Don't sell yourself short. There is nothing exceptional in my background that got me to where I am except a willingness to try hard and always go to work everyday.
Out of high school I bet I had 10 different jobs by the time I got married. They all sucked so bad. Factories, fast food, convienance stores.. I was your typicall stoner.
When I was 28 I got hired at the company I'm at now. I was willing to do the stuff no one else wanted to, work late if needed and learned everything I could about what I was doing. Time goes by and I become a Service Manager and I like to think that because I smoked weed that I was able to see things differently and I found better more productive ways of doing things. When you can add to your employers bottom line you tend to get noticed. After several years of that I got called up to the big show.. General Manager. This position didn't exist as yet so there were no set parameters. So for the last 4 years I've been feeling my way trough this and essentialing I figured my best tact was to attack it as though it were mine and learned everything else about this company. There's too much here to list but things like payroll and payroll taxes, OSHA compliance, workmans comp, health insurance, overhead, banking etc... theres a lot on my plate.
The thing is that while you may think you'll never have a job like that because of the responsibility of it all. When I was your age I was unemployed living back home with my mom because I partied away all my money, I thought the same thing. Life can reward you in many different ways if you just give it a chance. You'll never win the lottery if you never buy a ticket.