Whites N Blacks


Active Member
There aint no difference in tolerance.

Heres the thing the black people your talkin about don't have the cash to buy dro all the time like the white kid whos dad pays for all his "dro"

If they had rich ass parents to pay for there weed like the white kids than they would be buying dro too.

Do you think you could sell alot 50$/60$ 8ths at the trailer park?.........Hell no poor white peole buy the same shit poor black/hispanic/asian people buy which is mexican mids/swagg. because thats what they can afford.

If you want to sell "dro" you go to college towns.

BTW I'm white and smoke more dro than all of you I have practically an unlimited supply:leaf: Thanks to my green thumb:bigjoint:

Think it through folks. This isn't a race issue but a socioeconomic issue.
ok im white i dont no my dad n no ones gives me money and i smoke chronic all day long, cant even rember last time i smoked mids anyways.......and your point?


Active Member
I'm done with this conversation.

Its pretty apparent your moron, you can't even put a sentence together. lol

I'm guessing college isn't in your future is it dude. lol

Stay in Skool kids
yep opinions are like assholes everyones got one and they all stink. that simple


Well-Known Member
umm, dont matter if the people i hang out with are black white native or what because they all smoke hella weed. Can't really tell, but damn, weird question though lol.


Well-Known Member
There aint no difference in tolerance.

Heres the thing the black people your talkin about don't have the cash to buy dro all the time like the white kid whos dad pays for all his "dro"

If they had rich ass parents to pay for there weed like the white kids than they would be buying dro too.

Do you think you could sell alot 50$/60$ 8ths at the trailer park?.........Hell no poor white peole buy the same shit poor black/hispanic/asian people buy which is mexican mids/swagg. because thats what they can afford.

If you want to sell "dro" you go to college towns.

BTW I'm white and smoke more dro than all of you I have practically an unlimited supply:leaf: Thanks to my green thumb:bigjoint:

Think it through folks. This isn't a race issue but a socioeconomic issue.
i agree with the point your trying to make.. its not tolerance its a money thing.. when i started getting money i smoked better, and now i have a high tolerance. AND MEXI STILL PUTS ME OUT SOMETIMES


Well-Known Member
im actually 19

and noones pointing out to a certain person. im sure there lots of black folks out therer that smoke chronic im not dounting that im just sayin that majority would rather smoke anything they can get there hands on, for instance LIKE YOU
the majority would rather be smokin chronic like you.. but as far as your concerned the majority cant afford it or its not available to us in our area..


Well-Known Member
for all you morons that are sayin MOST blacks cant aford i,t is basically saying the majority of blacks is poor?

cuz thats what it seems like to me
i said as far as the op is concerned.. but.. yess the majority of us are middle-lower class families who cant afford 30 dollar grams and dont even know what kushs and haze's are because are. so they settle for mid, or dro.. shit in their price range. believe me a middle class non home owning family man woman or child would rather spend 30 and get 14 grams then spend 30 and get 1 gram.

BTW: im no idiot!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Guy walks up to a girl in a bar and asks "hey can i smell your pussy?"

Girl replies "NO!"

Guy says, "oh well it must be your feet then"

hahaha, i know its dumb, but still pretty funny.

I still say id bang that chick takin a dump in the urnial.


Well-Known Member
How many Jews can you fit in a volkswagon beetle?


2 in the front, 2 in the back, and 16 in the ashtray

People need to quit gettin dicks up there ass and chill out, ya ignorant people get annoying and can be dumb as fuck and cause problems, but we are all ignorant to something. People that can in no way accept ignorance and just try and argue it usually make the situation worse.

btw alot of my family died in concentration camps so dont be gettin all offended
i didnt even get it until you mentioned c camps.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Why do they put cotton on the top of the tylonol bottle????

To remind the blacks they were pickin cotton before they were sellin drugs.

Again dont get offended, im just jokin. hahahaha.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Im open to all racist jokes.

You ever watched katt williams? Well that fool rips on white people all day and i love it!

Like i said im open to all racist jokes.