A very risky grow


New Member
I am a legal OMMP cardholder and want to grow outdoors this summer. However, I live in a rented apartment and I don't want my apartment manager to find out. She lives in the apartment next door and parks literally 15 feet away from our balcony, directly in front of it. That is where I will be growing. I also have neighbors 8 feet above and below me (I am 2nd story).

I currently have a perpetual indoor op in a custom built cabinet. Using a carbon filter and blackout curtains, our apartment manager is clueless. They have even done an inspection of the apartment, been within 2 feet of the cab, and not realized what we were doing. But I want to use the sun this summer!

Here in the Pacific North West, our summers are marvelously temperate and sunny. My balcony is south facing. The only drawback is that it stays too lit during the night hours due to street lights and parking lot lights. So sadly, I will have to use an autoflower strain. This is especially sad news because I currently have a Northern Lights strain that has little or no smell. I have started to research autoflower strains with low odor, but I would appreciate any suggestions, too.

The cannabis plants will be disguised/hidden from sight and smell by a shitload of other plants: pumpkins, tomatos, catnip, chives, basil, oregano, onions, pepper bushes, and anything else you can suggest.

Since I am legal and it is within apartment rules to grow plants on your balcony, the worst case scenario is a BS eviction. Not to worry, as our lease will expire before the plants get noticeable at all, and we plan to go month to month after our lease is up.

I should just make an anonymous call to the apartment complex and pose the question, see if they allow it. Anyone want to make a phone call for me?

Please feel free to chime in with comments, concerns, off topic banter, whatever. I will update with pictures as we go. First pictures will be my current indoor op and the various balcony plants I just germinated in preparation for this spring.

Thanks for reading, and good luck to all!


New Member
Here are some pics of the disguise plants germinating (p=pumpkins (left), o = sweet walla walla onion (center), and c = catnip (left)).

Also, some of my stealthy indoor cab grow. Mid layer is veg and top layer is bloom. Bloom layer has vacancy since I just moved 2 plants to darkness before harvest this morning. That vacancy won't last long!

I didn't forget to include pics of the balcony, I just want to show you how close it is to my apartment manager's parking spot and my two neighbors' balconies. I will use a tape measure to demonstrate how insanely close both are. Yet I remain sure I will not be detected using odorless autoflowers, LST techniques, a disguise garden, and stoner MacGyverism.

Chime in if you'd like, I'd love to hear from you about this. Also, some pics of my 4 week flowering WMD plant (big bud x fucking incredible).


trichlone fiend

New Member
Here's an idea...clip some fake flowers onto your plants. Use twist-ties so they don't harm your stalks . Do not use really pretty fake flowers, people will want to go pick them and realize what's really goin on...LOL, good luck.


New Member
Here's an idea...clip some fake flowers onto your plants. Use twist-ties so they don't harm your stalks . Do not use really pretty fake flowers, people will want to go pick them and realize what's really goin on...LOL, good luck.
I was planning to trim the obvious looking fan leaves and whatnot down to one leaf...but don't like that idea for its reduction of yield. I've seen your idea before and it's a good one, although I am counting on my vegetable/herb garden to do most of the disguising for odor and eyesight. I am on the second story so no worris about people picking them...

Thanks for the good luck!


Active Member
Why not just break off your landlord/apt manager some of the cheddar you make off the grow so they wont say shit, then grow those bitches as big as you can. Youre legit to grow so its just a matter of personal persuasion.



New Member
Why not just break off your landlord/apt manager some of the cheddar you make off the grow so they wont say shit, then grow those bitches as big as you can. Youre legit to grow so its just a matter of personal persuasion.

Not a bad idea, but I get the feeling she would find some reason not to allow this. I am going to try to get a friend to call them anonymously posing as a potential renter who wants to know if the complex is OMMP friendly. That way I can know for sure without risking my neck.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call or say anything. As long as you have your card, your fine. Even if they find out, they can't kick you out for that. All they'll do is call the police, you step outside and talk to them, show them your card and tell them to be on their way. If they ask to come in, say no, your g/f is naked and your about to join her. ;)


New Member
I wouldn't call or say anything. As long as you have your card, your fine. Even if they find out, they can't kick you out for that. All they'll do is call the police, you step outside and talk to them, show them your card and tell them to be on their way. If they ask to come in, say no, your g/f is naked and your about to join her. ;)
I'm just not that cool. And for some reason I persist in believing she will find some way to evict us. Plus, I like the thrill factor that comes from growing right beneath their noses. Or in this case, about 15 feet above....

Nice grow, cappeeler09, just not sure what it has to do with an outdoor stealth grow...apart from the possible autoflowering element.


New Member
My first pumpkin seed has germinated and is about the puncture the soil. Pics will follow once it does.

I have changed plans. I am not going to grow a shitty autoflower strain (unless someone here can convince me otherwise). Instead, I will clear out the balcony storage closet and put the plants in there at night for darkness. That way, I can use the Northern Lights strain I currently have, which is 99% odorless and will yield 10 times more.

I will also include some pics of the Northern Lights harvest which is currently drying in my kitchen cabinet, as well as the remains of the plant it came from which is being re-vegged.

Oh yeah, and also some pics of the close close proximity of our neighbors and apartment manager. Tune in for this fun grow....


You plan on using a lot of disguise plants should be worth the effort, i wish i had a balcony too!

have you thought about trying a shorter bushier indica strain? perhaps they would be better suited to your requirements.

