The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well i've only used biobizz and cann, but i can';t complain about either, both a good price adn both seem to be doing their job. canna is easier to dose out than bio s i'm gonna be sticking with that for the moment, and have bought just standard priced boostes like big bud etc. gonna see how Halo works out for boost, got me a free sample. i've seen too many threads sying that if you're treating your girls right, any nutes will do :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
2timer yeah id say that would see you for veg nutes no bother, but your going to need somethin with a higher P & K value for flowering tho!

on the films ting the best ive seen lately was avatar man in 3d at the imax is expensive but its by far the best 3d there has been and the prettiest HD by miles too. story is a little easy to see coming but you wont care

mr magoo

hello there i am a first time grower from the west of scotland and am looking for advice on the easiest seeds to grow and also the best lighting to use i will be using a walk in wardrop for my grow room its ruffley 6 ft by 3ft wide and 8ft tall any help would be very much appreciated


Well-Known Member
what kinda grow you thinking of magoo? soil or hydro , after you decide that then you can think about lights fans etc, in a space that size you could go as high as 600 hps but its gonna produce a lotta heat so thats gotta be considered as well. how much cash are you wanting to spend and what are you aiming for at the end?


Well-Known Member
just watched district 9 the other night, i love sci fi but thats one of weirdest films ive ever seen in that genre. i did enjoy it though.


Active Member
Talking of films the other day i watched Awaydays another football factory clone but it was complete shite and bored me senseless and the mrs then chose to watch American Virgin and that was even worse!! Someone needs to bring out a decent film!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Talking of films the other day i watched Awaydays another football factory clone but it was complete shite and bored me senseless and the mrs then chose to watch American Virgin and that was even worse!! Someone needs to bring out a decent film!!
american virgin really was rather sucky wasn't it. i'm waiting on the slamin salmon. i do like the supertrooper crew


Well-Known Member
i just watched the skeleton key the other night, wasnt bad, bit slow (even the fuckin fast bits!!) but quite a cool twist at the end.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i don't do horror films or scary film on a whole. i like comedies comedy romances and action/thriller. anything with sniper rifles and an ex-special forces soldier and i'm in there :D

universal soldier regeneration is a fun film, just mindless madness :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i did countles things as a kid :P does catching large spiders and running them over with my train set count as torture? i thought that was just self-preservation.

killing animals with big ass knives does frequently come under my job description though :P


Well-Known Member
alrite fella's, harry brown i did think was wicked, any1 seen outlaw? thats gotta be one of my all time favourites and things like snatch, lock stock and any other gangster films.
Back to the nutes, don u think id be ok to use hammerhead along with the bio, or would i need some else aswell?
not the best with this ferts biz as u can tell. cheers timer.