Lets play the guessing game


Well-Known Member
Alright, just got done trimming this baby up, and now im all sticky lol. Just a little game here to see who can get the closest guess as to the final weight when dried and all trimmed down. Itll probably be bout 4-5 til its all the way dry so, go ahead and get ur guesses in. BTW, its an ice plant vegged for bout 3 weeks and flowered for 9. Started under a 1000w, but had probs with it so finished under a 600 for about the last 4 weeks.
And before all u people start saying "Its impossible to tell weight by a pic, blah blah, blah...", this is just a game, I dont really care what it weighs, just seeing who can guess closer.
Sorry for being off topic, but what problems did you run into with the 1000 watter.


Active Member
i was using a magnetic ballast and the transformer went out :( But on the plus side, i just got a new digi 1000 to replace it :) And the plant is drying just like i had it in the pic. I left the whole plant intact, so it will take a lil longer than normal to dry.


Active Member
1 dollar bob, oh wait.... :mrgreen:

Just noticed u had the same guess as staysafe420. He said 2.5 oz which equals 70g so unless u guess again, ur cant win.
And Ill be doing the weighing tomorrow morning so get ur last guesses in. here is a list of all the guesses so far
minorthreat 56
rbkhockey13 58
captain792000 62
madcatter 63
z0oted 65
alexonfire 66
smokintreez 67
rocpilefsj 69
staysafe420 70
feva 70.7
resinraider 72
tigerblowztreez 77
trynagrosumshyt 81
spoon420 82.3
kjg0809 104
joecali 112


Active Member
Ok. The results are in. As the pics show, the bag weighs 8.1, so 96.8-8.1=88.7g. Spoon420 had the closest guess at 82.3. He was only 6.4 off. Not a bad guess. Im HAPPY. I got over 3 zips on a plant that had very little veg time. Total veg time, including germ and seed stage was only 3.5 weeks. Sending ya a PM Spoon. Grats



Well-Known Member
Ok. The results are in. As the pics show, the bag weighs 8.1, so 96.8-8.1=88.7g. Spoon420 had the closest guess at 82.3. He was only 6.4 off. Not a bad guess. Im HAPPY. I got over 3 zips on a plant that had very little veg time. Total veg time, including germ and seed stage was only 3.5 weeks. Sending ya a PM Spoon. Grats
man damn spoon.. lol.. he would thro one guess in after me, lol.. good harvest number tho.. i think i should get 2nd place +rep or somethin.


Active Member
haha i cant believe i won. every1 was lowballing him so i thought id give him some more hope... and shit he even beat wat i said bongsmilie :bigjoint:


Active Member
haha i cant believe i won. every1 was lowballing him so i thought id give him some more hope... and shit he even beat wat i said bongsmilie :bigjoint:
haha, thanks for trying to "raise my hopes". paid off for ya. thanks everyone for playing. it was kinda cool. will prob do it again sometime. off to enjoy my goods:eyesmoke:


Active Member
THAT would be gone if i was there. I would have had it smoked in 20 minutes. lol

awesome job! +rep
HGKD .....
ok....soil... that will cut out a few grams, cuz Hydro gives a bit more yield.
water 24 hours before harvest..... that means they will be puffy and full of the good stuff.
24inch tall Im gonna gues 2 1/2 gms per inch. ..
My guess is 56 rounded up to the majic number 60...60....60.