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hahaha this is just funny
Crazy train in China runs through a market
Crazy train in China runs through a market
Spraying like crazy over San Diego County today. Many trails from horizon to horizon. The morning sun, when seen through the trail, is blindingly brighter. I know how crazy this sounds...but I am convinced that not only is spraying taking place, but that weather modification is not the reason. It may be the reason that is fed to the public when the mainstream starts to ask questions.
The thin cloud layer that results in the afternoon is not shading the sun. To my sensitive blue eyes, it actually appears brighter...so much so that I must shade my eyes if the sun is not very high in the sky.
I know this sounds crazy! But I swear something is up with this. This morning you could see the remnants of trails where the winds had not got to them yet, but were losing their linear shape, connected with actual linear trails. It looked as though the skies were very active last night, yet at least 3 planes were still actively spraying. These result in strange looking light afternoon clouds that bunch up in lines from the Desert to ~15-20 miles inland from the coast from the on-shore flow caused by the daily inland heating.
And now this...told ya so, ... http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20091017/wl_time/08599193082200
"You know how every year on City Day and Victory Day we create the weather?" Luzhkov asked a group of farmers outside Moscow in September, according to Russian media reports. "Well, we should do the same with the snow! Then outside Moscow there will be more moisture, a bigger harvest, while for us it won't snow as much. It will make financial sense." (See pictures of Russia celebrating Victory Day.)
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!would it really be such a bad thing if the government could control the weather to the point where there would be no droughts or floods or seasons?
How far north, northern Canada? Canada with tropical weather. Sounds enticing. I'd move there in a heartbeat if the weather was more congenial. I don't like snow. Having spent my first ten years in Seattle, snow, rain, cloudy most of the time, I love the desert. Gets a little warm in summer, but overall, weather is really good. They are fucking with it though, trails almost every sunny day.ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was going to accuse you of being really high already!
I think it was the Parkay Margarine commercials of the 70's that told us all...."It's not nice to fool Mother Nature"
And John Muir "Tug at one thing in nature and find it connected to the universe"
The climate zones of the world are no accident...Heating in the deserts creates rising air masses and winds. Causing rain to fall unnaturally will result in increased desertification...which will cause more heating, upwelling and winds...which will further shift regional climates. If you happen to be a creature that lives in a temperate or boreal forests...I would make plans to move north
It has been partly cloudy here for the last 3 days...no trails. Kinda seems like if they were from condensation...they would be seen with humidity in the air, rather than the days of very low humidity...like most in LV away from the strip/golf courses.They are fucking with it though, trails almost every sunny day.
Moscow to get record snowfall this weekend say the weather network.told ya so, ... http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20091017/wl_time/08599193082200
"You know how every year on City Day and Victory Day we create the weather?" Luzhkov asked a group of farmers outside Moscow in September, according to Russian media reports. "Well, we should do the same with the snow! Then outside Moscow there will be more moisture, a bigger harvest, while for us it won't snow as much. It will make financial sense." (See pictures of Russia celebrating Victory Day.)
I guess campaign promises don't mean sh!t in Russia either...go figureMoscow to get record snowfall this weekend say the weather network.
There are many.They are spraying nasty chemicals for Monsanto Corporation. (yes the same folks who invented Terminator seeds and RoundUp)
Nah... I have no idea what crap they're up to...any You Tube videos out there?