where do you growers here stand politically? conservative or a liberals?


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm a little thick also Jax, Sadam lied, Bush and Co. lied and 4300+ Servicemen and women have lost their lives, ++100,000+++ Iraqis are dead as a doornail from this unnecessary action. Want to talk about the loss in treasure?? Yeah, a great service was done in this instance, boy, for a self proclaimed genious, you are really stuck on stupid.

You know MM you might feel different if you were a family member of one the MILLION that got KILLED for nothing. Or maybe the father of a girl that got raped repeatedly by Saddam's sons.


New Member
I guess I'm a little thick also Jax, Sadam lied, Bush and Co. lied and 4300+ Servicemen and women have lost their lives, ++100,000+++ Iraqis are dead as a doornail from this unnecessary action. Want to talk about the loss in treasure?? Yeah, a great service was done in this instance, boy, for a self proclaimed genious, you are really stuck on stupid.
Let's see, we held a vicious battleground country for 6 years with 4300 (total losses) lives.

That's an OUTSTANDING performance and VICTORY. I don't know how you figure wars can be fought with LESS loss of life. That war was about as good as it gets for the length of the hostilities.

Funny how you skip over the positives and adhere to the negatives.

Ur a half empty guy, which makes you a liberal. It also makes you NOT a person to turn to in tough times ... u'll quit.


Well-Known Member
JOSEPH SMITH! VALERIE PLAME! It's clear as day people. The whole WMD rationale was a lie created for the sole intention of getting the American people to support the US's war of terror.


Well-Known Member
MM you are wrong. You know not of what you speak.
The intel on the ground provided by the Iraqis and Saddam was the their were weapons of Mass destruction. Now if that intel was wrong then its not The Pres or the VP fault. Its just bad intel. Having served in the First GUlf war I can tell you that we go hit with NERVE AGENT on several occasions. We also had intel that he and a missle that would hit Israel, and it did. Forgot about that didn't ya. However, there were a lot more reasons to invade than WMD. How quickly we forget about the 1,000,000 plus women and children that Saddam Killed buried in the desert.

But hey lets let Obama go over there and make peace with them and bow to the Iranian Pres. SAD....

The US Intelligence Community (IC) (1) has assessed that Iraq did not use chemical weapons during the Gulf war. However, based on a comprehensive review of intelligence information and relevant information made available by the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), we conclude that chemical warfare (CW) agent was released as a result of US postwar demolition of rockets with chemical warheads in a bunker (called Bunker 73 by Iraq) and a pit in an area known as Khamisiyah.
Iraq's Chemical Warfare Program

Before the Persian Gulf war, the IC assessed that Iraq had a significant chemical weapons capability, including chemically armed Scuds. The IC also assessed that Iraq had used chemical weapons on numerous occasions against Iran and its own citizens. At the time of the US deployments to the Persian Gulf, the IC had reached consensus that Iraq had chemical weapons in its arsenal, had likely forward-deployed these weapons, and was prepared to use them against Coalition forces.
When Desert Shield began, our concerns about the Iraqi use of weapons of mass destruction became the focus of our chemical weapons analytic and collection efforts. IC analysts sought to identify possible Iraqi CW facilities for targeting purposes. Sites throughout Iraq were identified, albeit on incomplete information.
Several CIA chemical and biological warfare analysts maintained internal 24-hour coverage during the start of the air war and later through the ground campaign to provide support to senior CIA officials and key policymakers. Although there were many reports of chemical weapons use, analysis of all-source information indicated that these were false alarms and that chemical weapons were not used. CIA later published an assessment concluding that Iraq had never deployed chemical weapons to its frontline units, subsequently decided to move them out of the theater prior to war, and never used them against Coalition forces.


