DEA at it again

look what this idiot wrote.....

(stupid bitch wrote,)
Seems like everyone would have learned it's lesson with legalizing alcohol. We have "drive-thru" liquor stores, and then act surprised when a drunk driver KILLS someone! Now we have "pot heads" demanding that this "devil weed" is actually medicine! Give me a break! I hope the Food and Drug Administration is watching! The DEA did their job. Now it's time for the FDA! Where are the Warning Labels on MM? It's time that this SHAM of MM got shut down! Where are the "child proof packages for MM? Real medicine has them! Where are the rights of children who have to deal with STONED care givers who should actually BE stoned with real rocks for child endangerment! What's to stop stoned driving? Nothing!

what a dumb bitch huh??
im sorry but that is just absolutely ridiculous when is the government going to realize it is for the people again ?
What did this dipshit expect? He contacts the top news channel in the state, lets them in his house to film his grow and brags he's making $400,000 a year in his $700,000 house. He's lucky the DEA got a hold of him otherwise we would be reading about his death in a home invasion.

Its asshats like this that cant shut the fuck up and want to rub it everyones face that has all the lawmakers up in arms to regulate the fuck out of things.
What did this dipshit expect? He contacts the top news channel in the state, lets them in his house to film his grow and brags he's making $400,000 a year in his $700,000 house. He's lucky the DEA got a hold of him otherwise we would be reading about his death in a home invasion.

Its asshats like this that cant shut the fuck up and want to rub it everyones face that has all the lawmakers up in arms to regulate the fuck out of things.

I can't agree more!!! i think not too many people understand this aspect of the business... even richard lee (founder of oaksterdam and one of the most vocal leading cannabis activist) respect the DEA and wouldn't even specify his number in CNBC "marijuana industry"... so for someone to front off an agency who oversees those regulations is just asking for trouble...:evil: including the external troubles that is unseen until it happen...
Thats scary, but I thought there was some new thing that Federal law wouldn't mess with the state law? Or did I mis understand that
This bragging grower that was arrested isn't too bright, but... I still think he might win in court, with an attorney who specializes in MMJ cases.

I think he will beat this in court, and this win will be another landmark. These DEA people can't stand to see large grows, especially large MMJ grows.

Remember Jason Lauve, a legal MMJ user in COLORADO, won a landmark victory last August when he was acquitted in Boulder District Court of FELONY marijuana possession charges, making him the first medical-cannabis patient in history to win a jury trial in COLORADO.

In 2007 police raided his home because of an anonymous tip. Even though he showed them his Medical Registry Card, the cops still seized 34 ounces and charged him with FELONY marijuana possession.

The state Constitution exempts 2 ounces and 6 plants from prosecution.The prosecution argued he had TOO MUCH MEDICINE ON HAND. His attorney Rob Corry , argued brilliantly in closing that Colorado's Medical Marijuana Law does not set limits on medical necessity and that a patient can possess ANY AMOUNT OF CANNABIS THAT HE OR SHE FINDS NECESSARY.

The jurors AGREED, after 3 hours they acquitted him on all charges. He left court that day with the 34 ounces and a grin on his face.

In an interview after the acquittal, the jury foreman said that JASON COULD HAVE HAD A TON and the jury still would've acquitted him.

Even though this story is on the internet, my particular source was the HIGHTIMES JANUARY 2010 issue, page 16.

This Chris Bartkowicz, needs Jason Lauve's attorney ..Rob Corry. The case is a little different, but with the right attorney and it isn't hard to pick sympathetic jurors in, this Chris Bartkowicz case has the potential to stop DEA in Colorado, even though what Bartkowicz done was dumb, his case can turn out to be a winning hand for all of us.

Your still entitled to a trial by jury of your peers? Right?...RIGHT. That's all he needs, a win in this case would stop the DEA from any future charges on MMJ growers, ...unless this case radically changes the MMJ law in Colorado.

Didn't Eric Holder...the U.S. attorney general , say the U.S. Justice Dept will no longer raid Medical Marijuana Clubs? ...and this Bartkowicz guy was a legitimate supplier for these again ,,,,if this case is played out right using the statements of Eric Holder and then if also , the prosecutor tries to say that Barkowicz had too much, then the defense could go back to Jason Lauves case and say "there is no stated "set" limit on what is too much".