I will be watching the rest of your grow ;)

Best of luck with it! Happy growing :)

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
the thing you have to understand about autoflowering strains is, the plant stays small why anybody expects to get a 1/2# off of one is simply delusional, what auto flowers have going for them is the ability to sog from seed with a 2.5 month turnaround time. Can you get more off a properly kept normal strain hell yes, are they going to be more potent probably, can you clone and do a perpetual sog yes too.
As I see the advantages or auto flowers are, 1 in the time it takes you to grow 1 mother you can have a harvest of a autoflower sog, 2 many of the AF breeds are dwarfs which means you can plant one on your balcony next to ANY other plant for cover who pays attention to 14" plants. Thirdly with a 2.5 month life cycle you can abuse the shit out of them and there just isn't the time for compounded effects.

If you start an autoflower grow in April you can easily get 2 full grows in before september OUTSIDE FROM SEED. You cant do that with your northern lights.
I will say if you are legal grow your shit on the balcony according to your LOCAL laws i know in CA it varies from county to county.

Also if you want to mask the smell grow some gardenias they were the funerary flower of choice to mask the smell of dead bodies pre modern techniques.


New Member
the thing you have to understand about autoflowering strains is, the plant stays small why anybody expects to get a 1/2# off of one is simply delusional, what auto flowers have going for them is the ability to sog from seed with a 2.5 month turnaround time. Can you get more off a properly kept normal strain hell yes, are they going to be more potent probably, can you clone and do a perpetual sog yes too.
As I see the advantages or auto flowers are, 1 in the time it takes you to grow 1 mother you can have a harvest of a autoflower sog, 2 many of the AF breeds are dwarfs which means you can plant one on your balcony next to ANY other plant for cover who pays attention to 14" plants. Thirdly with a 2.5 month life cycle you can abuse the shit out of them and there just isn't the time for compounded effects.

If you start an autoflower grow in April you can easily get 2 full grows in before september OUTSIDE FROM SEED. You cant do that with your northern lights.
I will say if you are legal grow your shit on the balcony according to your LOCAL laws i know in CA it varies from county to county.

Also if you want to mask the smell grow some gardenias they were the funerary flower of choice to mask the smell of dead bodies pre modern techniques.

+rep for that. Those were the exact advantages I thought of with respect to the AFs. Nice, spirited response that may just change my mind. Good advice on the gardenias, too. You rock!


New Member
OK, some pics of the pumpkins, walla walla onions, and catnip. Also, the unmanicured, curing NL (I tried to reveg the plant but it died really quick).

I learned of a law here that says my plants can not be on 'public display', so I have come up with a new plan once again. I will be doing a SCROG that will be mainly concealed from any publically viewable location by other plants that also disguise the smell. The screen will still be placed such that the buds that grow through it will get TONS of sun (south facing balcony). The screens will be attached to the pot the plant is in, making them mobile so I can stick them in the balcony closet for darkness nightly.

People in my area swear by putting the plants outside in late May early June, so I will have them ready to go outside by then. In the meantime I will be deciding on strains and building the set up. More updates to come!



Active Member
Not a bad idea, but I get the feeling she would find some reason not to allow this. I am going to try to get a friend to call them anonymously posing as a potential renter who wants to know if the complex is OMMP friendly. That way I can know for sure without risking my neck.
thats not to bad of a idea when i was house hunting one of the first things i would ask the potential landlord on the phone was if i could grow my medical mj there and if they had any problems with it... and surprisingly most of them were cool with it.. heck they prob figured if your doing a garden there was no way you were gonna be late on rent lol :hug:
lily good for hideing odours and for auto flowering strains if height is not factor and just useing it because worried about lights messing with it try auto ak47.


New Member
Thanks for all the encouragement. But we are still a long way away. My main concern right now is what strain to grow. I have already taken measurements of my balcony and closet, and I have room for 4 plants. Each plant will be grown in a 5 gallon bucket, and will have a 1' x 1' screen at appox 3ft (2 ft above soil level). Everything up to the screen will be trimmed bare. I will have plants suspended on the balcony railing that creep down the railing, and plants at the bottom of the balcony that creep up the railing. I will also have as many others as I can cram in, just for cover of smell and sightline.

Since I am second story, you'd have to look at a sharp angle upwards through some creeping vine plants to a screen dotted with fake decoy flowers surrounded by other far more interesting flowers and veggies. If I keep my screen about 6'' below the railing, you won't be able to see if from down there. And during the summer, it would get 8-10 hours of direct sun from a sharp angle above.

The best thing about this plan is that it would technically not be on 'public display', thus making legal (along with my OMMP cards, valid through December). Reason why I am considering genetics is because the odor free strain I just harvested did not reveg, it just died. Lesson learned, take clones early! Big setback. Time to lurk for answers


Thanks for all the encouragement. But we are still a long way away. My main concern right now is what strain to grow. I have already taken measurements of my balcony and closet, and I have room for 4 plants. Each plant will be grown in a 5 gallon bucket, and will have a 1' x 1' screen at appox 3ft (2 ft above soil level). Everything up to the screen will be trimmed bare. I will have plants suspended on the balcony railing that creep down the railing, and plants at the bottom of the balcony that creep up the railing. I will also have as many others as I can cram in, just for cover of smell and sightline.

Since I am second story, you'd have to look at a sharp angle upwards through some creeping vine plants to a screen dotted with fake decoy flowers surrounded by other far more interesting flowers and veggies. If I keep my screen about 6'' below the railing, you won't be able to see if from down there. And during the summer, it would get 8-10 hours of direct sun from a sharp angle above.

The best thing about this plan is that it would technically not be on 'public display', thus making legal (along with my OMMP cards, valid through December). Reason why I am considering genetics is because the odor free strain I just harvested did not reveg, it just died. Lesson learned, take clones early! Big setback. Time to lurk for answers
how much you expecting to yield?