GHS - BIG BANG grow journal


Active Member
Nice pic Doc! :weed:
Very healthy looking, lovely dark green leaves! :weed:

Unfortunalty, although she does look like a potent strain, she is not.. :neutral:
Don't get me wrong it is a nice smoke, and i've only been sampling the smaller nuggets which are probably less potent anyway (sometimes the lower down nugs aren't always as ready, but i don't have to tell you that.. :mrgreen:)
Its very relaxing, i'm used to a knock me on my arse stone and this one just doesn't cut it.. but give it a few more weeks curing etc etc.. plus I got the other to come down and she smells great! I think she will be the winner! :lol:
but i'm not dissapointed, it's a good evening smoke, have a few puffs, sit down and just relax, plus i can always swap a half for something else if I get bored! :lol:
Gunna have a proper sit down soon and really get a good smoke report down, things are a bit touch and go round her at the minute :neutral: Bloody Women!




Well-Known Member
so joe any plans for the future yet?
cant wait to see the peachy one come down, sorry to hear bout the potency, sounds about the exact same smoke as the big bang i smoked except mine was bc big bang not GH big bang,
after following your whole journal i dont think ill be ordering greenhouse, unless someone else posts that they have a knock you out strain, heard there Trainwreck is close

thanks for all the knowledge and you are gonna be stocked up on big bang! wonder what the cure will do


Active Member
so joe any plans for the future yet?
cant wait to see the peachy one come down, sorry to hear bout the potency, sounds about the exact same smoke as the big bang i smoked except mine was bc big bang not GH big bang,
after following your whole journal i dont think ill be ordering greenhouse, unless someone else posts that they have a knock you out strain, heard there Trainwreck is close

thanks for all the knowledge and you are gonna be stocked up on big bang! wonder what the cure will do
No worrys man.. :joint:
Its been a great ride, can't wait to get this one down and some new one's up! :lol:
Yep, soon as i get enough £'s and as soon as they come in, going to be gowing Strawberry Diesel and Kong, new strains that i've fell in love with! :mrgreen: (Holy Smoke Seeds, should be out in march! :mrgreen:)

Yea i'm hoping the peachy one will be stronger but who knows, one thing i know for sure is she will taste great! :weed:
Big Bang has the lowest THC % out of all GHS strains, I don't think it is a plant I will be growing again, strictly because of the potency, but it was a lovely plant to grow and it has been a great experience.. :mrgreen:
Lets hope curing will bring the best out.. :lol:



Well-Known Member
yea i think big bang sacrifices potency for yield, those are huge colas

ive smoked kong before, well that was the name given when i got it, but it was BOMB, top 10 smokes ever

stoked to see your next one bro!


Active Member
yea i think big bang sacrifices potency for yield, those are huge colas

ive smoked kong before, well that was the name given when i got it, but it was BOMB, top 10 smokes ever

stoked to see your next one bro!
I suppose if it were to be sold then its definatly a good earner, especially at the prices the green goes for today! :lol:
GHS should cross BB with super lemon haze or something! :mrgreen: Huge yields of 1st place cup buds :lol:

I'm getting realy excited for the new grow! :lol: Like a little giddy school girl! :mrgreen:

damn, i'm very jealous now knowing you have sampled some! :mrgreen:



Active Member
Just had a massive barny with the missus :-? (its all good now though) kiss-ass


anyway, after smashing my house phone up, leaving me uncontactable :shock:, and breaking my knuckle punching a hardwood unit, leaving me feeling very foolish as to pick a fight with something harder than my hand! :lol: i sat down and smoked two :bongsmilie:'s to chill me out! and man am i stoned! :eyesmoke: it hit me instantly and i felt very calm and relaxed, i went and layed on my bed and whacked on the telly and i had to get back up because I was falling asleep! :lol:
Now I know why it is used as a medical MJ! :lol:
It really shocked me as to how i felt, earlier, i had one and it wasn't very potent at all, i did feel calm and relaxed but nothing like this, still i like it stronger but I am very happy now! :eyesmoke:

I gotta go to tesco's inabit aswell! Forgot about that!!!!! :lol:

Last night I picked a medium sized bud out of the jar, and placed it in my 'smoking jar' on its own, it is nice and dry and grinds up just the way i like it.. :mrgreen: not dusty and not squishy, juuuust right. :lol:
Maybe this is why i am alot more shot than before, the little immature buds just didn't cut it.. :lol:


(this aint my smoke report though! :lol: well kinda a small one but i need to sample more! :eyesmoke:



Active Member
Wow Joe, I hope everything is fine in your home.

