1/3rd of Women in U.S. Military are Raped


Active Member

According to NPR, “In 2003, a survey of female veterans found that 30 percent said they were raped in the military. A 2004 study of veterans who were seeking help for post-traumatic stress disorder found that 71 percent of the women said they were sexually assaulted or raped while serving. And a 1995 study of female veterans of the Gulf and earlier wars, found that 90 percent had been sexually harassed.”
The BBC recently reported on The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq by Helen Benedict. This book examines the extreme difficulties female soldiers have in serving abroad. Benedict interviewed several women in the military to get a deeper understanding of the issue, and some of their stories were real eye openers.
Army specialist Chantelle Henneberry spoke of some of her experiences in Iraq, “Everybody’s supposed to have a battle buddy in the army, and females are supposed to have one to go to the latrines with, or to the showers – that’s so you don’t get raped by one of the men on your own side. But because I was the only female there, I didn’t have a battle buddy. My battle buddy was my gun and my knife.”
Another study concluded that 90% of all women serving are sexually harassed. Another one estimates that 90% of all the rapes do not get reported, despite supposedly easier ways to report the crime with confidentiality since 2005. Either way, this appears to be an epidemic that needs to be dealt with.
An online discussion from a former soldier whose identity is being protected had this to say, “At least a rape ends. It’s the day-to-day degradation that eats at you. None of my friends who were raped on active duty reported it. Or if we tried, we were told to shut up for ‘morale.’ Working with your rapist on a daily basis isn’t a lot of fun, believe me.”
How the military is dealing with this appears to demonstrate a pattern of sweeping it under the rug. In 2008, 62% of those that were convicted of sexual assault or rape received very lenient punishments such as demotion, suspension, or a written reprimand.

This problem is not confined to the US military either. This abuse is rampant among private defense contractors overseas as well, as recently highlighted by the recent press about Jamie Leigh Jones. Ms. Jones was in Iraq in 2005 when seven Halliburton/KBR employees drugged and brutally gang-raped her. Her injuries were so extensive that she had lacerations to her vagina and anus, her breast implants were ruptured, and her pectoral muscles torn. The response of KBR was to lock her in a shipping container with only a bed, and to deny her food, water, and medical treatment. The rape kit that was taken after she regained consciousness was mysteriously lost.
This crime eventually led to an amendment being added to the defense appropriations bill by Sen. Al Franken (D-MN). This would require defense contractors to allow their employees access to US courts in cases of rape or sexual assault, regardless of where they are stationed. The 30 Republican senators voted against this amendment are currently being humiliated on the Republicans for Rape website and by John Stewart on the Daily Show.
They don't define "rape." Some women suggest that if a woman regrets having had sex with a man it is rape. They could also be including unwanted touching over the clothes, etc.

Assuming rape means forced penetration I call bullshit. While I believe that a captured female soldier would certainly be raped, I find it beyond belief that this type of thing could go unnoticed on a military base in such dramatic numbers. Where are the news accounts? Surely, many of these would be prevented and the perpetrators prosecuted. It just defies reason.
So you feel they should be able to do whatever where ever, with no concequence?

You missed the point. The Progressives thought it would be a good idea to treat women equally by putting them in the foxhole with the men. Bad idea with bad consequences. Just more Progressive bullshit run amok.
thats total bullshit. spent 20 years in and never heard of a single incident of a rape. and yes, i was high enough in the chain of command to be told. i have had as many as 25 women working for me at one time. dont know what they are including in the stats but that is total bullshit.
I have a problem with those numbers too.
I do think it's odd though, that ViRedd doesn't dispute the numbers, but instead just says liberals put the women near the men, so it's the liberals fault. Really, that's who you'd blame if it happens? I can just hear a rapist using that defense... "What could I do, a liberal made her work next to me. Yeah, I raped her, but I'm not the one who should be blamed. It's the damn 'feel good' lefties fault."
I have a problem with those numbers too.
I do think it's odd though, that ViRedd doesn't dispute the numbers, but instead just says liberals put the women near the men, so it's the liberals fault. Really, that's who you'd blame if it happens? I can just hear a rapist using that defense... "What could I do, a liberal made her work next to me. Yeah, I raped her, but I'm not the one who should be blamed. It's the damn 'feel good' lefties fault."

I think everything we need to know about this article is that it originates from NPR. Next you're going to expect us to give credence to surveys from Air America (oops, I forgot they're history) or rags like the NY Times or even more laughable, ANYTHING on Huffington Post or Media Matters, MSNBC... etc. Hey I know, tell me more about how the last 10 years of cooling PROVES global warming...errrr, I mean climate change.

