Growing Marijuanna At School ;)

wow bro i just let my wife read what your planning to do bro honestly u aint got shit to prove to any body and nobody would really care if you actually pulled it off all they would say is that it was some crazy shit, you would get more props from ur friends if u grew some good shiot real incognito and had like 4 z's of dank to smoke everybody out with and pics of your grow. I swear by this man and its a good rule to go by, dont tell any body that knows you that your growing bud! just show up with some dank one day and tell every body what you did, with pics to prove it, now some may get jealous and start snitchin especialy if ur makin money off it. so once you grow break down ur whole system and then flaunt the shit outta what you grew with no evidence. and stay out of jail, its super hard to grow from inside the pen huh?
wow bro i just let my wife read what your planning to do bro honestly u aint got shit to prove to any body and nobody would really care if you actually pulled it off all they would say is that it was some crazy shit, you would get more props from ur friends if u grew some good shiot real incognito and had like 4 z's of dank to smoke everybody out with and pics of your grow. I swear by this man and its a good rule to go by, dont tell any body that knows you that your growing bud! just show up with some dank one day and tell every body what you did, with pics to prove it, now some may get jealous and start snitchin especialy if ur makin money off it. so once you grow break down ur whole system and then flaunt the shit outta what you grew with no evidence. and stay out of jail, its super hard to grow from inside the pen huh?

I appreciate your comments, and respect them. This is not to "show off" or talk about my grow, its about proving a point to myself and the culture of this plant. No one can stop us, and we can do it infront of them. There is no showing off, and no this will be a 1 time mission and after that its over my point will be proven.
Sucks, Im embracing the culture. :fire:

You embrace the culture once you grow a successful plant to smoke. Which won't happen with your 'master plan' If anything you'll be paying money for court fines and wished you would have bought some bud from your dealer instead of trying to prove you can grow marijuana. Why don't you just smoke a bowl and blow it in your principal's face, he'll get the idea, but you probably won't.
You embrace the culture once you grow a successful plant to smoke. Which won't happen with your 'master plan' If anything you'll be paying money for court fines and wished you would have bought some bud from your dealer instead of trying to prove you can grow marijuana.

Tib, that is your opinon and that is your view on this, and I respect what you think. If I was someone reading this, I would be lik WDF but this is going to happen. And I dont need people hating, or going agaisnt me because we're all a family.
Tib, that is your opinon and that is your view on this, and I respect what you think. If I was someone reading this, I would be lik WDF but this is going to happen. And I dont need people hating, or going agaisnt me because we're all a family.

Good Luck and you're not family until you have grown one successful plant that produced buds. You can't call yourself a weed grower until you have smoked your own homegrown bud.
what kind of lights are you using? How much space can you use and still stay stealthy. Realistically you will probably see less than a oz if this is going to be truly stealthy. Can you easily access this location? I know you say you have figured this all out, that is why i would like to know a little more. If you have friends that grow, just consider asking if they will let you set up a small box somewhere at their location to get some experience(i know you already have some) and actually be able to visit your grow...that's the best part of it
The comments on here are pointless and useless. For the few people that have replied in respect, THANKS. I will contact you, wid info/help. For now, may a MOD please close this thread and delete it. Thank-you, btw folks im not doing it ;)
ahhhh snap!! you aint gettin no help!! ha ha !!....And yea! me and Conner got it like that!!.....jus cause we know how WE roll....MOFO!!
Fuck u all.

Lmqo youre a tard dude..and youre a bigger joke than the one you think youre going to pull on the principles/school/whatever. Youre a disgrace to this "culture" and youre the reason people have stigmas of "stupid stoners"..go smoke your nickel bag and work on makin it to sophmore year..some people are so stupid
Kid ur dumb. Normally I'd be nice but this is just fuckng retarded. My mother Is a high school principal and oh the charges they would ram up your ass. You have no idea what you're getting into. They will find your box. They will dust it for prints and find you. You will have the media hunting you. You will get caught. Trust me I know the school system from the inside and you are getting into a world of hurt your stupid teenage brain can't imagine. You will get caught, you will get expelled, you will be charged federaly, you will go to jail, you will ruin your life. No employer will ever touch you after you do you ten years.

This WILL happen. Now ask yourself "am I really that stupid?" but no, your 18 and you just have to "stick it to the man" and like you said "marijauna's in my blood". Go back to payin your older brother to buy you beer and thank me when you grow up enough to realize how stupid you sound.

When you plant your seed, and once it germianted, you make a 1 inch deep hole, 1. WHICH WAY DO YOU PLACE THE SEED 2. After planted, do you cover the ENTIRE seed with soil?

After reading this post. There is no way that you've ever grown. GL with this brilliant idea! Show me your fully grown plant PLZ!