The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Right Bath, Shave, Iron Clothes and out on the piss with the missus... enjoy your evening folks.



Active Member
Anyone see the lastest Attitude offer? I got 4 free seeds with my £19 order. Don't forget to use the voucher code 420 for 10% off the order too...

Order Inventory:
Product: Pick & Mix Seeds / Lowryder #2 Feminized
Options: Pick & Mix Seeds per pack - 01 Seeds
Quantity: 1
Price: £9.99

Product: Pick & Mix Seeds / Green House Seeds Alaskan Ice Feminized
Options: Pick & Mix Seeds per pack - 01 Seeds
Quantity: 1
Price: £5.99

Product: UFO # 1 Dinafem Seeds Powerkush Feminized
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FREE SEED
Price: £0.00

Product: FREE Green House Seeds Bubba Kush Feminized
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FREE SEED
Price: £0.00

Product: FREE Green House Seeds Kings Kush Feminized
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FREE SEED
Price: £0.00

Product: FREE Green House Seeds Super Lemon Haze Feminized
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FREE SEED
Price: £0.00


Active Member
I'm starting to wish I'd bought the Chiesel from the pick n mix instead of the Alaskan Ice though, I thought I'd just throw the low ryder in my veg area and see what happens, I've never grown an autoflower strain so it'll be my little experiment.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
should be good :) i paid aobut 8 quid or something for each of my GHS seeds so bargain! i'm all good for beans for the moment, it'll be years before i get through the ones i have


Active Member
should be good :) i paid aobut 8 quid or something for each of my GHS seeds so bargain! i'm all good for beans for the moment, it'll be years before i get through the ones i have
I know what you mean, I'm starting to get a few too many seeds, problem is, I'm like a little kid in a sweet shop everytime I see something good on offer :) I've got enough for a few years now if I don't start taking cuttings that is.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
awesome mate. it's a fab plant :P get ready to prune though, it's a bush mother fucker!

jsut re-watching tokyo drift, when he is on the plane, what a scary fucking doll to give your kid! :|


Active Member
hi all, new to this . got a few questions if yal dont mind,

is pruning a good idea if the space is getting cramped so that light get through to the side flowers? is there times when you should not prune to prvent stress or perticular strains ? any1 got any good advice for using NFT tables ?
Can't get a damn thing where I am, and what's around is I hear expensive and crap.
On my first ever indoor grow.
I just wish it would warm up a bit, my ladies are COLD.
But I have an indica that doesn't mind so much. Those are hardy things, they take all kinds of abuse. It's also just started to flower. I'm not expecting much, but ANYTHING will be very welcome.

And I've learnt a lot.


Active Member
I was woken up at 8 by the sound of our dog throwing up on my bed :( then an hour later gf's mum rang while we were trying to get back to sleep.

Bah, who needs sleep anyway. :wall:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Plenty of time for sleep when ur dead, or dieing. I sleep lesss and less the older i get, prolly survive quite well on 4 hrs a night if pushed lol.


Active Member
Good Morning, Good Mo____rning, I've danced the whole night through, Good morning, Good morning, to you, and you, and you and you....

Morning folks lol, totally hammered last night, but the water trick works a treat... feeling peechy.. sorry Dura lol

Just checked on my babies and they broke through the soil barrier, one is standing tall n proud, other is a lil limp, but 2 for 2...

Right just got a call, so pub lunch and a few pints it is, fuck uni assignments..

Take it easy people

Peace Love 'N' Techno Hardcore

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys how's every1 doing today? i got so stoned last night my mate phoned me at about 10ish he got an oz of naughty stuff and brought me over a great 10bag 2gs between that and the .7 i got 1 joint left done about 3/4 of a liter bottle of whiskey aswell and now i think i'm dying lol first session in about 6wks i got a bit carried away but was loving it at the time as ya do, those chronic still seem to be hanging in there only just though so might be lucky and get 1 or 2 not hoping for anything more than that i stuck them under the 150w cfl i picked up yesterday and planted the 1 in a very small plastic cup to cover up the long white stem it seems to ok i can't even remember doing it, it was while i was steaming apparently i was gonna do all the chronic but got distracted by a joint lol i'm gonna see how that 1 does and if it perks up i'll just pot them all propoerly any1 know if this will cause any probs? cheers guys


Active Member
Well i'm fucked, got a blindin headache, to much shitty larger, should stick to vodka...

Could do with some of your 'naughty' dragon, bit of a pick me up would work wonders now.

So long as your plastic cup isnt see through it should do ok, light on the roots will kill them, and the CFL's are good, and a joint is always a good distraction.

i need a pipette, trying to sort my waters PH out is fuckin mental, was over 8, few drops of phdown n now the fucker is uner 3, like cherryade, will leave it till tomorrow when my head is a little more clear, spilt some of the ph up and burnt a big hole in the carpet lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Well i'm fucked, got a blindin headache, to much shitty larger, should stick to vodka...

Could do with some of your 'naughty' dragon, bit of a pick me up would work wonders now.

So long as your plastic cup isnt see through it should do ok, light on the roots will kill them, and the CFL's are good, and a joint is always a good distraction.

i need a pipette, trying to sort my waters PH out is fuckin mental, was over 8, few drops of phdown n now the fucker is uner 3, like cherryade, will leave it till tomorrow when my head is a little more clear, spilt some of the ph up and burnt a big hole in the carpet lol
you and me both mate luckily i coverd the cup in duct tape i'm gonna go and wrap it up a bit more i only put 1 wrap around on it also found some cellotape on there aswell i must have been rat arsed lol i'm gonna have my last burn now and then the next 1 will be from my batch hopefully in about 5 wks i never knew time could go so slow while waiting on your own but hopefully should be perpetual after this hoping for a crop every 2months from this setup i've gotta crack on with my other setup next wk i just can't get over how expensive it is for the reflective sheeting i might just go for the black and white stuff i think mylar is to thin to hang like wall paper without anything behind it and the thick diamond reflective is over £5pm and i'm gonna need about 50m worth this is the only thing holding me back right now
this seemed like a good thread to make a first post, being in the uk and all. been lurking on this site for over a year. and im thinking on starting a small outdoor grow this spring. ive been studying countless grow guides journals and videos so i think ive learned the basics lol. i am sorta worried about the typical british weather ruining my plants so i doubt ill spend too much on seeds. it should be a great experience whether im succsesful or not.