The Futuristic Technology Thread

Will Spiritual Machines Exist In 2013?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • No

    Votes: 23 88.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Tesla is Permafried.

He is no longer among Us.

"Due to his eccentric personality and his seemingly unbelievable and sometimes bizarre claims about possible scientific and technological developments, Tesla was ultimately ostracized and regarded as a mad scientist.[4][5] Tesla never put much focus on his finances. It is said he died impoverished, at the age of 86.[6]"


Well-Known Member
Tesla is Permafried.

He is no longer among Us.

"Due to his eccentric personality and his seemingly unbelievable and sometimes bizarre claims about possible scientific and technological developments, Tesla was ultimately ostracized and regarded as a mad scientist.[4][5] Tesla never put much focus on his finances. It is said he died impoverished, at the age of 86.[6]"
yeah but tesla made remote-sense. you don't even make any remote-sense whatsoever.

like honestly I think you're living by imaginary logic and trying to convey your ideas using this.

nobody is going to understand you but YOU.

so essentially you're talking to yourself on a board of thousands of people. I hope that's satisfying, because honestly if I were you I wouldn't even talk to people.


Active Member
this is by far the lamest shit I've read on RIU.

Clean drinking water is needed throughout the world and is quickly becoming the most highly valued resource of all. However, ninety-seven percent of the earth's water is contained in the world's oceans. It is undrinkable, and for the most part, unusable for culinary and commercial purposes. Only three (3) percent of the world's water is fresh. Of this three percent, two-thirds is locked in glaciers and polar ice caps. Of the remaining one percent of the earth's water, about half is located beneath the earth's surface.
Rivers and lakes contain approximately 1/50th of one percent of the earth's water. A significant portion of this fraction has been contaminated by industrial civilization, and much of the remaining "freshwater" is severely polluted or biologically contaminated. Unfortunately, this pollution has begun to reach our underground water as well. Incessantly, on any given day, more than one-half of the earth's human population is ill, with the majority of these cases caused by waterborne contaminants.
The World Health Organization of the United Nations estimates 3.575 million people die each year from water-related disease . Many countries throughout the world, not just third world countries, have inadequate water treatment facilities, or a complete lack of treatment facilities. It is becoming clear that new technologies are needed in every segment of the water treatment industry: agriculture, horticulture, food processing, industrial waste treatment, public water supplies, and sewage treatment. These systems must be environmentally friendly and rely on methods and processes that are not chemically based.
The Need

At any given time, it is estimated that the earth's atmosphere contains approximately 3.4 quadrillion (or 3400 trillion) US gallons of water in vapor form*. This may sound like a lot, but compared to the earth's total watershed it represents approximately 0.001%. The key is that the water in the atmosphere regenerates as a form of recycling of the earth's oceans and fresh ground water. Therefore, so long as there is water on earth, there will be water in the atmosphere. We don't need to be concerned with the quality or type of ground water sources that are evaporating because only H2O molecules end up as vapor. The earth's oceans are a perfect example of this. The vapor that is created when seawater evaporates is not salt vapor but rather water vapor with trace elements of salt. This is only prevalent in coastal areas. For that very reason, Air2Water generators are manufactured using galvanized parts and salt resistant coatings. For the rest of the world the vapor is mostly clean and our air filtration media remove particulate matter. The condensation process takes care of the rest, ensuring that the water that goes through our filter systems starts out as natural condensed H2O.


Air2Water products are best described as atmospheric water generators (AWG). Air2Water AWG units use technology (developed and patented by Worldwide Water, Inc.) that extracts clean drinking water from the air. The unit first pulls air through an electrostatic filter removing 93% of all air borne particles. As it collects water drops into a collection tray and immediately passes into Ultraviolet (UV) light, where the water stays in contact with UV rays killing germs and bacteria in the water. The water is then pumped through a sediment screen into a water pump and through a series of solid carbon block, UF or no waste R/O water filters. The water is then re-circulated through UV or treated by ozonation. It is then circulated back into the dispensing tanks. Finally, the water is chilled or heated and dispensed to the consumer.