Well-Known Member

The US Intelligence Community (IC) (1) has assessed that Iraq did not use chemical weapons during the Gulf war. However, based on a comprehensive review of intelligence information and relevant information made available by the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), we conclude that chemical warfare (CW) agent was released as a result of US postwar demolition of rockets with chemical warheads in a bunker (called Bunker 73 by Iraq) and a pit in an area known as Khamisiyah.
Iraq's Chemical Warfare Program

Before the Persian Gulf war, the IC assessed that Iraq had a significant chemical weapons capability, including chemically armed Scuds. The IC also assessed that Iraq had used chemical weapons on numerous occasions against Iran and its own citizens. At the time of the US deployments to the Persian Gulf, the IC had reached consensus that Iraq had chemical weapons in its arsenal, had likely forward-deployed these weapons, and was prepared to use them against Coalition forces.
When Desert Shield began, our concerns about the Iraqi use of weapons of mass destruction became the focus of our chemical weapons analytic and collection efforts. IC analysts sought to identify possible Iraqi CW facilities for targeting purposes. Sites throughout Iraq were identified, albeit on incomplete information.
Several CIA chemical and biological warfare analysts maintained internal 24-hour coverage during the start of the air war and later through the ground campaign to provide support to senior CIA officials and key policymakers. Although there were many reports of chemical weapons use, analysis of all-source information indicated that these were false alarms and that chemical weapons were not used. CIA later published an assessment concluding that Iraq had never deployed chemical weapons to its frontline units, subsequently decided to move them out of the theater prior to war, and never used them against Coalition forces.
GW Forget this part

The IC has access to a large volume and multiple sources of information, but individual analysts rarely have access to all information on a given topic. Furthermore, not all information we receive is clear or correct. Analysts normally must sort through large volumes of reporting, much of which is contradictory, inaccurate, incomplete, or ambiguous, to reach a single analytic judgment. Finally, resource constraints and conflicting priorities limit the number of intelligence issues that can be addressed in depth.
Thats the funny thing about this internet. you can find something or someone to back your opine. However, I was there, We saw the rockets land and our Nuclear, Bio, and Chemical warfare vehicles warned us that nerve agent had been deployed we donned our gas masks as ordered we were already on our chem suits. So I could give a shit what whoever says I was on the front line of the war and experienced it, are u experienced,, or just a keyboard warrior...


New Member
JOSEPH SMITH! VALERIE PLAME! It's clear as day people. The whole WMD rationale was a lie created for the sole intention of getting the American people to support the US's war of terror.
No, it was created by Saddam Hussein. We believed him, and so did everyone else.


Well-Known Member
GW Forget this part

The IC has access to a large volume and multiple sources of information, but individual analysts rarely have access to all information on a given topic. Furthermore, not all information we receive is clear or correct. Analysts normally must sort through large volumes of reporting, much of which is contradictory, inaccurate, incomplete, or ambiguous, to reach a single analytic judgment. Finally, resource constraints and conflicting priorities limit the number of intelligence issues that can be addressed in depth.
Thats the funny thing about this internet. you can find something or someone to back your opine. However, I was there, We saw the rockets land and our Nuclear, Bio, and Chemical warfare vehicles warned us that nerve agent had been deployed we donned our gas masks as ordered we were already on our chem suits. So I could give a shit what whoever says I was on the front line of the war and experienced it, are u experienced,, or just a keyboard warrior...
blah blah blah even Gwbush didnt say that saddam had used chemical weapons on coalition troops in gulf war 1 and he said nearly everything else...

why would the offical story clear saddam of using chemical weapons when it clearly would be in your leaders interests if it was otherwise??

i dont care if you were dancing naked on the frontline you back up your lies with evidence


New Member
Saddam did use them on the Kurds, so it wasn't like they didn't exist. WMD's aren't just nuclear. Saddam did possess WMD's, just not the kind HE said he had.

Saddam tripped over the line with his bravado, ... and paid the price. He knew it in the end, even if you don't.


Well-Known Member
Saddam did use them on the Kurds, so it wasn't like they didn't exist. WMD's aren't just nuclear. Saddam did possess WMD's, just not the kind HE said he had.

Saddam tripped over the line with his bravado, ... and paid the price. He knew it in the end, even if you don't.
i do not deny that saddam had wmd's in the past the uk and us sold them to him to use against iran and that he had used them against his own people during the iran- iraq war.... but that was before gulf war one... in which he didnt use them against coalition forces
i also knew full well that we weren't going into iraq for the second time for WMD's and that we wouldnt find any when we were there
now i dont think im wrong on any of that?


