The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ummmm, not too sure, got it from ghs a couple of months ago, i'll hunt around and find the box/wrapper. got a lott of dna gen seeds at the time. it may be arcata(or sumthin like that)
it was more the bank that bred the more than anything but if they were ghs then that was fair enough.


Well-Known Member
i use it m8 but im growin in soil, i use it from the start of the 5th wk till the end of the 7th wk thats on a 9wk strain.

i also use higher doseage than the bottle says n ive never had ne burn.
I'm using soil too mate,cheers for that,I will do as you say,its Skunk 1 I'm growing,ment to be 8-10 weeks but I think it might be longer,thanks again for the advice


Active Member
Evening all

How is every1 this fine Tthursday.

I'm feelin a little gansta (hope he doesnt mind lol) got some 50 cent on


Well-Known Member
evening smar3t i was getting abit gangster myself today lol listening to skinnymans council estate of mind! check me blood lmao

hows you neway?


Active Member
evening smar3t i was getting abit gangster myself today lol listening to skinnymans council estate of mind! check me blood lmao

hows you neway?
Aight Sambo lol

Fo shzzle ma nizzle, just kickin it with my homeboy lol i came over all manly n black then, its been one of those days lol

Im good thanks mate, just fillin in fuckin forms for Tax credits, thought i had lost my P45 so just had my mate rummagin in the recyle bin for it, he wasnt even gonna look in the garbage bin, so that was my job lol... fuckin found it though... in my paperwork pile lol... worth lookin for though as i could get an extra £50 a week... happy days.

Hows u bro?


Well-Known Member
Iranian Air Defence Radar: 'Unknown aircraft you are in Iranian airspace. Identify yourself.'
Aircraft: 'This is a United States aircraft. I am in Iraqi airspace.'
Air Defence Radar: 'You are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace we will launch interceptor aircraft!'
Aircraft: 'This is a United States Marine Corps FA-18 fighter. Send 'em up, I'll wait!'
Air Defense Radar: (no response .... total silence)


Well-Known Member
ive been listenin too some real old schooll east london skinhead music most of the day, sham 69, reminds me of the old glue sniffin and merrydown days of my gloriously mis-spent youth, dr. martins boots, skintight bleached jeans, shaved head and a fuckin attitude the size antartica


Active Member
Haha, I like some Three 6 mafia when I'm feelin thuggin :)
Hey KittyKatt

Now ur just gettin all technical with ur thuggin lol... dont really know the Three 6 mafia, i prefer my white mans black man music, ie eminem, fiddy, dre and J zed lol.

How u doin anywho homegirl?


Active Member
ive been listenin too some real old schooll east london skinhead music most of the day, sham 69, reminds me of the old glue sniffin and merrydown days of my gloriously mis-spent youth, dr. martins boots, skintight bleached jeans, shaved head and a fuckin attitude the size antartica
cant beat the blood red docs, n the bleached white jeans, its a good look, just cant really get away with it these days, although i did see that same look in town a few month back, he was struttuin his stuff proudly wearing his screwdriver 88 t-shirt lol

my mis-spent youth was a propper mad mix rangin from slight racist look to chilled stoner to acid muchin mentalist lol


Well-Known Member
cant beat the blood red docs, n the bleached white jeans, its a good look, just cant really get away with it these days, although i did see that same look in town a few month back, he was struttuin his stuff proudly wearing his screwdriver 88 t-shirt lol

my mis-spent youth was a propper mad mix rangin from slight racist look to chilled stoner to acid muchin mentalist lol
skrewdriver, lol, i just got one of there albums the other day, first time ive listened to them since i guess the early 90's, fuckin terrible. i was kinda into the full on nazi shit at that time but it was more to piss off other people, especially the fuckin middle class socialists my college was full of, christ i fuckin hated those patronising cunts, im born and bred in the mining areas of ayrshire, u actually cant get more bloody working class than me, my dad and my grandfathers and great grandfathers worked down the pits and i had to listen to the sons and daughters of fuckin lawyers, doctors and business consultants tellin me alout the fuckin down trodden masses, so i turned into uber skin'ead and fuckin ranted like adolf at a rally, spouting some incredibly offensive shit, like no trials for suspected ira terrorists, just summary public execution for the entire family as a deterent, pmsl, it was fuckin great fun, sum of the older students and lecturers could work me out but i recon i had most of them believing me, and more than a few scarily enuff agreeing:bigjoint:


Active Member
skrewdriver, lol, i just got one of there albums the other day, first time ive listened to them since i guess the early 90's, fuckin terrible. i was kinda into the full on nazi shit at that time but it was more to piss off other people, especially the fuckin middle class socialists my college was full of, christ i fuckin hated those patronising cunts, im born and bred in the mining areas of ayrshire, u actually cant get more bloody working class than me, my dad and my grandfathers and great grandfathers worked down the pits and i had to listen to the sons and daughters of fuckin lawyers, doctors and business consultants tellin me alout the fuckin down trodden masses, so i turned into uber skin'ead and fuckin ranted like adolf at a rally, spouting some incredibly offensive shit, like no trials for suspected ira terrorists, just summary public execution for the entire family as a deterent, pmsl, it was fuckin great fun, sum of the older students and lecturers could work me out but i recon i had most of them believing me, and more than a few scarily enuff agreeing:bigjoint:
lol i know what u mean with doin it just to piss people off, half the fun is gettin the reaction, i just liked the look more than anything, although im a lil skinny, so most people thought i was gay than racist lol

I cant be doin with the fookin snooty students, some of the girls are ok, if only to look at n fuck sensless, but they dont half talk some shit, once they start talkin there regurgatated speel its time to fuck off n look elswhere.

I think people prob agreed with you as they tend to be sheep, they bleet on have no opinions of there own, either that or u looked that fuckin menacing they didnt want to offend n just went with u, im guessing the latter lol