1000 watt mh Bagseed Grow

1000 watt mh light over 2 plants that are about 3 weeks old from seed. i just transplanted them from the party cups today. theres also another seedling i just started as 3 days ago. ive got em enclosed in a little 3 sided enclosure i built out of drywall to reflect the light back at the plants as i got one of those shitty batwing reflectors.
here are sme pics of my ladies as they have progressed.


more pics of the setup, notice th 26 watt ( 100 watt) cfls i got sitting on the edge of the pots to get some coverage to the lower foliage.. i rotate the pots twice a day and i alternate the side of the plant that the cfls are on so that they get even light and dont stretch any certain way too much.. im just waiting on these to get big and bushy and show me some preflowers so i can start cloning an army for my sea of green... they say patience is a virtue but this is insane...



Well-Known Member
looking good man, yea about that patience thing..I check on mine atleast 30 times a day lol.. i swear I saw them grow!! Ima subscribe to see this through.. best of luck to you my friend!
looking good man, yea about that patience thing..I check on mine atleast 30 times a day lol.. i swear I saw them grow!! Ima subscribe to see this through.. best of luck to you my friend!
thanks man heres a few pics of the girls i took this morning right when my lights went on. its crazy how fast they grow now with this 1000 watt light. the newest set of leaves has grown an inch today at least on either plant. ill post some new pics tomorrow as well. but im about to have some pics of my set up in just a minute too.


the new setup.. ghetto rigged. 1000 watt mh over 2 babys that are 2 weeks old and one that is just a few days old. got the house fan on the camping chair to elevate it and circulate the hot air above my grow area, and a little fan on the step stool low to the ground to move the cool air towards my plants. got a couple 26 w (100 watt) cfls next to them to get some penetration on the side branches & i rotate the pots clockwise every 4 and a half hours to make sure they dont stretch horizontally. i think they are doin pretty fuckin good for 2 and a half weeks. or is it 3? i donno. ill get back to you guys on that one..



Active Member
Hey man looking good so far. Just wanna point out something I noticed in your second post (the pictures). You need to water the entire pot, not just in the center. By now the roots are expanding everywhere in that pot & you need to get that whole pot wet! Keep it up though, they're lookin' good.
the girls look happy!! whats ther names!!??

the sativa ( the more lenky one with more space between leaves) is nikki and the indica with the short fat leaves with no space in between is named michelle, then the baby with that i dont have a good picture of is lilly. they are getting alot of love. i dont water them too often but i am in my grow space at least 10 times a day checking temps and how close to them so they dont get burned but like i said i usually water then check for two days then on the third day i check the soil and decide wether or not they need any water. im wondering when might be a good time to start them on FF GROW or another nute for veg state. any suggestions?
Hey man looking good so far. Just wanna point out something I noticed in your second post (the pictures). You need to water the entire pot, not just in the center. By now the roots are expanding everywhere in that pot & you need to get that whole pot wet! Keep it up though, they're lookin' good.
thanks man i appreciate the tip. i just transplanted like 4 days ago from party cups into these big square pots. so i was trying to get water directly to the roots. although i do realize that i am suppose to let the roots stretch out and look for their water. i just wanted to make sure they got what they were lookin for coz it had been a good 3 days.. thanks for the comments guys keep em comin. i just ordered 5 Feminized X Line "Big Bud X White Widow" seeds, 1 feminized Chiesel( Cheese Mixed with Nyc Diesel Male ) and got a free feminized trainwreck from attitude. so i should be getting those soon. when i do i am going to utilize this Two Site rubbermaid hydro setup my girls nephew hooked me up with. i think its aeroponics.. its a 14 gallon rubbermaid ruffneck container, a bag of hydroton, two 6 inch netpots. ( two holes on the lid for the pots and all the tubing and the sprayer fittings, i just have to buy pumps, (hps conversion bulb) 76'x76'x76 tent off ebay, nutes and rockwool cubes to start my seeds in......

okay so thats not really an "i just have to buy" situation. i still have a ways to go but basically im trying to ease into a four table ebb an flow sea of green op like al b fuct has goin over the next couple months. so if you keep posted you wont be dissapointed


