3 OG Kushx 3 Super Silver Haze


Well-Known Member
I will be doing a journal of a 6 plant grow. the specs:

3 OG Kush
3 Super Silver Haze
-Grow Method:
Soil, Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Using both "lollipop", super cropping, and FIM methods on a couple.
2 400W HPS (55,000 lumen each)
>cloes/ SuperThrive
>Veg/ AN's Sensi Grow A+B, Great White Beneficial Bacteria
>Flower/ AN Connoisseur A+B, Great White Beneficial Bacteria,...perhaps a finisher, we will see.
-temps maint. at 75-85 F, 12/12 started Nov. 7, 09.
....and the pics. please comment, advice, constructive criticism, let me have it. I don't mind help.
There is a few from Veg, the rest are from this week. the 1st week of flowering. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
ok, this is week 2 of flowering. heres the pics. comments please. advice wanted. im nor thrilled with the quality of my first 3 grows, so i want this one to be a lot better. i mean, i can see the quality getting better through time, i just hope its a big jump this time. :P



Well-Known Member
week three of flower.
Im seeing better results with AN nutes than my FF grows. Especially the day after watering, they explode.
Also, the heat issue...well i looked up all over the web seeing if i could use a window AC inside. all i could see is its just hot air coming out the back, nothing harmful, thus defeating the purpose...well, its winter now, and i dont care if it makes the apartment warmer. Anyways, i built a thingamajig to box in the back, then i ran a 4in duct from that to the outside of closet w/ 2 inline fans. seems to be working great. the hot air is pumping out. i also placed a rig to catch all the water. temps are down to 75-80 now. perfect. now i just need to get a temp. regulator so it only goes on when it needs to be on and so when the lights go out, it doesnt freeze the place. anyways...heres the pics.



Well-Known Member
Ok, so a little update, also asking for a little help. Ok, so browsing craigslist last night, I found a 8300btu portable ac for $25! This was great news,I was able to pick it up. So I got rid of the rig I had with the window ac with te attachment on he back and put in my portable ac. I ran the exhaust of the portable ac right through my lights and out of the closet. So I turn it on and wait a little while a checked the temps, it was still 85F. I had run the ac outside the closet and it had no problem cooling the whole room. Anyways, a little later I checked and it had gone over 90F. The air conditioner is still blowing moderatly cold air out but temps still won't go down. That's a 15"x15" fan on med., a swampcooling tower fan on high, and a portable 8300btu portable ac on high, with air cooled hoods on 2 400w hps, all with the hot air being pushed out of the room. I also have a 4 inch duct pulling air in with a inline fan. The area is 2'x5.5'x6'(WxHxL) so it's not a huge area to cool. I don't get it...it seems I can't fix this heat prob. Do I have to get insulated ducting also of what? Hood covers? Anyways if anybody has any advice, I'd appriciate it... It's getting pretty frustrating...

Quik note, i fixed the temp by not running the hot exhaust through the lights. i gave it its own, short, duct out of the closet, not temps are at a good, even place. now my apartment is hot as fuck, and i dont want to run 2 ac's at one time, cause its expensive already, and windows could be opened...nut i live in a apartment complex and the sidewalk goes right in front of my windows...i dont want the smell getting out there, which is why i can run a 12' duct across my room out the window....so now its nicer in my closet then outside....spoiled lil' bitches....better give me some good buds.


Well-Known Member
things are going good. up to 5.5ml./gal with conni. a/b + reat white benificial bacteria 1/4tsp/gal. once per week. as temps have been better, ive seen improvment in plants look. next project in the next 2 weeks (hopefully)i want to get a 20lb. CO2 tank and regulator. the flowers arnt really formed yet, so i have a little time to get the CO2 benifits. anyways, heres my babies, week 4 of 8-9.



Well-Known Member
lookin good cant wait to see them in a few weeks
well you dont gotta wait that long. the last week, they have exploded. i fucked up a few tops trying to "super crop" cause the tops were way too close to the light (touching glass) so i lost some but that was my own bad. anyways, these plants are flowering much earlier than my previous grow, which is good! i flushed them all yesterday night. damn, its alot of work when you have to take 6 4-5 ft plants back and forth to the bathroom. then i had to fill up like 12 1 gal jugs and put the chlorine remover in the water and i pours 5 gal. per 5 gal bucket. ah...it was alot of work, but its for my babies so its worth it! (i told my girl these are the closest things to children shes gonna get!) so, 5 weeks flower. here they are:



Well-Known Member
okay, so i know it hasnt been a week, but look at these nugs. damn, not bad. things are looking good. nugs are nice and solid. ive noticed with the cooler temps, i haven't had to water as often. the OG is already in full bud mode, the SSH is coming along. id say another week and it will have some formed buds. its getting hairy though, so its close. SSH does flower a little longer than OG, but i think im going to leave them the same time. I want to get mostly amber triches for the effect. i have trouble sleeping, and the narcautic feeling puts me out like a light. anyways, heres my bitches.