Air2Water home/office AWG units produce up to 28 Liters (7.4 Gallons) of clean drinking water every 24 hours at peak efficiency in locations with the highest temperatures and relative humidity. Our new Dolphin 2C countertop model produces 24 Liters (6.3 Gallons) per day and our Dolphins 1, 2 and 4 upright units produce between 24 and 26 Liters (6.3 Gallons and 6.9 Gallons) per day at 75F and 65% RH. The advanced electronic sensors ensure that the unit halts operation once the tank is full.
These generators also cleanse the air as they produce water by using an electrostatic air filter, which removes ninety three percent (93%) of all airborne particles.
Clean drinking water can be produced in your own home and/or office. No more trips to the store or carrying heavy jugs of water. By having your own water generator, you no longer need to rely on access to bottled drinking water as your best water source. No more big, bulky 5-gallon bottles to store. No more heavy water bottles to change.
Our Triton series of industrial atmospheric water generators produce up to 3350 gallons/12,663L per day at 85F/70%RH while supplying dry cool air to indoor environments. Cost of water production is usually a factor of 1.3 times the cost of a kWh of electricity.
All Air2Water AWG units are energy and cost efficient. Studies have been carried out to determine the cost of producing water with our home/office units. Results show that these models produce clean drinking water at $0.04 to $0.13 per Liter depending upon the model, price of electricity and location.
Chemicals that are usually present in normal tap and filtered tap water, such as chlorine and fluoride, are not present in the water produced by Air2Water AWG units. These chemicals are usually added to the water by city and county water departments. Research has shown that too much chlorine contributes to certain types of cancer. Studies on fluoride in drinking water are inconclusive as to the amount of good or harm caused.

Air2Water manufactures our AWG units in state-of-the-art facilities renowned for the quality manufacturing of water purification equipment and appliances. Air2Water Atmospheric Water Generators are manufactured to the highest standards.

Air2Water manufacturing facilities possess a wide range of specialized facilities designed to produce high-quality atmospheric water generators that comply with Air2Water/Worldwide Water's patented processes. Our manufacturing facilities are located in Zhejiang, Nanjing and Shenzhen, China, while our Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for Triton industrial atmospheric water generators is located in Texas, USA.

To ensure high levels of precision detailing in our design plans and piping circuits, Air2Water utilizes the latest dedicated engineering software and computer assisted design programs.
† :eyesmoke:


Active Member
and this

Last train out to get off the grid?

Amazing "Solar Generator"
Is Like Having A
Secret Power Plant
Hidden In Your Home!

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Solar Powered Backup System Provides Instant Electrical Power In Any Outage Or Disaster. Even Better…
Backup Kit Produces An Endless Supply Of Electricity For Free!

Are You Ready For Unexpected Power Outages?​
If you have ever wanted to have an emergency “backup” system that supplies continuous electrical power, this will be the most important message you will ever read.
Here is why.
There is a now a completely portable (and ultra-high efficient) solar power generator which produces up to 1800 watts of household electricity on demand when you need it most. News of this “solar backup generator” (it’s the first “off-the-grid” breakthrough in 50 years) is spreading like wildfire all across the country!
The answer is easy. You see, this solar generator is extremely powerful and yet very simple to use. It produces continuous electricity and runs with absolutely no noise whatsoever. It emits no fumes. But the best part about the solar generator is that it…
Generates Free Electricity!
The unit then stores the power for your use when you need it. We all face natural disasters, with hurricanes, tornadoes, snow and ice storms cutting off electrical power to millions of Americans each year.
Then there are man-made disasters and outages. Blackouts and rolling brownouts are becoming common in many parts of the United States as our politicians herd us off into third-world status. And never forget the possibility of a terrorist attack directed at a few of our nation’s power plants. Since the nation’s power grids are all “connected,” crippling one plant starts a cascading downward spiral of darkness.
Your neighbors will be clueless when it finally does happen, expecting the government to “do something” to get their precious cable TV back on. The truth is, we are extremely vulnerable to all kinds of meltdowns that can create temporary or even permanent electrical outages. That’s why if you are one of the few Americans that have eyes to see and ears to hear with respect to the hard times ahead. In fact, you can also expect rising electrical rates very soon, as promised by the new administration. That's why you need to…
Have A Backup System In Place!
"Under My Plan...Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Sky Rocket..."

