4x4-1000W ElxGangaxMan's Tent Grow

Hey whats up guys this is my first set up. Ive watched and learned from people for about 4 years and now im ready to get my fingers dirty!!! Unfortunately im behind on my pics so im about to start flowering soon, i was wondering though...How big should i let these ladies get before i will have problems with my light and the tops of my plants. Oh and also i by no means am an expert. SO any GOOD advice is greatly appreciate any advise so feel free to leave any comments or pics. um....yeah check it out lemme know what you think!oh and by the way im growing two strains GUM and AK-47 mix with Northern Lights. Pictures of the little ladies in the hydroton are seeds of i think but am not a hundred percent , Granddaddy purp and skunk 1 .


So i had the time to get the measurements for the distance between the light and the top of the plants and they are about 26-28 inches apart from the light. Im guessing i should flip to 12/12....any suggestions lemme know..thankx:weed: PS. running a 1000W HPS Air cooled...


Well-Known Member
ya I would probably switch them soon, how tall are the plants right now? you should expect the plants to double if not triple in size when you flip that switch....what kind of nutes are you using?


Active Member
Just curious how you stared your seeds?
Under what lights did you start your plants?
How long have they been vegging?

A little more info on these babies would be nice!:joint:


Active Member
VERY NICE MAN +REP and SUBED MAN and yeah i'd go 12/12 also man. just curious but how much do u have in the whole setup $$$ wise i mean?
alright well to answer the nutes question, i am using all Botanicare Pro grow, Bloom, Sweet, and Liquid Karma. plants all vary in size tallest being about a foot and smallest about 8 inchest from base, i kinda messed up im running a drip system , could set it up to eb flow but still not sure. but i think i messed up using to much rockwool.. the tops are in 4x4x2.5 rockwools on 44x4x4 rockwool slabs making it hard for me to keep propper watering schedual...and actualy all the plants in the trays up top, all 12 are clones from a good friend! and the seeds happened to some out of a bag of smoke i got from a buddy and he happened to give me the cola that he had pollinated and had seeds so i just have Grand Daddy Purp. mixed with either its Skunk1 or Sweet Island Skunk. and i cant give an exact date these ladies started from clone but all i can say on that is they had a rough time getting to my place and were a little shocked that i think it stunted them but they are roughly 23 days old i would guess...so yeah i only have about 28 ichst between some of the tops of the plants and the light so im thinkin tomarow night i will switch to 12/12. ill be using the Bloom for flowering instead of the Grow, although ive heard people like using both threw veg... and i would say i have roughly 2 grand invested in my pride and joy. thanks for the comments! if you guys have somethin goin lemme know id like to check it out! um...oh yeah and i also ad SM-90 to the resivour about every time its been half depleeted.....bongsmiliecant wait


Active Member
well u may want to go ahead and give a dose of whatever bloom ure useing i don't but alot of ppl do i wait a week into flower but maybe better ask someone with more experience u got alot of bread in the setup i don't wanna steer u the wrong way i'll be watching either way peace man
Well why do you like to wait a week, to say compared to just slowly introducing them to the bloom...? my personal opinion would be that would shock them to wait but i dont know, thanks for the idea..


Active Member
Well why do you like to wait a week, to say compared to just slowly introducing them to the bloom...? my personal opinion would be that would shock them to wait but i dont know, thanks for the idea..
i don't really have a particular reason for waiting. i saupose i won't wait this time lol just cause it appears that nine out of ten ppl don't wait lol i guess u could call it cheap why i waited, but that was before i had a good source of income i didn't wanna use anything i didn't have to, BUT this grow will be a serious one not as serious as your's but it will be more advanced than the cfl's i usually do lol. i've don't it both way's but have nvr had a serious grow until now which will be an upcomeing thread as soon as possible i'll get everything situated and a new cam then i'll make a journal. i'll be growing White Widow and Lr * AK47 and maybe a few other's not sure yet though but like i said i'd ask someone else or better yet forget it i'm a newb pretty much unless u coun't the few cfl grows lol go ahead dose ure babys' man they'll love u for it.:weed:may u be blessed with THICK STEMS NICE ROOTS and HUGE BUDS:clap:and man i gotta say again fucking kick a$$ SETUP MAN! oh and i take donations so if u got a few bud's/seed's anything u don't want pass it my way lmfao peace man :leaf:i'll keep watching
Hey guys so as you can see my plants seem to be doing awsome... well i think so anywase... but i have some questions on what im doing and ANY insite is awsome. I'm not one of those people who shuns down ideas. So what i got goin on benieth those lush babies is all rockwool :S idk if i like going that route....every one i know use's the 4x4 rockwook cubes in net pots with hydroton rocks and im just using the 4x4x2.5 rockwool cubes on 44x4x4 rockwool slabs. running a drip like top feed only it doesnt really drip more like a constants slow stream. now my question how often should i water with this much rockwool? i just want to make sure they are at their working best "odviously". i just added CANNABOOST in at 3 weeks with botanicare pro and im using the grow still with the bloom and im also using liquid karma. right now i water about 2 times a day about 2 to 5 mins each time. so if theres anyone who could steer me in the right direction or just give me a cool idea im up for it! and post a link if you have a setup i would love to check it out!
So ive been doing some looking about on some other grow journals and i dont thing my ladies are behind but i feel like they arnt up to their full potential.....my tallest plant is about 16-1/2 inches and im on the 3week 5th day.....as i said above running botanicare pro grow, bloom,liquid karma, and cannaboost also spraying with mag every 3 days....so please HELP ME OUT if you have an idea...


Well-Known Member
So ive been doing some looking about on some other grow journals and i dont thing my ladies are behind but i feel like they arnt up to their full potential.....my tallest plant is about 16-1/2 inches and im on the 3week 5th day.....as i said above running botanicare pro grow, bloom,liquid karma, and cannaboost also spraying with mag every 3 days....so please HELP ME OUT if you have an idea...
You flowered way too early and your light is too far away so your nodes have a lot of space between them. Do you have CO2?
No Co2 yet, maybe next cycle, does that dramaticly increase anything, i heard that if i was pulling fresh air from outside there should be enough in the air....i can lower my light just didnt want to burn anything. anything i can do right now to try to turn the problem around, and how close do you recommend that light to be. i figured i flowered kinda early i just though i was going to have a hight issue...well lemme know if ya got any ideas of what i could do to steer things in a better direction! i havnt done much trimming to lower leaves some of the plants seem like they are getting rapped up in themselves, but i heard not to cut anything off except the dead and nute defish leaves... do you think i really hurt my yeild size? by the way thanx for the drop in!
so i got to thinking and i think im gunna ad a 90w ufo LED with my 1000w and see what all turns out:P hopefully that will help them juice up a bit!