A Case Full Of Glass


Well-Known Member
That just might be the most annoying sound I've ever heard.bongsmilie
what did you hear? did my wife come in the room? :mrgreen:

the annealing cycle is about 6 hours. it goes thru this after i'm all done with it. this helps all the molecules falls back into place. which strengthen and hardens it. bongsmilie

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
God damn! Wow very nice!!! I would take it if I did not have this Damn ticket!!! Excellent job Fdd! They just keep getting better!!


Well-Known Member
:-P .................... 024.jpg

it kinda fumed over itself as i made it so it's not as nice as the next one will be. :wink:


Well-Known Member
woot woot!!!!!! if you add a little water to it, just enough to cover the hole at the very bottom, it works as a stemless bubbler. i am very happy right now. a proud moment for me. :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
that last pipe is the ish!! How much?

it has a "punty mark" on it so it has to go back in the kiln so i can polish it out. the colors may end up changing while doing this, but i doubt it. sometimes i drop things as well so we'll have to hold off for a day to make sure it all comes out ok. there should be no problems. i was thinking 100 plus shipping, but i think that may be a little steep. i just wanted to be able to say i made a "100 dollar pipe". :-P


it has a "punty mark" on it so it has to go back in the kiln so i can polish it out. the colors may end up changing while doing this, but i doubt it. sometimes i drop things as well so we'll have to hold off for a day to make sure it all comes out ok. there should be no problems. i was thinking 100 plus shipping, but i think that may be a little steep. i just wanted to be able to say i made a "100 dollar pipe". :-P

everyone seems to be all excited about a possible fdd bong.... maybe you should make ONE and auction it off :-P.... I been sidetracked the past two days bro.... I'm gonna get my wife to paypal for me tonight for the "hooked"