wanna know if Munch box was speaking for all of rollitup as he claims..I wont respond to people who state they hate me I'll just take it and if it comes out Munch is right I'll hit the road.Anyways let the opinions begin...I'll watch quietly///


Mr I Can Do That For Half
fdd dont close it yet I wann see if what he claims is true or not you can close it in 72 hours.I really wanna see if he tells the truth and if so I'll bow out gracefully and quitly.Just wanna see if the big mouth knows anything about what is coming from his mouth.Just leave it ans in 3 days Ill tally the count and leave or stay at the sites vote


Well-Known Member
yea I never liked you much to be honest!... no I;m just kidding your a real cool guy and helped me out alot... and who is this munchbox character anyways?
sounds like a nutso


New Member
munchbox built a cab using his hps and some led's... it's a pretty cool cab, but as fletch points out, the penetration (lumen output) of the leds is not going to be very high, so would barely touch any but a few plants.

FF, are you on a bit of a wounder today? Feeling a bit down?

Does everyone on riu hate you? I know you help a lot of people here on the boards, so it can't be everyone that hates you.

So long as someone likes you, it's always worth staying. :cry:

Have you been drinking?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol thanks guys..naa I just wanna prove munch right or wrong.He thinks I bashed his box which your right looks good but I questioned some of it and he got really mad and going off on me and just want to put him and me out there he syas him and everyone else here hates me and I figure well I always felt the luv from this community and tried to add to it but if I was seeing it wrong and made it worse as he said for eveyone Id let people tell me so without rebutal and leave if that was the concensus but if I am contributing and people dont mind me Id stay here at my home site.Just wanna make it public since he put everyones name into it and if he wasnt speaking for you maybe someone should let him know...I guess he is still new to the site has like 55 posts and 1 picture.

munch box

Well-Known Member
i never said i could grow 8 large plants in there, i will be growing sog. and stop trying to get me to snitch on people. stop pouting you big baby. fdd2blk do you think my grow cab was a waste of money?
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