My cat ate my plant.


Active Member
I had my grow box open and she came and ate the bud that was just starting to grow and some leaves. The plant was only three weeks old anyway. But god damn cats, you have to watch them

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I had my grow box open and she came and ate the bud that was just starting to grow and some leaves. The plant was only three weeks old anyway. But god damn cats, you have to watch them
i'm so sorry. that's a wicked bitch. my cat loves plants too. i let him eat clippings a few times and now he thinks my growroom is a buffet. turn the water sprayer on him.


Active Member
Mine almost got one of my plants today. Lil botard snuck downstairs when I was not looking. Caught him just as he was bout to start nibbling. whew.


Active Member
That sucks. Try keeping the door that leads to the grow set up closed all of the time. It's a good idea for everyone, regardless if they have cats or pets.


Well-Known Member
I had that problem a long time ago until we reached a compromise.

I give my cats first crack at the trim, hermies, and males.

Now they never give the grow room a second glance.


New Member
The cat you see in my avatar is a prolific cannabis connoisseur. I was doing the same thing as Johnny but my other cats kept puking it up because they ate too much.


Well-Known Member
Indoors, a little rye grass grown from seed will usually be more attractive to kitty.

Outdoors, I grow catnip, every year.

Our four cats have never touched a plant.

Cats often eat fresh green stuff to deal with a sour stomach. The green stuff comes back up after a few minutes.



Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man!

I had this happen to me twice. Same damn cat. I think some of them just like it. She turns her nose up to any other greens.

Oh well... live and learn!


Active Member
lol that happend to me before i had only 1 plant and it was big all that was left was a stem lmao but the plants i got atm the cats just like to sit and look at (diffrent cats)


Active Member
i've got lots of plants outdoor already and my cat is my watch guard. she learned after eating 1 plant a year ago that she's allowed to look, but not nibble! so she wanders around the entire yard spending time with each plant just as i do every morning.


New Member
So I just left the door to the grow cab open and went to the store. When I came back, they had knocked over a clone and ate 90% of the green, photosynthetic material. It will live, and I have 5 other clones of the same strain, but this is still war.

I later heard them try to open the grow cab door. Now they they know


Active Member
My cat's are horrible little bastards. I hope they don't ever get into my grow room or that will be the end of it. They knock things over and destroy them, then they eat the left overs.


Active Member
So I just left the door to the grow cab open and went to the store. When I came back, they had knocked over a clone and ate 90% of the green, photosynthetic material. It will live, and I have 5 other clones of the same strain, but this is still war.

I later heard them try to open the grow cab door. Now they they know
Haha. My cat was also trying to open the door to my grow. If I hadn't caught him he would have managed to get the plant.


Well-Known Member
dude, go up to your cat with a balloon and POP it right in its face and scare the shit out of it...

then put balloons around the plants.... your cat will never go near them again


Active Member
I feel ya. I have a beautiful giant cat. His name is dowg and he is super muscular and looks like a tiger. but he is also very interested in plants. he eats my ivy, my spider plants, my bamboo, and recently my ganga!!!! this lil fool man. like father like son but damn!


Well-Known Member
haha this happened to me twice. i have a magnificent fat old cat that LOVES marijuana about as much as me. i left the door open for no more than 5 mins and this bastard chewed up 2 small but healthy plants. all the leafs too, he didnt leave me anything to work with. i was so mad but this cat has been a good friend for a long time so i couldnt hurt him