What do you HATE most about human kind?


Active Member
I'll be honest, I haven't read the whole thread here but I doubt it's been said anyway.

I can't freaking stand that all humans are just parasites. We just travel around wherever we want to and use up everything we can while destroying anything we touch. Even if the destruction isn't present right away, it'll happen because that's been the case since the beginning. Don't get me wrong, I love my country but the US is the most notorious for this. We just take and change everything to fit our needs and one day, there will be nothing left to take or change. It's happening faster than we think.

I'm not high, but damn... I've had this same conversation a million times.


Well-Known Member
I hate the people that where them blue uniforms with the shield attached to them and they carry guns and an assortment of other weapons used to beat the hell out of other people.


Well-Known Member
no one has patience any more

seems like everyone is so uptight to jump down your throat in a split second


Well-Known Member
I hate following rules that I had nothing to do with setting up, I hate hypocracy, I hate that the lifestyle of western countries has been designed, I hate that we don't revere the aged for their knowledge and experience, and most wont help the poor and the sick, I hate the fact we don't learn from our mistakes, I hate the fact my children will inherit our problems. I hate the fact the Mayan Calander is very fucking accurate and if it is, then Dec 21, 2012 should be friggin' interesting...

I hate the fact that greed is one of the most powerful emotions, I hate mistreatment of any animal, I hate child abuse and rape. I hate the fact that millions of people can't make a difference...


Well-Known Member
hows the weather in your neck of the woods? Got nearly a foot of snow here, turned to ice now...-9c in my back garden...sea level as well!


Well-Known Member
it's not so bad here about 6", it's f in cold in our front room, stripped pine floorboards and the draft's are enough to cut ya legs off lol


Well-Known Member
radiators cause drafts you know, something to do with hot air clashing with cold and causing a vortex, always have a low shelf above them...


I hate that human kind, (here) stamps Spanish print on everything. Walk into a grocery store, and what do i see? On the sliding door that reads Enter right under the word in slightly smaller letters it reads Entrar.. What the hell is that for, i don't live in Mexico. Irritates me. grr