I believe this guy will win, having a jury will be key though. This case could also change state law and that's the only thing I'm worried about. This dummy still needs our support, his case will be a landmark.
The Federal Govt has a 90% conviction rate, in Federal cases the defendants arent able to even mention the fact is was a medical grow. In California every medical grower that went to trial on Federal charges lost. All this guy can hope is that they decide not to charge him or he gets a very sympathetic judge.
...the Federal Govt WOULD NOT target legitimate medical grows (size doesn't matter if you are LEGAL)

Instead, Obama lied thru his F@$!&*? teeth...again! :cuss:
Medical [URL=""][URL=""][URL=""]marijuana[/URL][/URL] Supporters 'Outraged' By Obama's DEA Chief[/URL] :finger:

Medical [URL=""][URL=""]marijuana[/URL][/URL] supporters say they are "outraged" over President Obama's re-appointment of Bush Administration holdover Michele Leonhart as chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

"The retention of this Bush-era holdover is a profound disappointment to all of us who hoped that Obama would bring meaningful change to Washington," lamented Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML (National Organization for the Reform of [URL=""][URL=""]marijuana[/URL][/URL] Laws).

​Leonhart is to blame for having blocked the approval of a medical [URL=""][URL=""]marijuana[/URL][/URL] research garden requested by leading researcher Dr. Lyle Craker at the University of Massachusetts, overruling a decision by DEA administrative law judge Mary Ellen Bittner.

​Leonhart's action effectively blocked the development of [URL=""][URL=""]marijuana[/URL][/URL] for FDA approval, since without licensed producers FDA development and approval are impossible.

"If there's one thing on which supporters and critics of medical [URL=""][URL=""]marijuana[/URL][/URL] agree, it's the need for FDA studies," Gieringer said.

"This appointment calls into question whether the administration has any desire to move towards FDA regulation or abandon the bankrupt policies of its predecessors."

California NORML is calling on the U.S. Senate to "reconsider" Leonhart's nomination in view of her damaging -- and ongoing -- opposition to medical [URL=""][URL=""]marijuana[/URL][/URL] research.
People are tired of the waiting for legalization, they are tired of the DEA and arrests. There are hundreds of thousands of us. I think its past time for civil disobedience , example : gathering by the thousands in outdoor parks with the media invited smoking out.

The power would be in our sheer numbers. Going to the Capitol buildings by the thousands and lined up and down the side walks with posters in our hands and joints in our mouths!

I mean really putting down the fear and rising up, we have the numbers. If every pot user stood up and banded together and started taking civil disobedient action in every state... every John Law with a badge would be like WTF? What do we do ?

I've seen some clips on youtube of DEA raiding Dispensaries with HUNDREDS on the sidewalk booing them...what the hell? Why boo them? Why not take invasive action and stampede the bastards? Oh yeah...FEAR.... many would say "well they got guns"... I would be willing to take that sacrifice and laydown my life.

I'm for trying to use the system but sometimes in cases where the Feds have said time and time again.."we won't bother MMJ people...and they go back on their words.... somethings got to give. The Govt. is supposed to fear the people not the other way around.

I wonder what its going to take for people to grow some balls and stand up. I believe that if this Chris Bartkowicz is sentenced to Federal prison, that the DEA in Colorado and other law enforcement should see civil disobedience from hell. Start organizing, bigger events, public smoke outs, constantly gather around the Capitol building IN THE THOUSANDS and not fearing jail either...hell I'll go on the front lines.

Dare them to lock us up. If we showed our numbers, and would fight back instead of scattering like roaches when a light is turned on, the legislators and law enforcement would back down. Could they jail us all?

There was a clip on youtube of the modern hippie movement RAINBOW GATHERING at the Wyoming 2008 event , where the hippies all formed a semi-circle holding hands and march forward driving the cops backward, I mean they were like 400 hippies-to-maybe 40 armed cops , that was sweet, its this type of action that needs to be done.

If something doesn't give soon....are we still going to tolerate people being arrested for Cannabis 10 years from now ? I believe that we should start giving our legislators ultimatums that MASSIVE CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE is likely to be expected if they don't listen to the people.

I wish we still had that Civil Disobedient spirit of the 1960's when people had balls and weren't afraid to go head to head with the cops. This is a cause I would die for, IF - the numbers were there to support the cause.