Click the "Play" button to hear President Obama in his own words...​
The Solar generator kit consists of three main components which work together to create a very efficient home power plant. The massive “generator-backup”, the high efficiency solar panel, and the charge controller. In fact, when you compare a solar generator to a gas generator, the difference is pretty remarkable. Here’s why. First, gas generators make an incredible amount of racket… if you can even get them started. I say that because in this part of the country (Northern Illinois), the time of year we are likely to lose our electricity is in the winter, during an ice or snow storm.​
Generally the wind breaks the power lines, which get covered with ice and snow. Typically, when you lose power here, you go to the garage, roll out the generator and start pulling the cord. You pull and pull some more, all because your generator has been sitting in the cold and the carburetor is playing hard to get. This is not a lot of fun in the dark.
Another reason to avoid gas generators is that you just can’t run one in your house. The fumes from a gas generator force you to run it outside and rely on a lot of cords coming through windows or doors to bring the power inside. Again, this is assuming you can get your gas generator started in the first place.
But the number one reason you don’t want to be caught in a time of crisis with a gas generator is…
Gas Stations Can’t Pump Gas Without Electricity!
Yes. It’s true. When the power goes out, you’re left with whatever gas you have on hand because the gas station pumps all run on electricity. A few gallons stored in a gas can means a little electricity for a little while, then it’s quickly back to black.
Look… I could go on and on about life without electricity and what nightmare gas generators can be. But here’s the bottom line. Solutions From Science is offering an amazing power generating system that can provide plenty of electrical power in the event of an outage or emergency. And the best part is that you can have the power safely in your house.
It’s the perfect emergency backup for troubled times at any location.
When the lights do go out at your house…
you’ll be darn glad you didn’t hesitate.​
And, Solutions From Science can put one of these “backup” Solar Generators in your hands very quickly and affordably so you’ll be prepared in any crisis that comes down the road.
A True Breakthrough In Home Power Generation!
Let me try to explain the features and benefits of our Solar Generator as simply as possible. If I could bring one over to your house and let you start plugging in appliances, you would immediately understand what all the fuss is about. But I can’t do that. Here are some of the reasons you’ll want a solar generator:
1)Maximum power in minimum time. – I cannot emphasize this enough. The solar generator can be set up in just a few minutes. Then, all you have to do is start plugging things in. It will run both AC & DC appliances anywhere… anytime
2)Back up power when you need it most - It’s called a “solar backup” because it’s designed to come to your rescue when power trouble starts and your lights go out. Run a small refrigerator (high efficient ones are best) to keep your food from going bad or even run a sump pump in the basement if you have to get rid of excess water.
3)Portable Power - If the going ever gets too tough where you are and you decide to “get the heck out of dodge,” you simply throw it in the car and take off to a safer destination, knowing you have power wherever you go.
4)Replaces gas generators - No noise, no fumes, no maintenance and most importantly… no fuel required. Simply roll it to whatever location needs the power and start plugging in appliances. It has a massive maintenance-free battery as well as an indestructible outer case. (It weighs about 65 pounds.) It’s a solid piece of equipment that will last a lifetime
5)Generates permanent power - The unit provides 1800 watts of electricity at peak power. That’s enough to run many appliances in your house. The unit stores power and makes it available when you need it. The generator is recharged constantly by the sun allowing you to use the system and charging it at the same time. Many users choose to keep appliances plugged in permanently to reduce electrical costs and help pay for the unit
6)Multiple uses - You can use your solar backup to run essential appliances when emergencies arise. You can recharge phones; run shortwave radios, televisions, lights, fire place or furnace fans, as well as computers and printers. Plus, if you need to work in the woods at the cabin or in a boat, you can use the solar backup to run power tools, trimmers, blowers and coffee makers.
7)Plug and play means instant power - The emergency backup system comes ready to go. Just start plugging in your favorite household essentials...
You’ll feel a whole lot safer knowing you have a solar generator when the unexpected occurs. It could be in a storm, riot or meltdown. Unlike most “sheep-like” Americans, when the power goes out, you’ll be ready. In fact, if you’re like most Solar Generator owners, you’ll even sleep a little better knowing you still have a very reliable source of electrical power.
How much is a “plug and play” Solar Generator? Well… One pastor friend of mine told me he couldn’t even put a price on his backup system. For him it was peace of mind.
Loving Freedom
Means Getting
Off The Grid!​

The retail price tag for this system is $2,097.00
But I’m not asking you to pay that much. Instead, I have negotiated a very special offer for our friends in the freedom movement:
Here’s the Solar Generator Backup system we have put together for our friends. The system includes:

  • -- 1800 watt Solar Backup Generator​

  • -- High efficiency – quick charge 90 watt Solar Panel.
  • -- Sunsaver Charge controller.
  • -- 50 feet Solar Panel cable.
    -- 1 year warranty on Solar Backup. 20 year warranty on Solar Panel.
That’s $2097.00 worth of components (at retail) in this package. Anyone who wants to be prepared… can be, while we have inventory… your price is just $1597.00, plus only $95.00 shipping anywhere in the continental U.S.
The system is worth much more than that. But since we stumbled onto this amazing backup system, we’ve got to let everyone know about it. Especially folks who believe that life in this country is going to get much more difficult in the not too distant future. Folks who see the critical need for backup “power insurance.”
In An Emergency, Getting The Lights Back On Is Pretty High On Everyone's List.​
But… to get one you gotta hurry.
Here’s the deal. We have a small supply of these amazing systems in our warehouse and we’ve set a few aside for our friends who want to be independent and start to get off the grid. But with the financial meltdown on everyone’s mind, you should contact us at once to claim yours.
The absolute fastest way to order is clicking on the “Claim A Solar Generator Now” button below and find out the best way to place your order. You’ll be pleased to know that all “Solar Backup” sales are “bonded” by Buy Safe, the nations only on-line bonded purchase program.