New Member
That much is true enough. He also used them after the war against his own ppl. He needed to be gone long ago, and he in the end hung himself.

Justice was done.


Well-Known Member
That much is true enough. He also used them after the war against his own ppl. He needed to be gone long ago, and he in the end hung himself.

Justice was done.
while saddam did commit many atrocities to the rebels and surrounding communities post persian gulf war the use of chemical weapons was not one of them.
dont forget g. bush senior had encouraged the kurds to rise up then left them to die at saddams hands.
now as uncomfortable for as it must have been for him to do so with just conventional weapons i dont think he would have sat by once chemicals were brought into play


Well-Known Member
while saddam did commit many atrocities to the rebels and surrounding communities post persian gulf war the use of chemical weapons was not one of them.
dont forget g. bush senior had encouraged the kurds to rise up then left them to die at saddams hands.
now as uncomfortable for as it must have been for him to do so with just conventional weapons i dont think he would have sat by once chemicals were brought into play

WRONG AGAIN GW. Saddam used Chemical weapons BEFORE the 1st Gulf War against his own people, and his sons had raped and Killed MANY BEFORE the 1st Gulf War. Just keep watching the Mainstrean media GW. All they and it seems you want to do is blame it on Bush and America. You know they did INVADE another country, raped and killed the women and children, slaughtered men by the thousands and after that they flew planes into buildings and killed 3000+ Americans. In my mind thats enough to go to war with out the weapons of mass Destruction.

And we bailed the Kurds out as soon as we got there. They wanted to rise up and had been for years but to hear you tell it it didn't happen until GB 41 ENCOURAGED them. So sad. Keep suckling at the Obama tit and see what it get you. How old are you 10.


Well-Known Member
blah blah blah even Gwbush didnt say that saddam had used chemical weapons on coalition troops in gulf war 1 and he said nearly everything else...

why would the offical story clear saddam of using chemical weapons when it clearly would be in your leaders interests if it was otherwise??

i dont care if you were dancing naked on the frontline you back up your lies with evidence

You don't have any fuckin idea what your talking about GW. My evidence was being on the front line, didn't see you there. And Saddam did use chemical weapons on us. Sorry you didn't serve or you might know the truth. I was there. I put my gas mask on I lived in a Chemical suit for weeks on end. You didn't so how the fuck would you know. Cause you read some internet article.


Well-Known Member
You know they did INVADE another country, raped and killed the women and children, slaughtered men by the thousands and after that they flew planes into buildings and killed 3000+ Americans. In my mind thats enough to go to war with out the weapons of mass Destruction.

Umm those were saudis not sadamm or Iraq

You can't even get the most basic facts right lol :wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
Umm those were saudis not sadamm or Iraq

You can't even get the most basic facts right lol :wall::wall:
Oh its you again the half ass thats want to be somebody. Hey Dumb fuck. The flyers were trained in Iraq and Iraq gave them safe harbor. And Saddam (IRAQ) did invade Kuwait. If you don't know then shut the fuck up. Can't believe you got thru boot camp. Well there is 10% in every group even in the Corps. Shitbird


Well-Known Member
Oh its you again the half ass thats want to be somebody. Hey Dumb fuck. The flyers were trained in Iraq and Iraq gave them safe harbor. And Saddam (IRAQ) did invade Kuwait. If you don't know then shut the fuck up. Can't believe you got thru boot camp. Well there is 10% in every group even in the Corps. Shitbird
I bet you were an ASVAB waiver.

So let me get this straight Hemlock the 911 bombers were trained in Iraq.

Did you just pull that out of your ass?

AGAIN you can't even get the basic facts right.

You could settle it right now with a source for your bullshit?


Well-Known Member

Republican SWEEP in 23 months. (write it down stoners) :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
cj's right it will be the same UNINFORMED, BLOWING IN THE WIND, ROBOTS, that voted in obanza that will do the same for the repub's
anyone that votes party line is an idiot
i'm voting for the newb!
someone who is maybe a carpenter or an elementary teacher but has NEVER been a politician and just believes in america -they run every time you just never see their TV commercial