SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP 6 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
yeah so could my bound roots make my plant look like this?
ive been lookin and im leaning towards mag def. so next water can i add epsom with the tiger bloom


yeah so could my bound roots make my plant look like this?
ive been lookin and im leaning towards mag def. so next water can i add epsom with the tiger bloom
I've never personally had a rootbound prob. Sorry, I wish i could help you with that. I had my success with hydroponics. :leaf:

How old, tall are they? BTW, did you check the ph of your soil run off? I wonder what the prob is...hmm?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yeah i checked ph its between 6 and 6.5 all l have is a test kit. ive beem looking around and i see a lot of people on here with the same prob but nobody gets any real answers. im having the worst luck startin off. my first 6 plants were males and this is my first female. i got her pulled down to about 4 ft but standing straight she would be just over 5 foot


yeah i checked ph its between 6 and 6.5 all l have is a test kit. ive beem looking around and i see a lot of people on here with the same prob but nobody gets any real answers. im having the worst luck startin off. my first 6 plants were males and this is my first female. i got her pulled down to about 4 ft but standing straight she would be just over 5 foot
Its hard to say what it could be without being there. Did you use sulfur yet??

.. Those dark brown areas are fungus! use sulfur, then get rid of the really sick leaves and in a few days she'll be thriving again. I bet the healthy leaves are getting brown at the very edges, and moving inward, no? Thats how the fungus tried to do my girls in when i grew in soil.

Also do you overwater? Oh.. and misting your plants with water(specially cold) may cause fungus spots too. specially when theres inadequate air movement around the plants. hope this helps.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
thx ur really a lot of help.i didnt get the sulfer yet cause u said u have to mist it, and my plants are already budding. can i just pour in the soil with water.i doubt that i over watered her i only water 1 maybe twice a week when my pot is light to lift. i never water with spray bottle. im startin to think fungus is my prob.


Well-Known Member
yes my healthy leaves are hard and turning brown at the tips. but the brown spots start in the middle of the leaf and all of my older leaves have buds still seem to be getting bigger though but the browning is gettin worst

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Like they said, check for insect damage and then nutritional imbalances. The spots aren't killing the leaves, they are just an indication that something's wrong, AND, they are a precursor to leaf necrosis. A plant just doesn't drop it's leaf one day, it usually shows stress in some form or fashion first. Again, the importance of learning to read your plants.

If I had to guess, the NPK balance is out of wack, pretty common with "cannabis specific" nutes and/or you're using too much.


Well-Known Member
ive been lookin and im leaning towards mag def.
That's what's been running through my head while reading through this thread. I'm no expert by any means, I've just read alot about plant problems and that seems to be what it looks most like... To me anyways. G/L wit the gro!


Well-Known Member
Like they said, check for insect damage and then nutritional imbalances. The spots aren't killing the leaves, they are just an indication that something's wrong, AND, they are a precursor to leaf necrosis. A plant just doesn't drop it's leaf one day, it usually shows stress in some form or fashion first. Again, the importance of learning to read your plants.

If I had to guess, the NPK balance is out of wack, pretty common with "cannabis specific" nutes and/or you're using too much.
ok thx for ur advice ur always a lot of help. could not enough nutes make my plant look like this. because ive been goin really easy on the nutes lately.

That's what's been running through my head while reading through this thread. I'm no expert by any means, I've just read alot about plant problems and that seems to be what it looks most like... To me anyways. G/L wit the gro!
thx for ur opinion im gonna water with epsom asap. im tryna wait cause my pot still feels heavy.


Whatever the cause, you still need to treat that fungus as it will spread. DONT put sulfur in the soil as it will change the ph. spray the plant carefully with a light mixture and avoid spraying the buds. also, fungus spores will stick to cloth surfaces like carpet or whatever is around. There were tiny bugs in my garden which helped cause my fungus prob so i set down yellow sticky paper and covered the top layer of my soil with tiny pebbles so they couldnt live there anymore. good luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Whatever the cause, you still need to treat that fungus as it will spread. DONT put sulfur in the soil as it will change the ph. spray the plant carefully with a light mixture and avoid spraying the buds. also, fungus spores will stick to cloth surfaces like carpet or whatever is around. There were tiny bugs in my garden which helped cause my fungus prob so i set down yellow sticky paper and covered the top layer of my soil with tiny pebbles so they couldnt live there anymore. good luck:leaf:
from nthe pics do u still think its fungus. my other plants in the same room are fine and there all touching each other. would the fungus spread like that?


Active Member
Couple of things come to mind. One being its possible there is a pH lock on nutrients and its only getting one side of the nutrients. the other thing is what type of strain is it and is it possibly pulling the nutrients from the leaves to finish flowering.


Well-Known Member
Couple of things come to mind. One being its possible there is a pH lock on nutrients and its only getting one side of the nutrients. the other thing is what type of strain is it and is it possibly pulling the nutrients from the leaves to finish flowering.
i check my ph after i flushed and it was fine.i use one of those fisktank kits for ph.
yeah that would be great if it pulling nutes to finish flower. i am just now startin to get some red. anymore thoughts on that theory.tomm will make 7 weeks


Well-Known Member
trich are u sayin the the brown spots themselves are the fungus or fungus is causing the brown spots
would it cause more harm then good to water my pot with epsom while it doesent real need water


Well-Known Member
Not fungas I'll tell you that.
Not ph lockout - that seems to be the answer given to every problem, but the truth is mj is a hardy plant capable of doing well in a wide range of ph.
Most probably you are using too much PK and not enough N, this is because of using too much flower food.
That plant looks like it needs some nitrogen, best way to do that is feed it half strength veg nutrients.
