2x 90 watt ufo's + 1x 150 watt envirolite.


Well-Known Member
They are looking really lush now! I hear those 90w UFOs are pretty expensive. How much did you get for yours? If you don't mind me asking :-)
Hi dude, 1st-ly cheers I am pleased with the progress so far :) I paid £85 for one and £65 for the other, both on E-Bay, kinda expensive but I wasn't bothered I just wanted to test/try em out :) am pretty happy with them though! - STELTHY:weed:


Well-Known Member
Ok today I had to swap my top 250w red spec cfl for my bottom 125w red spec cfl, i put the 250w away for now due to high temps at the top! I ve left the bottom light out for now, also i removed several dead leaves from both sides, this has opened up the canopy for light penetration, so that's all good! My bloody thermostat still hasn't arrived :( that's not good :( The 2 ladies do drink a hell of a lot at the mo! Ive reduced boost and superthrive in the Skunk/cheese lady! - due to a slight under curling of leaves, i boosted to high to soon, was a bit impatiant lol, nevermind ..so long as ol' Jack Herer provails..!! I was thinking for my next test I may choose to try out a 400w dual spec HPS grow amasingly I hadn't done the math on my led/cfl. contribution.... total out-put 605w so i hope to see what diiference there is between a 605w led/cfl grow and a 400w duel spec hps in a cooltube, its all about saving and when you save you make MORE :) i will continue to use my led's, after this grow, as they have proved to me a worth-while additive, but look foward to my next adventure not to far from the future, stay with me peeps only 6 more weeks of flowering Ill post more pics next week :) - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
new pics :) !!! Week 1 of generative stage 2, in my album I have many more pics I will upload to my thread the main ones that show decent growth feel free to browse and PLEASE leave comments :) - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
I have 4 main colas with 2 more starting to catch up! they are filling out nicely and smell worthy of an Amsterdam Coffee Shop :) The leaves are vibrant and healthy I trimmed a couple near the bottom for better air circulation and to prevent mould, never had a problem with mould before and don't wanna start now :) I think upon completion..I wil harvest the top bulk of JH and then revert the lower popcorn bud branches back to 18/6 for a week, give her 2 days of darkness and then slam her back into 12/12 for a fuller crop, this will be my 1st time trying this so fingers crossed it all goes to plan...one things for sure i have plenty of leaves n trim, for my 'Pollinator' am looking forward to making hash! and am thinking ill use a 72% Jamaican Rum to make my Tinture, Think Ill call it J.H.J - (Jack Herer Juice), :) , I think also I may re-veg the SKUNK/CHEESE at the same time I revert the chopped JACK HERER, effectively giving me 3 harvests not just the 2 I was expecting ... - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
The tips of the leaves got a little singed due to the high temps! I choose to take out the top 250w Envirogrow light and replace it with the bottom 125w Envirogrow light, leaving the lower grow with a dim amount of light penetrating from the top and a much better top of room temp by my ladies cola's temps hit 36oc but since the change am steadily around 26oc.... MUCH BETTER!!! - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
I am loving it, the buds are infusing just fine, the stems are becoming fuller and when I give the branch/stem a little shake I can really feel the weight that's being packed on at this stage, the bud-sites and stems are sticky and when I rub my finger on them main stem at the bottom and smell it, it smells spicy,peppery,and kinda like sherbert infused with THC, am looking forward to a taster from this sexy lady :) - STELTHY:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Each of the 4 cola's are over 1ft in length! and there are plenty more cola's that after I harvest the top section, will be ready to take on the same structure :) I will trim her once back in the veg stage in order to gain an awesome amount of light to penetrate her to her stem base! this will also Allow some new leaves to grow and strengthen her to hold some nice new fat buds - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
Hey man, been reading thru your grow and i'm well impressed! Those plants are looking dank as heck, must be smelling too amazing?? Nice job man. I look forward to your harvest results.


Well-Known Member
Firstly holy shit man. Those plants are bulging big time. Secondly what on earth do you use a spatula for??? Its a good looking one though. Doesnt seem like its seen any egg flippin.
Yeah man this one is Jack Herer, shes got 5 weeks to go... Then I will flush for a week and then CHOP! my other one, SKUNK/CHEESE, I haven't posted pics on this thread yet, because I over boosted and she is looking curled down n a bit yellow so I am flushing her with ph balanced water and plant disinfectant until she looks better, I have a few pics of her in my album but want to wait n till shes on the mend before I show her off, basically I boosted her with the same strength nuits as the J.H. dispite her being only half the size. but dont worry that will be sorted soon. Only a week to go before I can add CHA CHING to Jack Herer :) ...can't wait :) oh and I use the spatula to mix my nuitrients in my DWC pots so my EC stick gives accurate readings ... so far so good :) - STELTHY:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, been reading thru your grow and i'm well impressed! Those plants are looking dank as heck, must be smelling too amazing?? Nice job man. I look forward to your harvest results.
Yeah they do smell F u N k Y :lol:, My Mrs. doesn't like the smell though cos she's pregnant and the smell makes her feel sick lol, good job I now use an ONA air purifier block much better, :) , I now need to buy a new co2 refill for my injector not used it since day 2 of 12/12 so hopefully this and the adding of CHA-CHING should really bulk up Jack Herer and make her potent as hell :fire: - STELTHY:leaf:


Well-Known Member
How many days in is this?
Hi, at the moment I am in the 'generative stage 2' I am 35 days into flowering since I 1st turned my lighting to a 12/12 cycle... so still fairly early days yet :-P, and I got a bit impatiant today.... I really wanna maximise THC production so I added 1/4 a teaspoon of CHA CHING to my J.H so now all I have left to do is get my new co2 refill and whop it on for a few hours every day during lights on till harvest............... Keep watchin this space loads more pics still to come :) - STELTHY:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Excellent I get my new co2 refills tommoz :) this should really speed things up and boost my ladies, she will be bigger n greener than the incredible hulk lol, The young buds are already sparkling with early THC forming :) - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
I have been doing some research into maximising my plants THC potential! apparently if I add a UVB tube or 2 to my grow cupboard, I am thinking for side lighting around the same height as the cola's, the plant/s will pack on THC to protect herself from burning and in doing so will render my ladies with upto a 20% gain in THC I have made a few calls and can get a 20w 60cm (23.5") UVB tube for 16 Quid, and the fixture for 22 Quid, so for 1 complete unit, just under 40 Quid! I' probably get 2 for even distribution of the UVB ray, so 80 Quid will cover. At present I am unsure wether to use them with my 2X 90W LED UFOS, and 2X MINI FLURESCENTS, and my 125W ENVIROGROW LIGHT, or wether to use them in the night time, with the other lights off and either way ... how long they need to be running for?!! so before I take the plunge I want to be sure on the exacts, of bennifitting from the use of them! If anyone has any info on UVB and or has used them got any pics and good or bad comments etc.. please leave a reply here.. as this is new to me too :) and 20% gain in THC could be the making of some absolute hardcore bud, If I grow a strain renown for high THC production anyway, then give the best nuits I can find, whilst grow in a DWC setup, and super boost it with, BUD CANDY, CANNA-BOOST,BLOOMBASTIC and CHA-CHING, and a CO2 injector, a 20% THC gain from a UVB lamp, could be the crucial making of some serious HYBRID bud that surpasses its own genetics, 2 different strains cross breeds and then its baby with the same treatment I am sure would be close to growing pure THC :) and the HASH made from them will be divine, ok am off to the shops now to take measurements and find out how much heat they emmit, all comments welcome - STELTHY