Well-Known Member
week 6 flower. i re-arranged my closet, i got sick of beating off the tops from the light. I just sread the buckets out farther(a lot farther) and bent the tops to the light accordingly, tied them down. now, safe from light, with more of the tops getting light. yay. i ran out of bud and dried out a nug to smoke. it worked, even though its not even close to being done. o yeah, and sorry about the crappy pics latley. i lent my camera out, it will be back soon...i hope.



Well-Known Member
little update. got my camera back. Also, my awsome girlfriend got me a 50lb CO2 tank for Christmas. My ladies love it. you could see the response overnight. anyways heres a few better pics of the crop.



Well-Known Member
thank you! so do i. i just wish it was bigger,,,i will be doing a SCROG next grow as to keep the tops all evenly covered by the light and also not right against the glass. the SSH doesn't seem to mind the heat as much, also the OG only shows very slight signs, slightly turned in leaves. anyways...the 31st was week 7(day 49) of flower.
Og flowers in app. 49-64 days.im going to leave it as long as possible for the most amber trichs. I flushed the OG today, but not the SSH, as i think they will need a little more time than the OG. The SSH is well into getting some buds formed, but will need another 3-5 weeks by the looks of it. (SSH has a 10-12 week flower time)
the CO2 definitely gave me a boost in my grow room. immediate difference...however, i way over killed it. i emptied a 50lb tank in less than a week.. what i would do is turn it on medium, turn off the air cond, turn off the intake/exhaust and leave the 15in" fan on medium to circulate the air. i left it on for 3-5 min, then i would reach in and turn it off, and resal the room. id leave it for 20-30 min like that, then turned the fans and air cond. back on to bring the temps back to 70-75. i did this 3 times a light cycle. i think where i f-ed up is makeshift a valve setup. i need to get a real co2 injector with some more timers. ...when i have the cash.

ok...here's some bud porn of the og. next update ill have the SSH.



Well-Known Member
Plants looking great at 8 weeks. I have stopped nutes with the OG Kush as I plan to harvest them this next Saturday (Jan. 16th)
The SSH is looking good, forming buds now. the smell coming off of them is incredible. citrusy goodness is the best i can describe it. can wait to get the OG out so i can spread these SSH a little more to get more light on the bigger tops. heres the pics.



Well-Known Member
Little update. I harvested the OG Kush tonight. bombness is all i can say. def the best ive grown thus far. my fingers are sticking to the keys as i speak. the pics are below. Good lookin tops, im excited to see how it cures out.

SO, now there is plent of room for the SSH and all thier tops to get the good light. also got a refill on my CO2 tank, sooooo hopes are up. looks like a good size harvest even though i broke a few tops off earlier in the process. i measured the SSH, 5.5ft.not bad but too big for my closet, which is why they are all bent at 45 degree angles. pics of those too. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
things are going good in the room. it has been raining the past few days so its humid in the room. I also noticed one plant had mold growing on the very top soil (alot) i mixed the dirt and it didnt come back, so thats good. the buds are filling in alot more, alot more flowering to go from the looks of it. new growth all the time. tops getting taller also. I heard SSH like nitrogen, so i made a "tea" with greenery. (we had a fresh "green" salad in the fridge we never ate, it wasnt too bad. i threw it in the blender and added some water and sealed a lid, let it sit for 2days) i added the tea to the nuted water. i noticed the whole plant got greener, yellow leaves turned green again, buds got alot more growth. anyways, heres the pics. the llst 2 are the OG after dried, 1 week of cure.



Well-Known Member
Over the past few days I have been watching the tops develope and notices a couple are growing very tall...like, stretchy, but they are already close to the light. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? This is week 10, kinda long for a SSH i think. I might have stressed it back a week or two or somthing. please tell me if you have seen this and is it stretching or the bud growing bigger.



Well-Known Member
some more pics, end of week 10. still growing taller. im confused by that. hope its not stretching. some leaves turning yellowish/light green. not sure if its a deficiency or just natural because of budding. I think im am going to flush the plants just for the hell of it, to wash any salts to make sure its not causing deficiencies. need to get a ph soil kit. looks like a heavy harvest though, if it all fills in.:weed:



Well-Known Member
some more pics, end of week 10. still growing taller. im confused by that. hope its not stretching. some leaves turning yellowish/light green. not sure if its a deficiency or just natural because of budding. I think im am going to flush the plants just for the hell of it, to wash any salts to make sure its not causing deficiencies. need to get a ph soil kit. looks like a heavy harvest though, if it all fills in.:weed:
Man that is just heavy sativa that is why it is such a bitch to grow indoor... wait it out, watch the trichs, the buds on that stuff sometimes never fill in like you expect. but damn dude that stuff is going to be sick when it finishes!!

I dropped by your thread because I am growing og purple kush your og looked great!