Anyway, it's good to know you're enjoying your bigbang! I, on the other hand, am relieved that I got rid of them hihihi :peace:


Active Member
Day 75 today and she looks like she is definatly nearing the end of her time with us, here, on RIU! :lol:
The majority of the hairs are now receeding back into the calyxes, and when i opened her up this morning for her check up i was very happy to see the buds bending outwards, they're getting so big i'm going to have to tie up the branches too! :mrgreen: She has put on so much more weight in the last two weeks its incredible! :shocked:
I have left her like it today, and I'll tie em' up tomorow just to make sure.. :mrgreen:

A few snaps for y'all, you can sort of see the buds coming out slightly from the picture took above her.. :weed:




Active Member
Wow Joe, I hope everything is fine in your home.

Anyway, it's good to know you're enjoying your bigbang! I, on the other hand, am relieved that I got rid of them hihihi :peace:
Its all good, thats why i buy the cheap phones or have the ones people chuck away, you know, the ones still with cords :lol:
Its not uncommon at mine for a phone etc.. to get broken, it can be very stressfull at times..:neutral:

but yea, there was loads of other strains i could of gone for, i did explain many pages back why i did get the BB seeds, i think it was on here, but once i had them and everything was set up, i just wanted to crack on, plus i didn't want to spend loads of gold nuggets on banging seeds. just incase it all went pete tong.. :mrgreen:
i wish i had though! :lol:

Its not the strongest, but I'm very thankful for the fruits of my labour.. :eyesmoke:


scottish lad

Well-Known Member
well done m8 83 gram that sound sweet :) i had internet prob again ( hate my imternet provider ) so you got any plans yet for ya next grow ? am just about to up date ma grow :)

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
awesome - thanks for the feed regime mate. shame about the potency but to be honest i like a good mellow smoke from time to time, you know the sort of weed you can have a session on with a few mates instead of passing round a blunt of super skunk and all sitting there in silence to paranoid to even converse!!
But despite that i am glad my garden has a couple of the Widows growing in it! Best weed i have smoked in this country by far - tho i haven't come across the cheese that people rave about and since getting into this new hobby i have read about so many new strains that im just dying to grow. Might try one of the GHS mix packs next with a mix of sativa and indica seeing as its a cheap way to find out about a mixture of strains quickly - tho considering the time and expense that goes into a grow a bit more spent on decent seeds is bound to reap its rewards (like Bubblegum from serious for example - defo on my agenda). But im forgetting i still got 2 x 1.5 week old BB seedlings and 3 more BB seeds and 3 more WW seeds left aswell as 2 x BB clones that are 5 days old now and in peat pellets this time, so looks like i will have mhy hands full with Big Bang and White Widow for the next few months - aswell as having plans for a discreet little greenhouse behind my vegetable garden for when the weather warms up! Oh man, the possibilities are endless!!!!

sorry to waffle - im off to research the strwb diesel and kong you mentioned, by the way have you seen these hempy buckets mate that people are using? might give one of those a try sometime.