To answer your other point, Vi is exactly correct. And your little example of the rapist's defense is inconsequential to the argument, as it happens AFTER the rape has occurred. Yes, you're correct that the delusional hypothetical defense you put forth wouldn't work and a conviction would be secured... great.

Let's assume for a second the survey is accurate. So 30% of female service members in combat zones are raped (scarring them for life), soldiers with NO prior convictions are successfully prosecuted and jailed for rapes they most likely wouldn't consider committing under different circumstances, the generals and military leaders who argued vehemently that this would be the result are proven correct and all the liberal nitwits that never served a day are proven wrong as usual. But hey, it's all worth it so we can say our military is "PROGRESSIVE".
Its all the REMFS like Jeff F who do all the sexual harassing and what not.

The war fighters are to busy fighting out on the battlefield where there are no woman.
I have a problem with those numbers too.
I do think it's odd though, that ViRedd doesn't dispute the numbers, but instead just says liberals put the women near the men, so it's the liberals fault. Really, that's who you'd blame if it happens? I can just hear a rapist using that defense... "What could I do, a liberal made her work next to me. Yeah, I raped her, but I'm not the one who should be blamed. It's the damn 'feel good' lefties fault."

That's weak dude. Agreed Vi didn't address the question of the statistics but the point he did raise was valid none the less.

Placing women in combat rolls is fucking stupid for several reasons. It's bad enough to see one of your brothers fall but watching a girl get killed has got to be a whole other matter. And then there is the whole POW issue - there is no good side to it.

blame the left for the everything that goes wrong ...

right wing teach their boyz that women are not equals so little johnny grows up to think women are less than they are so they beat em rape and treat em like shit ..

somehow the left are to blame ... for wanting equal rights ......BULLSHIT..

hey all you right wingers why are you on a free speech pro marijuana web site?
you guyz all are trying to vote us right into prison ....

pro cop, pro life, but gemme my gun and viva the death penalty ..
fuck the environment and health care ...

but you wanna smoke pot and hang with the hippies what the fuck whats the deal are you really right wing or just retarded hypocrites ... smoking weed in your closet..then voting to elect government that will put the folks that grow your weed in prison ..or maybe you are cops checking out the web hmmmmmm

oh and by the way .........

go eat a dick ...

I hate Illinois Nazis-- Elwood blues
i love the good ole boys club, i didnt see any thing like that happen. this country is fucked up period!! i dont draw a line,left wing, right wing ,military,police , color , age , gender it dont matter scums come from every where.
abunch bitch ass rapin motherfuckerz belong in jail ... taking away away womens rights is NOT the god damn answer ...dumbass

what some stupid shit..
this country is fucked up period!! i dont draw a line,left wing, right wing ,military,police , color , age , gender it dont matter scums come from every where.

Man everyone seems to care about what color your reppin and not what your sayin. Shit is fucked is right - politics is just a level or two above crips and bloods.
your a dumbmother fucker if you blame the left wing because a FUCKED UP ASS MUNCH jar head THAT PROBABLY HASNT HAD PUSSY SINCE THE PUSSY HAD HIM Rapes our sisters AND DAUGHTERS who ARE braVE ENOUGH TO JOIN THE FUCKING MILITARY ...

Hey, I know... why don't you pull your head out of your ass. You quote me, then give this bullshit, as if I buy everything that is on NPR. The post you quoted by me even says that I don't buy those numbers. :dunce:

I think everything we need to know about this article is that it originates from NPR. Next you're going to expect us to give credence to surveys from Air America (oops, I forgot they're history) or rags like the NY Times or even more laughable, ANYTHING on Huffington Post or Media Matters, MSNBC... etc. Hey I know, tell me more about how the last 10 years of cooling PROVES global warming...errrr, I mean climate change.
That's weak dude. Agreed Vi didn't address the question of the statistics but the point he did raise was valid none the less.

I'm still not seeing the validity of his point. Men and women work together in stressful situations all of the time, and it doesn't automatically lead to rape. Why do you act like it's obvious that being in combat together will lead to rape?

I already said that I don't buy the numbers, so I'm talking hypothetically. Can you explain why you think that rape of women soldiers is something that should have been expected by the liberals? You guys seem to think that it's very apparent. What is it that causes these hypothetical rapes? Proximity? Stress? Something else?