Active Member
Is this your first grow? If it is, don't plan too ahead of yourself. Learn as much as you possibly can with this grow and then use all the knowledge you gained in the next grow. You asked about ferts earlier; It's definitely too early to use them right now. Usually a good indication on when to start using fertilizer is when your cotyledons (first set of leaves after they pop through the soil) turn yellow and die off. Most soil medium's have enough fertilizer in them for 4-5 weeks of steady growth.
Is this your first grow? If it is, don't plan too ahead of yourself. Learn as much as you possibly can with this grow and then use all the knowledge you gained in the next grow. You asked about ferts earlier; It's definitely too early to use them right now. Usually a good indication on when to start using fertilizer is when your cotyledons (first set of leaves after they pop through the soil) turn yellow and die off. Most soil medium's have enough fertilizer in them for 4-5 weeks of steady growth.

this is my 3rd grow, ive grown a few decent buds under cfl and flourescent 2700 k, got 10-15 grams per plant. nothing special. but i definitely havent built up a system yet. its all just kind of random. plus this is my first time with hid lights. besides. i have no choice. i need to crop out at least a qp in the next 4 months.


Well-Known Member
the new setup.. ghetto rigged. 1000 watt mh over 2 babys that are 2 weeks old and one that is just a few days old. got the house fan on the camping chair to elevate it and circulate the hot air above my grow area, and a little fan on the step stool low to the ground to move the cool air towards my plants. got a couple 26 w (100 watt) cfls next to them to get some penetration on the side branches & i rotate the pots clockwise every 4 and a half hours to make sure they dont stretch horizontally. i think they are doin pretty fuckin good for 2 and a half weeks. or is it 3? i donno. ill get back to you guys on that one..

that chair in the third picture looks like it would be a good spot for you to sit and stare at your ladies like I do mine for countless hours out of the day..LOL

Its like they are at sandals resort or sumthing with that much light for only 3 of them. They are living it up!!

They are looking great, im really looking forward to the progess of these and the differences that I see between your 1000w growth and my 4001w ( I have cfls around mine as well) Oh this is my third grow as well so maybe we can help each other in the event of any issues!!


Well-Known Member
Damn im sry to hear about the burning, I did that to some bag seed my last grow (i ended up cutting down the bagseed) it was like 4-5 inches from the light and the next day i checked on it and the whole top cola was burnt... luckly there was no bud just leaves and i ended up trashing it cause it was in my closet and the bitch was humongous.


Well-Known Member
Not dissin but 1000w for veg isnt really needed i use 400w mh until flower than go 400w mh & 1000w hps it will work but more power than u really need for now + rep.
Not dissin but 1000w for veg isnt really needed i use 400w mh until flower than go 400w mh & 1000w hps it will work but more power than u really need for now + rep.

oh yeah i definitely realize that.. im working on getting 10 plants under that in dwc an a hps conversion bulb... i just bought the light off of a friend for 150 bucks so i cant really go wrong.. power consumption isnt really a worry to me. ( i dont pay the bills here, i stay with my girl and her stepmom hahah)


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i definitely realize that.. im working on getting 10 plants under that in dwc an a hps conversion bulb... i just bought the light off of a friend for 150 bucks so i cant really go wrong.. power consumption isnt really a worry to me. ( i dont pay the bills here, i stay with my girl and her stepmom hahah)

no electric bills huh? aint that the shit..lol
no electric bills huh? aint that the shit..lol
yes sir yes it is. although the other day we blew a circuit when she started using the blow dryer during when i had just started my light cycle for the day, shut of my lights and half of the outlets in the house. i switched my ballast to a different outlet and we havent had a problem.
yes sir yes it is. although the other day we blew a circuit when she started using the blow dryer during when i had just started my light cycle for the day, shut of my lights and half of the outlets in the house. i switched my ballast to a different outlet and we havent had a problem.
been a little lazy about my updates as nothing too interesting has happened as of late besides waking up the other day to find that my cfls were to close and they were burning the dog shit out of some of the top leaves on my indica, and really took a chunk out of my sativa. i got to them before it really had an affect. got pissed and threw the cfl bulbs and they shattered all over the place so needless to say, no more cfl side lighting haha. :-| anyhow i also moved my circulation fan away from the plants and raised my mh in case it was wind burn from the fans constantly hitting the plants. anyhow im just waiting on 2 more nodes and im going to perform uncle bens topping technique and put them into flower to see if i got bitches or not (using the tops as clones that i will put into hydro... i hope that michelle (the indica) is a female, i dont really care about the sativa tho, shes gonna grow too tall.. i would mind if it was a male. id like to expiriment with breeding. just so i dont have to buy beans anymore haha


Well-Known Member
Yea if you want that I would just get a few beans put them in your grow area and just let it go, if some are males so be it... let it all finish and then gather all the seeds. You really have to do nothing different and you WILL get seeds.