Active Member
well done m8 83 gram that sound sweet :) i had internet prob again ( hate my imternet provider ) so you got any plans yet for ya next grow ? am just about to up date ma grow :)
Thanks man.. :joint:
I know man, well chuffed.. :mrgreen:
:lol: I got probs with my phone line and its messin up my broadband! :lol:, if I wan't to go on the net, i have to disconnect the phone, which i've had to connect to the main line, and if i want to make a call, turn the net off and plug in the phone! Feel like i'm back in the 90's again! :lol:

I've decided to grow Strawberry Diesel and Kong from Holy Smoke Seeds, will be starting most probably april time, i'm also thinking about having a few plants outdoors this year, i haven't tried outdoor yet but there's plenty of place's so why not.. :mrgreen:


looking good tbh, im a few days behind you :) look better than mine :s
Thanks for checkin out the grow, justjwatson.. :joint:
Good luck with your grow.. :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Thanks man.. :joint:
I know man, well chuffed.. :mrgreen:
:lol: I got probs with my phone line and its messin up my broadband! :lol:, if I wan't to go on the net, i have to disconnect the phone, which i've had to connect to the main line, and if i want to make a call, turn the net off and plug in the phone! Feel like i'm back in the 90's again! :lol:

I've decided to grow Strawberry Diesel and Kong from Holy Smoke Seeds, will be starting most probably april time, i'm also thinking about having a few plants outdoors this year, i haven't tried outdoor yet but there's plenty of place's so why not.. :mrgreen:


Thanks for checkin out the grow, justjwatson.. :joint:
Good luck with your grow.. :eyesmoke:

haha i had the same problem with my phone line earlier its bollox n it check out my thread loadsa bubble:bigjoint:


Active Member
awesome - thanks for the feed regime mate. shame about the potency but to be honest i like a good mellow smoke from time to time, you know the sort of weed you can have a session on with a few mates instead of passing round a blunt of super skunk and all sitting there in silence to paranoid to even converse!!
But despite that i am glad my garden has a couple of the Widows growing in it! Best weed i have smoked in this country by far - tho i haven't come across the cheese that people rave about and since getting into this new hobby i have read about so many new strains that im just dying to grow. Might try one of the GHS mix packs next with a mix of sativa and indica seeing as its a cheap way to find out about a mixture of strains quickly - tho considering the time and expense that goes into a grow a bit more spent on decent seeds is bound to reap its rewards (like Bubblegum from serious for example - defo on my agenda). But im forgetting i still got 2 x 1.5 week old BB seedlings and 3 more BB seeds and 3 more WW seeds left aswell as 2 x BB clones that are 5 days old now and in peat pellets this time, so looks like i will have mhy hands full with Big Bang and White Widow for the next few months - aswell as having plans for a discreet little greenhouse behind my vegetable garden for when the weather warms up! Oh man, the possibilities are endless!!!!

sorry to waffle - im off to research the strwb diesel and kong you mentioned, by the way have you seen these hempy buckets mate that people are using? might give one of those a try sometime.
I don't mind the waffling, if i did, I would be a hypocrite! :mrgreen:
Yea man, a nice bit of smoke but if theres something thats gotta be done its still possible to do whilst stoned! :lol:

You could always save the WW and the BB seeds and use them another time...
bubblegum will be in my tent one day..:eyesmoke:
The summer is approaching and i'm getting ready for it! :lol: i'm really up for some outdoor guerilla growing this year too! :mrgreen:

Youtube them man, there not out yet (commercially) as far as i know.. :lol:
but there was an article in a Weed World Mag, issue 84, page 44.. :mrgreen:
oh and the hempy bucket, hhmmm, seems very interesting, had a quick look and found someone saying they or a friend had had something like, 17oz's DRY off one plant! :eyesmoke: damn. :shock:
I'm going to do some research on this.. :mrgreen: thanks for the tip..


haha i had the same problem with my phone line earlier its bollox n it check out my thread loadsa bubble:bigjoint:
:lol: i tell ya man, my gaff is falling apart! :lol: when i hant got my ladies up i've got the wheels of steel going, 2 500w bass bins, 2 500w tops and a 2000w amp.. there's a crack in my toilet next door that goes all the way around the room and is starting to open up!...S**t!..:o :lol:

bubble hash you say...:mrgreen:



Active Member
76 days since the switch :weed:
Not much to say on todays update other than i didn't tie the branches up, i didn't think it is that important just yet, they seem like they can handle it for now, they look like they can go for a few more days yet so we'll see how they look on sunday before lights out, she will be 11 weeks tomorow! (Sat) :mrgreen:

The dry buds are curing very smoothly.. :mrgreen: pics of them coming soon! :eyesmoke:




Well-Known Member
Just saw this thread for the first time and read probably 60% of the post. Took about 2 hours. I know they were about 12"-15" when you induced flowering. How tall was the one you chopped and how tall is the other pheno about to be chopped? I am currently growing 1 Big Bang (fem), 1 Church (fem), and 2 KC Brains (reg). Trying to figure out when to induce cause I am growing in homemade grow boxes. One box is 2 of the round rubbermaid tubs, the kind people use at cookouts for beer, with the rope handle (removed) stacked on top of each other. The other box is 2, 30 gal. rectangular rubbermaid boxes. They look really ghetto but work. Especially if you LST the plants. Lower buds are not very good but the upper canopy is awesome. I'm still building them so I have some options. The round one I already put a LED UFO (90w) in and I might add 2 CFL's (26w). The other I am going to put in 6 CFL's (26w).

I grew using 20gal boxes before with 6 CFL's and got about 2 ounces off one plant. It was sativa dominant but very short and the nodes were about an inch or less apart. I was new to growing so I screwed up a lot and they got root bound once before I transplanted. I tied it down and started wrapping it around the pot. After it filled out a good bit I topped it to get it bushier and more even. Heat was a problem (about 90-95f in the box)and the buds were light and semi-airy but the quality was amazing. Everyone was impressed. Came from a bag seed out of some shwag too. Wish I had pics from when it was chopped. It was purple yellow and gold. I would pick the leaves as they were dying too. The last week or two there were no leaves on it. Looked like an upside down octopus. Had 18 arms. It would have been more but when I topped it I removed a lot of the branches so air flow would be better.

Oh, and I didn't feed it any nutes at all, except for sucunat (natural granular sugar). Gave her that every watering. Stopped the sucunat after last flushing 2 weeks before harvest. I think I did 3 flushes total because she was alive for almost 6 months. I really don't know how she stayed so small and compact. Flowered for 96 days I believe, and harvested when there were about 10% amber trichomes.

Also, I had problems with germinating the seeds too. I got a 5 pack fem of The Church and Big Bang. Tried germinating one of each. They sprouted but when I transplanted them they died. I think I might have had them too hot when I was germinating them. Tried it again and may have had same problem. They popped open in the paper towel but one turned brown and the other just stopped growing. Then this last time I tried both again with the 2 KC Brains. The KC popped and were planted and growing right away. The church was a day behind and BB 2 days behind that. I had to help all but one of the KC out of their shells too after sprouting. They all look pretty good now (germination started 10 days ago). KC's just started their 2nd set of leaves yesterday and the new leaves are purple. The 1st set have a purple vein running down the center, so I can't wait to see how they turn out.

So that's it. Just wanted to mention what I was doing and the problems I am having with the GHS seeds. I did not get them from GHS by the way. They come from another seed provider who says they are approved by GHS. Came with cards that normally come with GHS orders describing the seed. The GHS seeds were extremely small also. Like a 3rd the size a normal seed is. Might be they were just not fully developed or something to do with the feminized seeds. I have no idea. I'll look around for a pic of that bag seed I grew and if anyone is interested I can see about getting some pics of the boxes. I might start a grow log myself but that depends on how motivated I am when I get it going.

Great job on your grow. Can't wait to follow your next one from the start.

Oh and here are some links for how to build the box and a home made carbon filter. I used these designs but tweaked them a bit where I thought it was needed. For example I used white duct tape instead of silver tape, and I used individual light sockets I screwed into the box instead of the 3 light strip he uses. Make sure every strip of tape you put down is half over the last also. If the layer isn't doubled up then the box glows fairly bright. 2 layers and it isn't too much light, almost no light at all. I also used a more powerful fan.


