I think this may be heat stress..help please.


Active Member
I am looking to save/revive these girls. I tried putting them to flower, but they have seem to come under a lot of stress and have started to die. It's currently 81F with 43% humidity. Here are pictures. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: How can I upload pictures? I don't see an option to under advanced.



Well-Known Member
to me it looks like there dieing of thirst. heat stress would occure at the top of the plants closest to the lights. unless you have a heater pointed directly at them??


Well-Known Member
they look cooked was the any other change besides putting them into flowering? ph, root lock, under watering? forget to change your res? 81 is not to hot for them.


Active Member
I had to transfer them from veg area to flowering area. I tried my best not to tug/pull the roots when taking them out and putting them back in. The PH is in order and what is root locking? They are being properly watered as well.


bury them up if u do put them into soil and dnt give them water for a few days and see whats happens


Active Member
When transferring them the roots were healthy as well as the plants. They were perfectly healthy and fine until I transferred them. These aren't the first plants to react this way in my flowering area, but I'm pretty sure it is the heat from the pipe. I have used the exact same setup elsewhere and it worked fine. Maybe I am not getting enough ventilation?


Well-Known Member
well look into everything in the room. alot of different things will affect ur plant. cud you just move the whole setup a few feet away from the warm pipe? and yes poor ventilation could have somethin to do this


Well-Known Member
heat stress doesnt usually affect the plant like that. the leaves will curl upwards like a V and stems are crunchier, not droopy and limp like yours.


Active Member
well look into everything in the room. alot of different things will affect ur plant. cud you just move the whole setup a few feet away from the warm pipe? and yes poor ventilation could have somethin to do this

Hmm...I'd lean toward poor ventilation maybe then. I have 4 small room fans going when the lights are on and one continues to run when the lights are off, but I have a huge plastic sheet covering the area for light reasons. Maybe it's blocking the air from properly moving enough?


Well-Known Member
well cirulating the same air around a room doesnt bring more co2 to the plants. you need air from some where other then ur room, put a fan in ur frow room door, window, etc..... and i have a hunch, check air stones. i think your roots are dieing from not enough oxygen in the water.