Over 1/3 of the U.S. has smoked pot, that's over 100 million people roughly, it would only take a few hundred thousand in every state to stand up and give ultimatums to their state legislators. Only a fraction of that. I wish the masses realized their power, this is something that the Govt. has the people fooled with, that they can shut down any Civil unrest, and that they have the power, they don't....they have THE ILLUSION OF POWER, and the Govt. is scared shitless of losing that ILLUSION.

Americans outnumber every Law Enforcer in this Nation 500-to-1, and that's a conservative number. We are a sleeping giant. What we could do if we ever woke up.

Your plan is flawed.

Medical marijuana is unfortunately loosing public support in many areas of the country due to the negative publicity generated by growers, and dispensary owners.
Putting signs up with big pot leafs and names like Dr reefer, Weed shack and the like only alienate those who are not patients.
Further you don't have to look very hard to find young people looking for information as to how to cheat the system and get a medical card with fake symptoms, and then stating their plans to sell weed for personal gain.

Police and politicians read these forums and use the posts to justify tighter regulations on medical marijuana.
Now is the time for intelligent, informative discussions aimed at demonstrating that patients are main stream members of our communities and not the anti-social thugs that your ideas would make us out to be.

I fear that if we can't police ourselves that we will loose the gains we have made over the last ten years.
Would you rather go back to Bush or McCains policy on MMJ?

I guess you missed the point- We already have. That whole song and dance about the Feds not interfering was a flat out lie. Another Cannabis testing lab here in Colorado Springs got raided by the DEA the other day...and all they had was 27 lbs of STEMS. Go splash some cold water in your face and WAKE UP please. Obama has made NOTHING better for MMJ patients, period. :(
It points out that weed growers are just like everyone else. Some get greedy and instead of growing for themselves discreetly and quietly, they push to make a business out of it.

The Feds are probably willing to turn a blind eye to personal small growers, but not anyone making it a career choice. It shouldn't be a career choice in the first place. It breaks the spirit of weed, and makes the grower no different from an oil executive.

And yes...Obama lied....what's new. Just wait for the middle class tax increases....another whopper in the pipeline...coming straight at you and the economy.
I guess you missed the point- We already have. That whole song and dance about the Feds not interfering was a flat out lie. Another Cannabis testing lab here in Colorado Springs got raided by the DEA the other day...and all they had was 27 lbs of STEMS. Go splash some cold water in your face and WAKE UP please. Obama has made NOTHING better for MMJ patients, period. :(

Please link to just one person who has been convicted Federally for MMJ under Obama. Would you like a list of all the wheelchair bound people that are currently in Federal prison because of Bush's orders to prosecute medical users? Guess you missed McCains statements that if he were elected he would continue the republican agenda of imprisoning medical users. Bush also threatened the license of doctors for recommending marijuana, something his own supreme court ruled against. Under Bush there were over 750 federal raids on medical grows and dispensaries and over 200 people sent to prison. Every other day under Bush there was a dispensary raid in California, how can you honestly say nothing has changed? Yea this guy got raided because he was on TV bragging that he makes 400 grand a year sitting home jerking off all day stoned while federal agents have to work 9 - 5 for 45k a year, its a slap in the face. Do you think Obama called the DEA and told them to go raid this guy?
The Federal Govt has a 90% conviction rate, in Federal cases the defendants arent able to even mention the fact is was a medical grow. In California every medical grower that went to trial on Federal charges lost. All this guy can hope is that they decide not to charge him or he gets a very sympathetic judge.

wat about jovan jackson?? he won.

It points out that weed growers are just like everyone else. Some get greedy and instead of growing for themselves discreetly and quietly, they push to make a business out of it.

The Feds are probably willing to turn a blind eye to personal small growers, but not anyone making it a career choice. It shouldn't be a career choice in the first place. It breaks the spirit of weed, and makes the grower no different from an oil executive.

And yes...Obama lied....what's new. Just wait for the middle class tax increases....another whopper in the pipeline...coming straight at you and the economy.

i strongly disagree, i am attempting to make a career out of it, NOT for the money, because i belief the benefits from cannibus out weigh the down sides. this plant is more than wat u think if thats wat u beleif.
Guess Holder was just joking when he said he would leave those in compliance with local laws alone.

"I'd like to see somewhere in the vicinity of $400,000 [in profit,]" he said in our earlier interview, though he admits he could make as little as $100,000 depending on what happens with proposed laws regarding medical marijuana.

"If my neighbors don't know and no one else knows, how would I be a target?" he said in the earlier interview. "I want to be invisible."

"I'm definitely living the dream now," he said in our earlier interview.