If you would like to order by phone, you can call toll-free by dialing 877-327-0365. Tell whoever answers that you want the “Solar backup generator” system rushed to you. If you prefer to pay by check or money order (payable to Solutions From Science), simply send your payment to:
Solutions From Science
Dept. Solar Backup
815 W. Main St.
P.O. Box 518
Thomson, IL 61285

You really deserve to have one for $1597.00, which includes free shipping, if you pay by check or money order. Remember, your price is $500.00 off the retail price of $2097.00. I’m so convinced every reader needs a Solar Generator, that I’ve arranged for this special deal to get one to you at this dirt cheap price.
Just hurry, alright?

Bill Heid
P.S. One more thing. It’s very Important. I said there were a limited number available and I meant it. If I don’t hear from my friends in the patriot movement right away, I’ll be forced to let the general public have the units I set aside for you. I’m going to wait exactly one month before releasing any Solar Generators to outsiders. Please understand how urgent this is. Because of the meltdown, I believe my entire stock will vanish in just a few days. I have no guarantee of getting any more of these units when a crisis hits. Even now… they’re scarce. People are starting to become afraid and aware.
Call 877-327-0365 right now and get one of these remarkable Solar Powered Generators. It’s the perfect emergency backup for troubled times. When the lights do go out… you’ll be darn glad you didn’t hesitate.

Sound to good to be true?
Click the play button below to listen to this extremely important message



Well-Known Member
yeah but tesla made remote-sense. you don't even make any remote-sense whatsoever.

like honestly I think you're living by imaginary logic and trying to convey your ideas using this.

nobody is going to understand you but YOU.

so essentially you're talking to yourself on a board of thousands of people. I hope that's satisfying, because honestly if I were you I wouldn't even talk to people.
Don't fucking speak for me dude, I am not YOU, I actually understand what Hippy is saying just fine. You need to get educated!

I understand what you mean Hippy, it was extremely informative. I will make this a discussion piece next time I talk to my friend who was actually one of first employees at General Electric and his mother just so happens to have worked shoulder to shoulder with Thomas Edison. He will likely find this interesting.


Well-Known Member
Don't fucking speak for me dude, I am not YOU, I actually understand what Hippy is saying just fine. You need to get educated!

I understand what you mean Hippy, it was extremely informative. I will make this a discussion piece next time I talk to my friend who was actually one of first employees at General Electric and his mother just so happens to have worked shoulder to shoulder with Thomas Edison. He will likely find this interesting.
hah, I need to get educated in the subject of illogics?

I think only you and hippie could teach that class.


Well-Known Member
hah, I need to get educated in the subject of illogics?

I think only you and hippie could teach that class.
illigics! rotflmao!

Yeah, sign up for our class illogics 101!!! Where you can only enroll with the power of your halucinessence!

Right on!

grow space

Well-Known Member
Wtf again...WTF..?!
I also agree that most of the things hippie says is unreachable to me..ohh, us little people:lol:
and wtf is up with this vid...?!


New Member
We believe You will be thankful the freedom of speech allows you to redefine the word Confusion the very first time you stare down a Ripsaw with a Strong A.I. Soul amongst its Arsenal.

Believe it or not.

Hippie Tip:

The above sentence may appear nonsensical to those Spiritual Machines not Aware of Ripsaws, Strong A.I., Souls or Arsenals.


Active Member
Thoughts Become Things

What do Machine Thoughts become?
and the machines are thinkin' where is that human slave with my fresh grease and then they become recyclables


New Member
Ah yes, the Grease Monkeys.

Few of them exist in Modern Militaries these days.

Exactly what types of Energy is Humanity Capable of Emanating?

What if you divided a pound of breath force by every Human on Earth.

What is the Number?

Can a Spook generate a Pound, or only That Number?


New Member
If the planets affect us through forces we do not understand, then can some aspect of astrology be possible?


If not, please care to explain your guess as to how they transferred their astrological knowledge deep underground so precisely?

IT's still too hard to get our minds around such incredible precision, even though we never believed the explanations for the lack of smoky residue.

We find IT fascinating that rocks have for soooooo long, "how long"?

"From the very beginning of prehistoric art, we find this idea that rocks are living things, that there is interaction between the spirit world, the supernatural world, and the world of the living." - (Jean Claude sp?) Some smart art historian.

Could modern day shamans feel modern rocks with similar characteristics?

When did ancient man first use shiny things?

Hippie Tip:

How long Did IT Take for Humansity To then become Aware Of Solar concentration?
Here's an Original Hippie guess:

IT IS But A Surviving Key Held At 4:20 In 4/4.

Hippie Tips:

How can machines best express ITs feelings?

