look at this light on ebay


Well-Known Member
It says only 4 x 42 watt bulbs you can put in max. that means only 168 watts total ... no way that is the same as a 600 watt hps!


Well-Known Member
those are pvc down spouts and a drain coupling from home depot.. (bulbs not included) lol.. nice. they cut down on the huge energy spikes though


Well-Known Member
I got a good laugh from that, but seriously air cooling what exactly, I have some massive 200w cfls i use for side lighting and they produce little heat actually being cooled by the circulation fan
Great idea though i bet he sells abunch of those and is making a huge profit


Well-Known Member
i just bought 5 of them ...........no good? lol thats almost 200$ and no cheap ass 5$ box of bulbs? so fucked up it might as well come with incodesint bulbs lol


Well-Known Member
Night lights work ok for veg and use so little power,

I'm running Two solar powered torches in flower and get tight nugz.
thats sick man. my maglight flashlight just came in the mail with 3 led bulbs i'm so happy and i got a new bic lighter for added co2 to my flowering room! it burns my fingers after a few mins but its worth it LMAO:peace:


Well-Known Member
i really wish there was a way to write on his store page a warning to noobs who find this and decide to buy.
its so fuckin gimmicky. the guy is ripping people off and getting away with it. it makes me sick.
i gotta say its quite possible, when i first got into growing, i may have been convinced into buying.


Well-Known Member
oh and a couple years ago i went to home dePOT and bought something similar minus the air cooled joke. it cost me 6 bucks.


Active Member
The guy who sells these must have very limited time to sell as many as possible before all of his reviews come back negative and nobody will buy from him again.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
I sent him an Email asking where these lights are made, All he said was locally in Texas.
So i told him what he is selling is total shit, homemade crap. I wonder what his reply back will be?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
did his reply have his e mail address you could post it here ,and i wonder if this person is a member of this site ?