Active Member
Day 77.. 11 weeks old! :weed:
She is almost ready :mrgreen:
I've gone and hung the light horizontally again, the top needs a bit of love and attention off the rays.. :lol: the side buds look almost done so i wan't to try and hurry the top cola up abit..i don't think she will be coming down tomorow or monday, just continue to see how she blows.. :mrgreen:

Oh and instead of making some bubble hash with my trim from my harvested girl, i'll use the next lot off the lady still going to make some..
I decided to make some CannaCookies! :eyesmoke: (that sentence don't really make sense but you catch my drift.. :lol:)

I bought two packs of ready made chocolate chip cookie mix, a bag of white chocolate chips and used 8grams of my Big Bang Bud trim.. :mrgreen: One bag of mix makes 6 cookies.. you do the math.. :mrgreen:

I used my cooking herb grinder, (them little ceramic pots with the little ceramic hand grinders, you know the one's i mean ;-)) i put 2grams of good bud trim in there, gave it a really good grinding, picking out any bits of stalk and then pushed it through a small sieve with my fingers, rotating my fingers round until all the trim was pushed through and powdered nicely. I repeated this until i had used 8grams of my best bud trim. (still got some left! :mrgreen:)
I put the cake mix in a mixing bowl with 50grams of butter and with my hands I ixed it up until the butter had mixed in thoroughly, adding about 5tbls of water as i went. I then added my ground up trim and continued to mix it up until the mix had formed a non-sticky dough and the trim was evely spread out. Next i grabbed two baking trays and lined them with non-stick baking paper. I rolled up balls of the mix and placed them spaced out in the tray, pressing them down firmly to give the cookie effect :mrgreen: You're gonna want to probably put 6 cookies on each tray, they expand like a mofo! :lol:
I then put my cookies in the middle of a pre-heated oven on gas mark 4 (180C or 350F) for around 20 minutes or until they're golden brown. I checked them every 5 mins and half way through I changed them around so that the outside cookies moved to the inside ect.... :lol: just to get an even toasting!..:mrgreen:
When they looked nice and golden brown i took them out and placed them on a cooling rack for 5-10minutes and what was left over, once cooled, were put into a container. They had a green tinge to them and tasted great! You could taste the weed but it was really nice, no bitterness or anything, Me and my mate munched two each and a some broken bits, his missus had one and my missus didn't have any.. more for me! :lol:
To be honest they didn't really have a strong effect on me other than they made me slightly tired, maybe i didn't eat enough...or maybe it was because i've been smoking all day? One thing for sure though is my mate and his bird was mashed! :mrgreen: He left not long after eating them and he looked abit worse for wear! :lol: It aint like him to leave the party early ;-)... :lol:.....:mrgreen:
I'm going to much about three or four tomorow and see how it goes.. :mrgreen:
Big Bang Cookies! :lol:


oh and Jebus, thanks for checkin out the grow and spending so much time doing so too.. :joint: You're either crazy or just got way too much time on your hands! :lol: j/k :lol: i'm going to reply to you tomorow as your post is very long and i'm very stoned! :mrgreen:




Active Member
Those are seriously monster nugs man haha! I'm beginning to think BB doesn't like to be topped...I dont see my topped one yielding ANYWHERE close to yours....maybe not even as much as your top cola! I'm trying to figure out why the plant isn't growing much and why the leaves are so small on it. The clone looks much healthier and I think it'll yield more than the topped one...crazy right?!? Lol...CANT wait to see your baby all trimmed up!


Active Member
Day 78 today and things are going great... :mrgreen:
Well up for the trim 'n' chop, i'll get plenty of snaps for ya Doc...:eyesmoke:
She is looking swell, even the little buds at the bottom of her, although they are small they're ripening up just as quick as the tops! :eyesmoke:
I'm glad i had the light like that now.. :weed:
I think i'll have to get some side lighting aswel for the next challenge..

The curing buds are coming along nicely..they have a really nice smell when you open the jar..Me and my bruv decided it smells like kitchen cleaner.. :mrgreen: I can't get it any better to be honest.. :lol:
They are getting better as the days go by...i've been pleasantly stoned all day! :eyesmoke:
I have been smoking some of the bigger buds this weekend, the majority of them weigh about 3.5-4.0grams each! And I thought my first grow was good, the top on one of them weighed 2.5dry! :mrgeen: (it was some of the best stuff i had smoked though)
anyway, i'll take some pictures of some of the buds curing tmorow.. :mrgreen:


