I want to become a licensed grower/vender


Active Member
woodstock 4 days is just what i was gonna give it cuz im a perfectionist i could have picked it days before that. And Jamaica my thoughts are, can u take me with you?!! ive been thinkin on movin to Cali for a wile but after this happend i am set on doing it and even told my gf that it would be my new years resolution for 2010 lol.


New Member
greenhouse manager to hook up with 20 friends on the West Coast?

How does one locate a Groovy Green place to live?

Frank, stop!

You're making me cry.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
Oct 19th a new policy was made that the federal gov't can't intervene on medical marijuana state laws. This is good news. I want to walk away from my dead end job and move to California or one of the other 13 states that allows medical marijuana and do something I enjoy doing. I want to be a licensed grower/vendor.

I am thinking CA would be the best bet because it seems to be the strongest market. I know I can enlist in classes at the Oaksterdam College and I plan on that, but I was wondering if someone first hand could tell me more about it or PM and we can talk that way too!
the posts begging "please dont arrest me!" get more complicated every day. Lol, "i wanna donate it all to charity!" JK< no offense I am kidding. We all know you just dont want to get arrested!:fire:


Active Member

Thanks for the great info and references! I'm looking to move out to Cali like Frank and ScubaSteve and i have many questions as well. Looking to grow, partly to suppliment my income but mainly for the love of growing! It's funny, I never retained more knowledge about anything else i've ever done than growing marijuana. it's a calling.


New Member
I am having difficulty imagining just how large of a number of people for whom this would be an ideal career.

Is there federal funding available for job training?

I mean, I can grow anything legal in a greenhouse,



i am a stay at home mom so the idea of a stay at home job doing what i love to do, so that i can help as many sick people as i can..Pharmecuticals are the real problems with our health care system....
I'll be movin out to cali in a couple months and i was thinkin about movin to maybe el dorado county cuz i know a friend out there...he is a patient and is also close friends with the local dispensary owner. I want to eventually buy a place in sonoma county but i figure it'll probably make things alot easier if i know someone when i get out there so i can get into the business...any thoughts??
check around in different counties some let u gro 100 plants per script! some counties let you grow inside 100 sq feet! the state min is 6 mature OR 12 immature And 8 dry ounces just check around cuz its not the same everywere:lol:

Metalhead Fred

Active Member
This thread seems like it may hold the answer I'm looking for.

I've always wanted to move to Cali. I'm even more enticed by the prospect of being able to grow a small crop without the fear of getting busted.

As a non US citizen, how difficult would it be for me to obtain a license to grow? Is there anything I can do to increase my chances?

Thanks in advance


Hi, This is my first post here and I am pretty much full of questions about getting started in Ca.

I am a Cali girl living elsewhere but moving back as soon as I can sell our house. My Ex has glaucoma and can get a recommendation for medicinal marijuana and I will be his caretaker and grow it for him and hopefully a few other people too if possible.

Because neither of us smoke it I am planning on making brownies, cookies and other baked goods that contain marijuana so that he can have it without smoking it. Both regular and gluten free.

And that's as far as I have gotten, I would love to be able to grow more and sell it to a collective or dispensary, and eventually find a place to open my own if I needed to, hopefully selling the baked goods as well. But I have no idea where to begin, I know how to grow and I have the money for a startup after my house sells but that's where my knowledge stops, I have no idea how to find a way to sell any excess I have from growing let alone finding a place to do the growing, do I need a retail place or will any place do? My home? I will be living in L.A. near Hollywood if that matters.

And just how much money can a person make doing this? i am not looking to get rich, I know it is all non-profit which is great with me, but can one earn a decent salary doing this? I am not looking to drive a jag but I don't want to be riding a bus either.

And most of all thanks for having this website, I have been reading here for a few weeks and everyone is so nice and friendly, it gave me the courage to finally join up and post. You folks are amazing.


I'm a med marijuana patient in Ca, and here's how it works. Once you're a resident of CA, you can obtain a medical recommendation from a doctor for medical marijuana. They're not hard to find, just check out ads in marijuana publications and websites like CA NORML, which lists them. Then, you can grow for yourself, and if your ex has a med card too, you can grow for him as a caregiver if you provide most of his care. If you don't then you can grow for a collective, and a few people can form a collective. That would keep it legal for you. Most of the dispensaries that the collectives operate would probably like to have baked goods, and you could provide them. Once you're here, just start asking dispensaries if they want edibles, and you'll probably find a lot who do want them. Good luck
I have done a bunch of research and one thing to do is check out a marijuana dispensary business plan... It talks about what you can and can't do. Then you need to attend the classes aimed for people like us. They will point you in the direction form there.
Baked goods requires you have a permit to sell food. Need to look into that because it sounds like you need a licensed area to prepare the baked goods sold in your establishment then.


Well-Known Member
Dan cone had great advice for ya-
Go to ca norml and search county by county untill you find the one with the best limits/laws and set up shop-Some areas are much more tollerant of such activities.
Find a sweet spot on there,if you can have 100sft on one card-10 x 1k lights or 14 x 600s should help you obtain your goal.Scale to your size but this set up will work well for you provided you read alot on RIU,and arent afraid to ask ?s.
As for clubs in La there are thousands,I have a friend who will front to clubs there @3600 per and then asks for 1/4 of the profit in addition_this is new to me but works quiet well for him as he makes an extra grand in a day doing it this way.

Good luck,be safe


We are toying with the idea of growing for medical use but not sure where to start or if it's worth it. From what I've read you have to be part of a non-profit collective to grow leaglly but if it's non-profit then how how do you make money?


New Member
Good luck,be safe
Thanks, Man.

You're pretty Far-Out.


All the way home We felt We had a chance
To review the coulds before We were born
And to invite a new game of can'ts

Absorbed in the clouds a voice from afar said

With the right device you can make a pattern grow
Or you can tune up your car

So We stayed on the train admiring the time

As the lights of the city drew near
We drank a little wine

They were blurry and green outer space in between
With a depth and a form unclear
Then We saw IT up ahead

A flickering lantern lit up on the tracks
In the rugs that had covered up the bridge
From the banks of a river to the bed
Of the valley upstream to the place where 'ya live

The glass on the lantern cast back the sight
Of a drive-in movie We drove by below
We saw where we'd been in the pictures within
Projecting all the places We would go

So We follow the scene and flowed up your steps
To a smooth wooden floor in a trance
The train whistle melody wove through the trees
And in through the door to signal the turns of a dance
Big Blue Buffalo Smile

2 Private Hippie Tips for all:

Google "Mutant Blue Offspring"

IT would be groovy though, finding Pheron's Tombs, eh?

Ye Olde Mind Phuckers Unite!

:peace: and phuck dem marijuana haters.

Public Hippie Tip:

We = Each And Every Phreakin' One Of Us.


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I am a Cali girl living elsewhere but moving back as soon as I can sell our house. My Ex has glaucoma and can get a recommendation for medicinal marijuana and I will be his caretaker and grow it for him and hopefully a few other people too if possible.
You don't want to do it exactly like that. You want to have him claim the crop or get your own recommendation (anyone can do it, it's easy) , but don't try to claim caregiver status. You have to prove extraordinary care giving beyond supplying cannabis in order for the Cali legal system to recognize caregiver status. Most of the time judges screw over people who try to claim caregiver.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Then, you can grow for yourself, and if your ex has a med card too, you can grow for him as a caregiver if you provide most of his care. If you don't then you can grow for a collective, and a few people can form a collective. That would keep it legal for you.
Solid advice.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
We are toying with the idea of growing for medical use but not sure where to start or if it's worth it. From what I've read you have to be part of a non-profit collective to grow leaglly but if it's non-profit then how how do you make money?
If you form a nonprofit corporation or LLC the collective can not make a profit. But you can financially compensate yourself for expenses and your time.

Basically, just pay yourself all the profits the collective would make. You can make a profit, the collective can not.


If you form a nonprofit corporation or LLC the collective can not make a profit. But you can financially compensate yourself for expenses and your time.

Basically, just pay yourself all the profits the collective would make. You can make a profit, the collective can not.
so then, if I'm understanding this right, we grow together as a collective but each sell our own and keep the money? Is there any way to just be a licensed supplier without having to go the collective route or needing to be a "patient"?